メインページ | ノート | 記事名の付け方 | 記事の構成 | 構成の草案 | テンプレート紹介 | 出典の草案 | カテゴリ分類 |
[編集]![]() | 草案:この「良いスタブを書く」以下の文章はガイドラインの草案です。質問、ご意見などはノートで受け付けています。まだ方針として決定していませんが、うまく行かなかった場合や変更の提案があれば、ノートで提案してください。(2025年2月) |
次にテーマでGoogle検索(または他の検索エンジン)で、いくつかの情報源を見つけます。無関係な検索結果が多すぎる場合、より具体的なキーワードを使って絞り込むことができます。情報源は「信頼できる情報源」を選び、ブログ(日記)のようなサイトは避けましょう。Google booksで検索するだけでも、質の高い情報源を見つけることができますが、テーマによっては必ずしもそうならない事もあります。完全な記事を書くわけではないので、たくさんの情報源は必要ありませんが、少なくとも2つか3つの情報源を含めることができればベストです。また、例え入手できなくても、テーマに関する重要な本を何冊か用意しておくと詳細文献(further reading)のセクションを作って、将来、他の編集者があなた作ったスタブを加筆して成長させることに役立ちます。インターネット以外では、大きい図書館を利用することで、目録やデータベース検索結果を載せることが将来の編集者の助けになります。
[編集]![]() | 草案:この「記事の改善」以下の文章はガイドラインの草案です。質問、ご意見などはノートで受け付けています。まだ方針として決定していませんが、うまく行かなかった場合や変更の提案があれば、ノートで提案してください。(2025年2月) |
ウィキペディアにおいて記事の改善は終わりのない作業です。どんなによく書かれた記事であっても、どんなに徹底的な調査がなされていても、加筆できること、より良い表現、より良い情報源は常に存在するものです。ウィキペディアではWikipedia:秀逸な記事へと到達することという最大限評価されるためには終わりのないような目標を追求しています。これらは全ての記事を改善のための基準としても機能します。評価の段階はいくつかの基準が存在し、あらかじめ設定された評価に割り当てられます[注釈 1]。記事を改善する際、これらのシステムの基本的な要点と次のステップアップを見据えて、何をしなければならないか理解しておくことが重要です。 そうして評価されることはプロジェクト軍事史の誇りです。
ご存知でしたか?―軍事史の記事で「秀逸な記事」に選出されたものはほとんどありません[注釈 2]。これだけ長い期間をかけて、整理、基準などを議論し、改善に取り組んできた我々のプロジェクトはその程度の段階なのです。そのような評判が、このプロジェクトに参加するメンバーによる記事の改善にふさわしくないということではありません。むしろ、より高い基準を求めて活動しています。秀逸な記事とはウィキペディア全体の割合としてはかなり少なく、その選出は慎重に検討されるため、良質な記事に選出されるような記事をもっと手塩にかけて改善しなければなりません。基本的により高い水準へと引き上げるためには、オフラインでの情報源が必須であり、構成や文面の工夫もまた必要です。こうした目的のため、段階とそれを簡略化した定義、基準を改善する手段を以下に記します。
- ^ 英語版ではen:Wikipedia:Content assessmentに評価基準があり、ノート用テンプレートとBotを使用して記事ごとにクラスと重要性を分類しています。
- ^ 図書分類法 200-299 歴史、390-399 軍事
- 出典と参考文献
- 最初のポイントは出典と参考文献に関するものです。記事内の段落に出典付けがあり、脚注セクションと参考文献セクションがWikipedia:信頼できる情報源に則った情報源を出典にしていることです。疑わしいか異議が出そうな情報は追加の出典が必要な場合があります。出典に関するより詳しい情報はプロジェクト:軍事史/出典と文献(草案)にあります。
- カバレッジ
- 記事の内容はテーマ(主題)の部分に過度に重点を置くことなく、テーマの背景など側面的部分にも触れておく必要があります。また、Wikipedia:中立的な観点を維持する必要がありますが、これは解釈が難しい部分があります。ノートで質問が来た時に答えられるような記事にしておくことが難しければ、話し合いを通じて改善しましょう。
- 構造(フォーマット)
- 百科事典の記事には導入部(lead section)が必要です。導入部は記事の要約または概要です。大幅に加筆された記事では、2つから3つの段落で構成され、記事の大部分から適切に要約した文章にします。例え、導入を読み飛ばしても読むことができるようにし、意味が通るものでなければなりません。記事の大半、つまり本文は読みやすくするため、論理的にセクション(見出し)に分けるべきです。どのようなセクション分けが望ましいかはテーマによって異なります。一般的に主要な部分や大きな転換が起こるところで新しいセクションを作り、主要な部分のさらに中で特筆すべき出来事があれば、サブセクションを作ることも検討すべきです。基本的にセクションは記事の読みやすさを向上させることを目的にします。セクションは文章の小さな固まりを意識して分け、連続した文章の段落だらけにするよりも読みやすくなります。そして、スクリーンリーダーのようなデバイスから読まれる場面でも重要です。しかし、見出しが多すぎて中身が少ないと文章の流れをぶち壊すだけです。
- 文法と誤字、脱字
- 明らかな文法上の誤りや誤字、脱字があってはなりません。
- 補佐する資料
- 画像、写真、図、グラフ、表などを含めて、記事の内容理解を助ける必要があります。
- 執筆コンテストで入賞した記事。
- 各ウィキプロジェクトにて良質な記事の基準を取り決め、その基準に従って選出された記事。
- その他不特定多数の参加者が査読を行う場において、良質な記事と認められた記事。
- Wikipedia:良質な記事/良質な記事の選考を通過し、良質な記事と認められた記事。
- 高い完成度で文章や構成がよくまとめられている。(可能なら)図や画像や表なども使われ、説明を補助している。
- 詳しくない読者にもその主題について理解できるように、わかりやすく書かれている。ただし、高度に専門的な主題を扱ったものであれば、関連記事を読んで理解していることを前提にするのは問題ない。
- 必ず説明されるべき点から主な関連事項までが含まれ、内容が充実している。ただし、どこまでを含むかは他の記事との連携・分担関係にもよる。
- 専門的な資料から関連資料に至るまで、主題についてよく調査されている。
- 観点の中立性が保たれている。
- 必要な出典が記事全体を通して十分に挙げられており、個々の記述の根拠が脚注や本文中で明らかにされている。特に、肯定的・否定的・主観的な表現については出典が付けられていることが望ましい。
- 以上の点が全て満たされている。
Are images important?
[編集]An article can achieve any status in Wikipedia without images. However, all articles that have passed through higher forms of assessment such as Good Article or Featured Article will usually include an image, as there is a general preference among readers to illustrating articles. Doing so can help break up the text and make it more pleasant on the readers' eyes. Arguably, this has developed from the tradition of miniature in the Western world and similar cultures in other parts of the world.
It is important, however, to remember that images are not limited to photos; diagrams, drawings and maps can also be used. And even for photos they do not have to be limited to famous personalities involved, but may include simple items of the time which were in use during these events and can now be found in museums. The arising problem is that images can clutter whole articles, making them difficult to read. For this reason you should keep the amount of visual help within reasonable amounts. What is reasonable, may differ from topic to topic and should best be obtained by consensus with other editors. Well chosen and well placed images certainly enhance the ability of the reader to understand the article.
Wikipedia aims to be scholarly, preferring references and opinions from academics and their works rather than the relative tattle and sensationalism of newspapers, or lesser sources, such as gossipy or "entertaining" magazines. Please refer MOS:IMAGERELEVANCE.
While newspapers can rely quite heavily on flamboyant photos (as well as catchy headlines) on the front and back pages to rope in potential buyers, this is rarely the case with scholarly historical works, as it is erudition of the scholar and their newly uncovered facts and insights that recommend the publication to the reader and other scholars. Furthermore, while pictures are littered all over the place in newspapers, they are generally few and far between in scholarly books, and are almost entirely non-existent in journal articles.
As the objective of journal articles and scholarly textbooks is to provide new intellectual material and analysis, and as pictures tend to be irrelevant to this (as they are usually not original), the merit of the work—as judged by academic reviews and citations by other scholars—is for all intents and purposes independent of the images. Similarly on Wikipedia, images are by and large not a major determining factor in the merit, rigour, correctness or usefulness of an article.
However, one of the objectives of any written work is to capture the interest of the reader, and to effectively and efficiently impart information. As such, visual aids such as maps, graphs, flow charts, tables and other diagrams can be extremely useful in summarising and visualising information in a way that cumbersome literary descriptions cannot.
While there are many benefits of correctly utilised images, there are also pitfalls to be avoided in utilising images on Wikipedia. While aesthetically pleasing—this, of course, depends on the reader's opinion of the subject of the image—and possibly visually interesting, portraits of people discussed by the article text are generally not necessary and tend to not enhance the reader’s understanding of the subject, as they generally only inform to the reader of the subject's physical appearance, and not what makes them notable, i.e., their policies, achievements, crimes and so forth. If overused they can clutter an article, and potentially overshadow its content. Additionally, licencing can be problematic. One of the core tenets of Wikipedia is the reliance on free content, and with it free images. As a result, photographs of a professional or high-quality amateur standard are often hard to obtain, due to the copyright over them.
Maintaining an article
[編集]If you have been contributing to Wikipedia for some time, the chances are that you have already discovered your niche—that is, self-identification of areas in which you have an interest and feel comfortable editing. As your knowledge grows and you begin to take an active role in making sure that articles in your niche remain accurate and up to date, it's possible that over time you will become the articles' primary maintainer.[1]
Maintaining one or more articles is a long term commitment. It entails regular visits—perhaps even more than once a day on high-traffic articles—to ensure that the content remains well sourced and well cited, and also free from vandalism, fringe theories, edit warring and other detrimental edits that, if left unchecked, will result in an article's slow collapse. Article maintainers normally make sure any changes to the subject matter are reflected in the article, keeping it up to date. Lastly, those maintaining articles holding a criteria-based quality rating (such as GA, A, or FA-class) usually ensure that the articles remain current with the often-shifting standards of these assessments.
Article maintenance is good for Wikipedia for the simple reason that article maintainers are often very familiar with both the information in the articles and the sources used to write them. However, there is a downside: overzealous maintenance can create problems that, in the worse case scenario, may result in your being banned from Wikipedia. It is important to understand where the line between maintaining an article and being possessive lies, and how to balance your interest in a way that allows all editors to contribute to the articles in your care.
Maintenance vs ownership
[編集]You do not own articles (nor templates and other features of Wikipedia). If you create or edit an article, know that others will edit it, and within reason you should not prevent them from doing so. —Wikipedia:Ownership of articles
The first thing to appreciate about maintaining an article is that no-one on this site 'owns' any of the articles. This is explained in full at the page Wikipedia:Ownership of articles. In simple terms, if you wish to maintain an article you must also accept that others will edit the page. Unless the edits are obvious vandalism, each edit should be viewed as a good faith attempt to improve the article. To avoid the appearance of ownership you should consider the following before taking action to remove/alter newly added information or re-add subtracted information:
- Check if the new edit is really necessary to the article. If it has introduced additional information that does not appear vital or would be better off in another article, you should consider moving it before you consider deleting it. If the article is B-class or better and the edit appears valid but does not have a source (or is cited to an unreliable source), consider moving it to the talk page with an explanatory note until a reliable source can be located. Similarly, removed material may have been poorly-cited or irrelevant and the article may be better for its absence, but if you believe its removal is mistaken you should consider posting it to the talk page for further discussion rather than re-adding it to the article.
- Consider the edit in the light of both the site-wide Manual of Style and our milhist Manual of Style. Matters like over-linking and "In popular culture" are dealt with in the Manuals of Style, and these—while not the last words on article edits—carry significant weight with the community at large.
- Look for any established consensus from previous discussions. In some cases editors will have discussed at length a course of action to be taken in the event of certain types of edit. Some high-traffic articles may have the general gist of the question and its answer in a specially created FAQ template located at the top of the article talk page, while other articles may have hidden notes in a specific section of the edit view outlining an appropriate response.
- Have there been any relevant discussions elsewhere on Wikipedia? Sometimes elements of an article—perhaps a category link, an image, or controversial biographical information—are removed as a result of a discussion that did not take place on the article talk page. Standard practice when making such edits is to leave an edit summary with a link back to the relevant discussion, but this is sometimes omitted. Material that has been removed by editor consensus should not be re-added to the article.
- Keep in mind that the threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is "verifiability, not truth"—that is, whether readers are able to check that material added to Wikipedia has already been published by a reliable source, not whether we think it is true. If information added to an article seems odd, but has a reliable source, it should be permitted to remain unless there is a compelling reason to remove it. If you believe the nature of the edit may conflict with other Wikipedia policies, such as assigning undue weight to a minority view, take your concerns to the article talk page.
If a change made to a page you are maintaining does not appear to conflict with the above points, then it's best to leave it alone unless you have a good reason for challenging it. The alternative is to end up in conflict with our ownership policy; especially if it appears that you are reverting every effort to build or improve an article.
Consensus for inclusion/exclusion
[編集]Articles on Wikipedia are created collaboratively by editors who have different perspectives, access to different sources, and different writing and reasoning styles. To achieve a neutral point of view under such conditions, editors must be willing to take discussions about article content seriously, listening to and evaluating a variety of viewpoints and concerns with due deliberation. On Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia Foundation projects) this is the purpose of consensus. —Wikipedia:Consensus, What Consensus is
If material that you have added or removed continues to reappear in an article then you may need to establish consensus with other editors as to a proper course of action to handle the material in question.[2] Consensus on Wikipedia is about how our editors work with others, and it serves as a fundamental model for decision making. By inviting a wide spectrum of people to weigh in on a matter you can better gauge where the general mood and feeling for the inclusion or exclusion of certain material lies.
Establishing consensus starts with a realization that certain aspects of an article need clarification. These aspects can vary considerably from one article to another, but may include anything from belligerents and flag icons to paragraphs and the aftermath of situations covered in an article. Frequently the additions or removals of the information are undone, which leads to a situation in which editors stay away from article because anything added to it gets reverted. Once you have identified a need to gain consensus for a certain scenario you will need to initiate a discussion on the problem and the proposed solution(s), if any, and invite those involved in the dispute to weigh in on the matter. These discussions usually occur on talk page of the article in question, although they have in the past occurred on both the main Military history Project talk page or the talk page of the task force whose scope is closest to the article in question.
Depending on the article and the level of controversy surrounding the edits in question establishing consensus on a course of action can take very little time (in some cases, a week or so) to a very long time (a month or more). Although the process can be time consuming, the benefit to establishing consensus for a course of action is that the agreement by all editors to adhere to a specific course of action allows for a much more rapid evaluation of whether the added or remove material should be in the article. Additionally, by working with the community to establish a common practice for dealing with the inclusion or exclusion of material in an article, you avoid any claim of ownership to the article.
Maintaining an Article
[編集]
Until 2015, certain talk pages for articles on Wikipedia could occasionally be seen to sport a "maintained template" which listed one or more users in good standing who officially maintained the article in question. These users were usually responsible for pushing an article to GA, A, or FA-class, or for adding the inline citations to the article, and as such they may have added the maintained template as a way of showing others that they have both a strong knowledge of the topic or its sources, and have thoroughly read, understood, and checked the information in the article against sources. With the advent of working groups for the Military history Project, some of those maintained templates also listed the working group to which they belong in addition to the user or users who maintained the article so as to allow access to a broader range of assistance. In the aftermath of a deletion discussion for the template, it was decided that the use of the maintained template violated the spirit of the ownership guidelines at it, and was subsequently removed from all articles it was used on and deleted.
Although the maintained template is no longer in use, those articles holding GA, A, or FA-Class make use of a history template that lists the user most responsible for guiding an article to quality content level. Since this template shows who was responsible for the article's GA, A, or FA-Class nomination its possible for the community to look at information and sourcing you added to an article to improve its rating. Occasionally, community members may leave questions for editor who got the article to GA, A, or FA-Class; and if you were the one who helped the article reach one of those three ratings then you may be asked to lend perspective on the article with regards to information and sourcing. Therefore, you should be prepared to answer questions that arise on the talk page, and you should also be prepared to serve as a mediator between parties if disputes arise in the article.
[編集]![]() | 草案:この「文化的影響力」以下の文章はガイドラインの草案です。質問、ご意見などはノートで受け付けています。まだ方針として決定していませんが、うまく行かなかった場合や変更の提案があれば、ノートで提案してください。(2025年2月) |
出典を求め、ノートで意見を求め、それでも収集がつかない場合、{{Preview warning|{{Notice|ここに提示するものはガイドライン[[Wikipedia:関連作品]]に準拠し、出典つきで記述する必要があります。}}}}
[編集]B-17フライングフォートレスの爆撃任務の困難さとそれに立ち向かう姿の話は少しばかり盛っている部分こそあるが概ねその通り — 映画「頭上の敵機」について、ポール・ケネディ、伏見威蕃(2013年)
IMDb.comによれば、2022年のトップガン マーヴェリックは顧客生涯価値(LTV)で約7億1800万USドルです[1]。大雑把に2024年12月頃の為替1USドル155円で試算すると約1114億円になります。1998年のプライベート・ライアンなら約2億1650万USドル、2001年のパール・ハーバーなら約2億USドル、2017年のダンケルクなら約1億9000万USドルです。
- ^ “Top Gun: Maverick”. IMDb.com, Inc.. 2025年2月11日閲覧。