

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』






  • アンジェロ・バダラメンティ(Angelo Badalamenti)、映画音楽の作曲家[21]
  • マイケル・バルザリー(フリー)Michael Balzary (Flea)、ミュージシャン[22][23]
  • サラ・バネリジ(Sara Banerji)、作家[24][25]
  • セルビー・バクワ(Selby Baqwa)、南アフリカで最初の人民保護者[26]
  • ライオネル・バート(Lionel Bart)、作曲家[27]
  • マリオ・バターリ(Mario Batali)、料理人[28]
  • ベス・ベアーズ(Beth Behrs)、女優[29]
  • クリスタ・ベル(Chrysta Bell)、シンガー、モデル[30]
  • クリスティン・ベル(Kristen Bell)、女優[31]
  • ジョン・G・ベネット(John G. Bennett)、研究者、作家[32]
  • イツァク・ベントフ(Itzhak Bentov)、発明家、神秘主義者、作家[33]
  • マリサ・ベレンソン(Marisa Berenson model)、モデル、女優[34]
  • ロビン・バークリー(Robyn Berkley)、ファッション評論家、ファッション・デザイナー[35]
  • ロジャー・バーコビッツ(Roger Berkowitz)、レストラン経営者[36]
  • リチャード・ベイマー(Richard Beymer)、俳優[37]
  • バディ・ビアンカラナ(Buddy Biancalana)、メジャーリーグの野球選手[38]
  • タディ・ブレチャー(Taddy Blecher)、教育関連の起業家[39]
  • ハロルド・H・ブルームフィールド(Harold H. Bloomfield)、作家[40]
  • マイケル・ブース(Michael Booth)、食物と旅行のライター、ジャーナリスト[41]
  • ラリー・ボーワ(Larry Bowa,)、メジャーリーグの野球選手[42]
  • ジェニー・ボイド(Jenny Boyd)、ファッション・モデル。パティ・ボイドの妹[19]
  • パティ・ボイド(Pattie Boyd)、ファッション・モデル、ジョージ・ハリスンとエリック・クラプトンの前妻[19]
  • ラッセル・ブランド(Russell Brand)、コメディアン、俳優、作家[43][44]
  • ジェフ・ブリッジス(Jeff Bridges)、俳優、ミュージシャン[45]
  • スティーブ・ブリル(Steve Brill)、自然主義者、作家[46]
  • ピート・ブロバーグ(Pete Broberg)、メジャーリーグ、野球選手[47]
  • ジェリー・ブラウン(Jerry Brown)、カリフォルニアの政治家[48][49]
  • コートニー・ブラウン(Courtney Brown)、社会科学者[50]
  • チャールズ・ブコウスキー(Charles Bukowski)、詩人、小説家[51]
  • ジゼル・ブンチェン(Gisele Bündchen)、モデル[52][53][54]
  • マーク・ブン(Mark Bunn)、オーストラリアン・フットボール選手、作家[55]
  • ティム・バージェス(Tim Burgess)、ミュージシャン(ザ・シャーラタンズ)[56][57]
  • イレーヌ・インガム(Elaine Ingham)、土壌の微生物学者[153]
  • シャロン・イズビン(Sharon Isbin)、ミュージシャン[154][155]
  • ソウルダッド・オブライエン(Soledad O'Brien)、アメリカのテレビ局のジャーナリスト[219]
  • ロージー・オドネル(Rosie O'Donnell)、女優、コメディアン、作家[220]
  • マイク・オールドフィールド(Mike Oldfield)、ミュージシャン、作曲家[221]
  • ディヴィッド・オーム・ジョンソン(David Orme-Johnson)、教授、TMの研究者[222]
  • メフメット・オズ(Mehmet Oz, surgeon)、外科医、テレビの司会者、作家[223]
  • サム・テイラー・ウッド(Sam Taylor-Wood)、映画のプロデューサー、写真家[273]
  • クリストス・トレラ(Christos Tolera)、ミュージシャン、アーティスト[274]
  • マイク・トンプキンス(Mike Tompkins)、政治家(自然法則党)[275]
  • リブ・タイラー(Liv Tyler)、女優[276]
  • デル・ウンザー(Del Unser)、メジャーリーグの野球選手[277]




  1. ^ Martin Hodgson, The Guardian (5 February 2008) "He [Maharishi] transformed his interpretations of ancient scripture into a multimillion-dollar global empire with more than 5m followers worldwide”
  2. ^ Stephanie van den Berg, Sydney Morning Herald, Beatles guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi dies, (February 7, 2008) “the TM movement, which has some five million followers worldwide”
  3. ^ Meditation a magic bullet for high blood pressure – study, Sunday Tribune (South Africa), (January 27, 2008) “More than five million people have learned the technique worldwide, including 60,000 in South Africa."
  4. ^ a b Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Transcendental Meditation founder's grand plan for peace, The Columbian (Vancouver, WA), February 19, 2006 | ARTHUR MAX Associated Press writer "transcendental meditation, a movement that claims 6 million practitioners since it was introduced."
  5. ^ Bickerton, Ian (February 8, 2003). “Bank makes an issue of mystic's mint”. Financial Times (London (UK)): p. 9  the movement claims to have five million followers,
  6. ^ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Spiritual Leader Dies, New York Times, By LILY KOPPEL, Published: February 6, 2008 "Since the technique’s inception in 1955, the organization says, it has been used to train more than 40,000 teachers, taught more than five million people"
  7. ^ ダグラス・E・コーワン、デイヴィッド・G・ブロムリー 著 『カルトと新宗教 アメリカの8つの集団・運動』 村瀬義史 訳、キリスト新聞社、2010年
  8. ^ フィリップ・ウィルキンソン 著 『ビジュアルではじめてわかる宗教』 島田裕巳、秋山淑子、高崎恵、富永和子 翻訳、東京書籍、2015年
  9. ^ Sciaretto, Amy (April 12, 2010). “Animals as Leaders Guitarist Practices Transcendental Meditation”. Noisecreep/AOL. October 10, 2012閲覧。
  10. ^ Cooke de Herrera, Nancy (2003). All You Need Is Love: An Eyewitness Account of When Spirituality Spread from the East to the West. San Diego: Joodere Group. p. 438 
  11. ^ Biography of Imam Johari Abdul-Malik
  12. ^ Caplan, Christopher (June 25, 2013). “Q&A: Omar Akram, first Afghan American to win a Grammy, talks Transcendental Meditation”. RYOT. 2013年6月28日閲覧。
  13. ^ Millar, Peter (August 1, 1993). “Is it curtains for agent West?”. The Times (London (UK)) 
  14. ^ Jail term threat to former Tory MP”. The Scotsman. 2013年11月12日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。12 November 2013閲覧。
  15. ^ Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me looking good”. 2014年4月29日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。29 April 2014閲覧。 “When asked what the number one thing which has kept her looking so amazing is, Jennifer replied: 'I'd say a little over a year ago I started doing TM and that's really changed everything.'”
  16. ^ “Meditation teacher Nancy Cooke de Herrera dies”. NewsObserver.com. (March 4, 2013). http://www.newsobserver.com/2013/03/04/2725103/meditation-teacher-nancy-cooke.html 
  17. ^ Pleasant, Maranda (July 17, 2013). “India Arie Talks Vulnerability, Meditation And The Creative Process”. Huffington Post. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/india-arie-origin-magazine_n_3599116 22 July 2013閲覧。 
  18. ^ Probation Journal, "Probation and Meditation", Simon Cohen, 1976
  19. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k de Herrera, Nancy Cooke (1993). Beyond Gurus: A Woman of Many Worlds. Blue Dolphin Publishing. ISBN 978-0-931892-49-3.
  20. ^ Ayer, Ramani (April 12, 2008). “Equanimity”. In Hagelin, John. 8 Great Reasons to Meditate. http://www.tm-technique.info/page1/page25/files/Brochure%208%20Reasons.pdf 
  21. ^ Pompeo, Joe (April 6, 2009). “Ohmmm! Even Lazy Moby Turns Out For Star-Studded Transcendental Meditation Benefit”. The New York Observer. http://www.observer.com/2009/daily-transom/ohmmm-even-lazy-moby-turns-out-star-studded-transcendental-meditation-benefit 
  22. ^ SONS OF THE CITY, by John Albert, December 6, 2002, LA Weekly (California)
  23. ^ "To Live and Die in LA" April 1996, Spin Magazine
  24. ^ Sara Banerji”. 2014年3月15日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。15 March 2014閲覧。
  25. ^ About Sara Banerji”. 2014年3月15日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。15 March 2014閲覧。
  26. ^ Sboros, Marika (August 16, 2006). “The power that lies in stillness”. Business Day (South Africa). http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-149635699/power-lies-stillness.html 
  27. ^ Franks, Alan (December 10, 1994). “The man who asked for more;Lionel Bart”. The Times (London (UK)) 
  28. ^ Schneier, Matthew. “The Transcendentalists”. 25 December 2013閲覧。
  29. ^ a b c d Claire Hoffman (22 February 2013). "David Lynch Is Back … as a Guru of Transcendental Meditation". New York Times. Archived from the original on 2013-02-23. Retrieved 23 February 2013.
  30. ^ Chrysta Bell: A Multidisciplinary Artist”. 2014年6月30日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。30 June 2014閲覧。
  31. ^ Schwartz, Terri (March 8, 2012). “Kristen Bell: 'Butts Are My Favorite Things on the Planet'”. iVilllage. March 12, 2012閲覧。
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  33. ^ Sannella, Lee, On Genius: An Evolutionary Force Inherent in Every Being, Infinity Publishing, 2006
  34. ^ NY Times Chatting Up Marisa Berenson, Leslie Camhi, September 27, 2011, Retrieved Sept 2011
  35. ^ Melt The Stress Away”. Live The Process. 27 July 2014閲覧。 “The single most effective tool that I have introduced into my life to reduce stress and create balance is the practice of Transcendental Meditation”
  36. ^ English, Bella (March 14, 2011). “For Legal’s captain, a long, tumultuous voyage to the sea”. Boston Globe. http://articles.boston.com/2011-05-14/news/29543481_1_legal-sea-foods-inman-square-restaurant 
  37. ^ Meyer, Norma (December 19, 1999). “Planet Andy – Kaufman's old L.A. turf echoes with manic tales of a manic genius' life”. The San Diego Union - Tribune: p. E.1 
  38. ^ ADLER, ERIC (September 23, 2003). “Health benefits help spur interest in meditation”. Times Union (Albany, N.Y.): p. D.2 
  39. ^ Lindow, Megan (January 6, 2004). “Stepping into Africa's future”. The Christian Science Monitor. July 5, 2013閲覧。
  40. ^ Goldberg, Philip (2011) Harmony Books, American Veda, page 166
  41. ^ "India: Chicken dansak for the soul" 19 October 2011, The Independent
  42. ^ The Spartanburg Herald Journal August 13, 1974
  43. ^ “Russell Brand: Seekeing salvation, ''Times'', November 1, 2009”. Entertainment.timesonline.co.uk (London). http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/stage/comedy/article6896096.ece 2013年3月28日閲覧。 
  44. ^ "Russell Brand discusses the Dalai Lama" 7 June 2012, BBC News
  45. ^ Millar, John (April 21, 2001). “The dude”. The Scotsman (Edinburgh (UK)): p. 6 
  46. ^ Kharakh, Ben (August 13, 2007) The Wildman: Steve Brill, Naturalist Gothamist, retrieved March 26, 2012, "I’ve been practicing transcendental meditation since the mid ‘70s"
  47. ^ Levy, Paul (May 2, 1975)Transcendental Meditation Gives Broberg a New Outlook The Milwaukee Sentinel, retrieved Sept 9, 2012
  48. ^ [1] LA Times, Jerry Brown taps trusted former aid for key cabinet position, Anthony York, March 3, 2011, retrieved March 17, 2011
  49. ^ [2] Capitol Weekly, Jerry Brown formally launches campaign for governor, March 2, 2010, Staff Writer, retrieved March 17, 2011
  50. ^ Brown, Courtney (1996). Cosmic voyage: a scientific discovery of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. Farsight, Inc.. pp. 38–42. ISBN 978-0-525-94098-2 
  51. ^ SOUNES, HOWARD (November 14, 1998). “Stars and bars For a man who made a career out of being a drunk, Charles Bukowski was a prolific novelist and poet.”. The Guardian (London (UK)): p. T.036 
  52. ^ 「スーパーモデル、ジゼル・ブンチェンの心の平安」
  53. ^ "Espie o que os famosos fazem quando o assunto é beleza e bem-estar". Yahoo! Brasil. Oct 8, 2014. Retrieved 10 October 2014. Gisele Bündchen disse o que faz para manter a boa forma: meditação. 'Normalmente, faço a Meditação Transcedental, que é mais fácil de encaixar numa rotina agitada. É uma técnica simples, praticada duas vezes ao dia, durante 20 minutos.'
  54. ^ "Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen practices TM". TMhome.com. October 10, 2014. Retrieved 10 October 2014. In her interview with the Brazilian edition of Glamour magazine (August 2014) ... 'I practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day. Every morning and lunchtime or evening, for about 20 minutes.'
  55. ^ Transcendental Meditation Sydney”. 16 September 2013閲覧。
  56. ^ Duerden, Nick, (April 22, 2012) Tim Burgess Golden Rules of Rock and Roll The Independent, retrieved April 30, 2012
  57. ^ Williams, Andrew (April 23, 2012) The Charlatan's, Tim Burgess Metro, retrieved April 30, 2012
  58. ^ Rojas, Warren. “A Meditation on the Quiet Time Caucus”. Roll Call. 9 January 2014閲覧。 “Cárdenas practices traditional transcendental meditation”
  59. ^ New York Magazine Mar 17, 1975, page 64, "Going For The Om Run"
  60. ^ "Wes Carr is happy in his headspace" November 05, 2011, Daily Telegraph (Australia)
  61. ^ Hasty, Katie. “Carrey on Dumb and Dumber sequel”. 2014年4月23日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。23 April 2014閲覧。 “The DLF raises awareness and furthers education on transcendental meditation, of which Carrey is a practicioner [sic] and admirer.”
  62. ^ Mama Kin: Where the magic happens”. Spitpress.com. 21 August 2014閲覧。 “One of my biggest discover[ie]s has been Transcendental Meditation. When I first started this practice I remember thinking 'Oh... this is what sanity must feel like.'”
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  65. ^ a b Woo, Elaine (Feb 6 2008) Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; Guru brought meditation West Los Angeles Times, page=B.7, retrieved May 25, 2012
  66. ^ Woolf, Marie (March 21, 2010). “Count me out of the election war, declares Clegg's Spanish wife”. Sunday Times (London (UK)): p. 3 
  67. ^ Coakley, Sarah (March 22, 2011). “Prayer as crucible”. The Christian Century 128 (6) 
  68. ^ Barna, Ben (March 8, 2012). “Lynn Collins Is Ready to Blast Off in the Epic 'John Carter'”. BlackBook. March 12, 2012閲覧。
  69. ^ “Give peace a chant”. Houston Chronicle: p. 2. (June 15, 2003) 
  70. ^ [4] Stanford Magazine, 2010, retrieved April 3, 2011
  71. ^ “TM Helps Individual Keep Calm in Stress Situation”. The Dispatch (Lexington, NC). (July 5, 1975). https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=_XEcAAAAIBAJ&sjid=eFEEAAAAIBAJ&pg=6933,493238&dq=ellen-corby+transcendental-meditation&hl=en 
  72. ^ (April 28, 1999)LA Times
  73. ^ Rita Cosby on Abused Women and Transcendental Meditation”. Daily Kos. 2013年2月27日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。27 February 2013閲覧。
  74. ^ The Transcendentalists”. Style.com. 21 July 2014閲覧。 “The log lady from Twin Peaks, she and I started meditating together”
  75. ^ Hopkins, Jerry (1987-09-17). Yoko Ono. Sidgwick & Jackson. p. 141. ISBN 978-0-283-99521-7 
  76. ^ a b c d e f g Pompeo, Joe (April 6, 2009). "Ohmmm! Even Lazy Moby Turns Out For Star-Studded Transcendental Meditation Benefit". The New York Observer.
  77. ^ Rainey, James (2009年11月18日). “She's lighter 'in a lot of ways' - Los Angeles Times”. Articles.latimes.com. http://articles.latimes.com/2009/nov/18/entertainment/et-onthemedia18 2010年5月24日閲覧。 
  78. ^ Rebecca Da Costa: Lovely Leading Lady”. New Orleans Living. 17 August 2014閲覧。 “... transcendental meditation helps me a lot. It’s the most researched meditation out there, and it really helps with the immune system, depression and stress.”
  79. ^ From the Runway to the Red Carpet!”. Pittsburgh Urban Media. 9 August 2014閲覧。
  80. ^ Sonnenberg, Danielle (October 28, 2009). “Teaching Wall Street to meditate”. AM New York 7 (209): p. 12 
  81. ^ [5] Reading Eagle, Jan 16 1972
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  83. ^ Peterson, Karen S. (October 21, 1994). “Barbara De Angelis savors life's `Moments'”. USA TODAY (McLean, Va.): p. 07.D 
  84. ^ Hutchinson, Brian (February 22, 2003). “Wasting away in Maharishi-ville”. National Post (Don Mills, Ont.): p. B.1.Fro 
  85. ^ "Russell Brand Does Stand-Up for Transcendental Meditation" November 29, 2011, ABC News
  86. ^ "Ellen DeGeneres & Russell Brand headline third annual “Change Begins Within” gala" December 3rd, 2011, David Lynch Foundation web site. Video at 1:10
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  88. ^ Tennant, Laura (July 10, 2011). “Transcendental Meditation: Were the hippies right all along?”. The Independent (London). http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/transcendental-meditation-were-the-hippies-right-all-along-2307898.html 
  89. ^ a b Claire Hoffman (22 February 2013). "David Lynch Is Back … as a Guru of Transcendental Meditation". New York Times. Archived from the original on 2013-02-23. Retrieved 23 February 2013.
  90. ^ Bream, Jon (March 1, 1991). “the doors // They reopen on market in film, records”. Star Tribune (Minneapolis, Minn.): p. 01.E 
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  93. ^ Oppenheimer, Peer J. (May 22, 1977) Family Weekly, This Country Boy Struck it Rich,
  94. ^ GUTHRIE, PATRICIA (April 2, 2004). “Augusta study finds meditation helps black teens' hearts”. The Atlanta Journal - Constitution: p. D.1 
  95. ^ TM proves Cameron Diaz wrong — for good!, February 9, 2015.
  96. ^ A Conversation with Cameron Diaz presented by the David Lynch Foundation
  97. ^ 内側に潜って自分のバッテリーを充電! キャメロン・ディアス
  98. ^ AFL web site, Life after footy, Paul Daffey, April 8, 2011, Retrieved April 11, 2011
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  109. ^ Goldberg, Phillip (2010) American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation, p.152
  110. ^ a b c d Woo, Elaine (Feb 6 2008) Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; Guru brought meditation West Los Angeles Times, page=B.7, retrieved May 25, 2012
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  114. ^ Formichetti shares essentials”. Yahoo! News. 4 September 2014閲覧。 “Transcendental meditation and music by Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff also hold special places in his day-to-day life.”
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  119. ^ Ellwood, Robert S.; Harry Baxter Partin (1988). Religious and spiritual groups in modern America. Prentice Hall. p. 194. ISBN 978-0-13-773045-2 
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