

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

Eric Johnston
生誕 Eric Allen Johnson
(1896-12-21) 1896年12月21日
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 ワシントンD.C.
死没 (1963-08-22) 1963年8月22日(66歳没)
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国 ワシントンD.C.
別名 Eric Allen Johnston
職業 起業家
団体 全米商工会議所英語版アメリカ映画協会
配偶者 アイナ・ヒューズ・ジョンストン
受賞 大統領メリット勲章英語版 (1947年)

エリック・アレン・ジョンストンEric Allen Johnston, 1896年12月21日 - 1963年8月22日)は、経営者、全米商工会議所英語版会頭、共和党活動家、アメリカ映画協会(MPAA)会長、、アメリカ政府特別プロジェクト行政官、民主党および共和党両政権の特使である。MPAA会長としては組織名を簡略化し、1947年にニューヨークのウォルドルフ=アストリア・ホテルで映画会社幹部による非公開会議を招集をした末にウォルドルフ声明英語版を発表してハリウッド・ブラックリストを引き起こし、また映画製作規約を慎重に自由化したことで知られる。彼は1963年に亡くなるまでMPAA会長を務めた[1][2][3]



米国聖公会信者[4]であるジョンソンは「エリック・ジョンソン」("Eric Johnson")の名でワシントンD.C.で生まれた。父は薬剤師であり、ジョンストンが1歳の時にモンタナ州メアリーズビル英語版に家族で移住した。1905年、一家はワシントン州スポケーンに移った。1911年に両親が離婚すると母のアイダは自身と息子の姓を「ジョンストン」("Johnston")に変更した[1]
















1946年にジョンストンはアメリカ映画協会(MPAA)の前身であるアメリカ映画製作者・配給者協会(Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association, MPPDAA)の会長に就任した。就任後すぐに彼は名称をアメリカ映画協会(Motion Picture Association of America)へと変更した[3][1]
















ジョンストンはアイナ・ハリエット・ヒューズ(Ina Harriet Hughes)と結婚し、娘を2人もうけた[1]







ジョンストンはナット・シーガロフ、ダニエル・M・キンメル英語版、アーニー・ライスマンが脚本を手がけた舞台『The Waldorf Conference』に重要なキャラクターとして登場する。この作品は1947年のウォルドルフ会議とハリウッド・ブラックリストの開幕をフィクション化して描いている。


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Bachrach, Fabian (23 August 1963). “Eric Johnston Dies; Aided 3 Presidents”. New York Times: p. 1. https://www.nytimes.com/1963/08/23/archives/eric-johnston-dies-aided-3-presidents-eric-johnston-66-presidents.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  2. ^ a b c d e “Milestones: Aug. 30, 1963”. Time (Time Life Inc.). (30 August 1963). http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,940724,00.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Edgerton, Ralph A. (1989). “The Eric Johnston Story”. The Pacific Northwesterner. https://www.historylink.org/File/7339 24 August 2020閲覧。. 
  4. ^ Doherty, Thomas (8 July 2004). “A New Lobbyist to Represent Hollywood… Why They Need One”. Boston Globe. https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/6204 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  5. ^ a b “Surprise for Mr. Roosevelt”. Time (Time Life Inc.). (29 June 1942). http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,795956,00.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  6. ^ a b c d "Milestones", Time, August 30, 1963.
  7. ^ Lawrence, "Soviet Is Pictured As Big U.S. Market", New York Times, June 20, 1944; Reston, "Johnston Extols Soviet Peace Aim", New York Times, July 14, 1944.
  8. ^ Crowther, "New Czar on the Job", New York Times, May 1, 1966.
  9. ^ “Movies Pledge Aid in Inquiry on Reds”. New York Times: p. 21. (30 September 1947). https://www.nytimes.com/1947/09/30/archives/movies-pledge-aid-in-inquiry-on-reds-johnston-welcomes-move-to.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  10. ^ Tower, Samuel A. (21 October 1947). “Film Men Admit Activity By Reds”. New York Times: p. 1. https://www.nytimes.com/1947/10/21/archives/film-men-admit-activity-by-reds-hold-it-is-foiled-sam-wood-lists.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  11. ^ Tower, Samuel A. (25 October 1947). “Critics of Film Inquiry Assailed, Disney Denounces 'Communists'”. New York Times: p. 1. https://www.nytimes.com/1947/10/25/archives/critics-of-film-inquiry-assailed-disney-denounces-communists.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  12. ^ “Asks Rule on Jobs for Communists”. New York Times: p. 18. (20 November 1947). https://www.nytimes.com/1947/11/25/archives/film-leaders-map-communist-policy-secrecy-marks-session-here-as.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  13. ^ “Film Leaders Map Communist Policy; Secrecy Marks Session Here as Committee Prepares Report on Employment”. New York Times: p. 33. (25 November 1947). https://www.nytimes.com/1947/11/25/archives/film-leaders-map-communist-policy-secrecy-marks-session-here-as.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  14. ^ “Film Industry to Ban 'Known Communists'”. New York Times: p. 10. (22 November 1947). https://www.nytimes.com/1947/11/22/archives/film-industry-to-ban-known-communists.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  15. ^ “Movies to Oust Ten Cited For Contempt of Congress”. New York Times: p. 1. (26 November 1947). https://www.nytimes.com/1947/11/26/archives/movies-to-oust-ten-cited-for-contempt-of-congress-major-companies.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  16. ^ “Movies to Out Ten Cited for Contempt of Congress”. New York Times: p. 1. (26 November 1947). https://www.nytimes.com/1947/11/26/archives/movies-to-oust-ten-cited-for-contempt-of-congress-major-companies.html 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  17. ^ Schary, Dore (1979). Heyday: An Autobiography. Berkley Publishing Group. pp. 164–67. ISBN 9780425048054. https://books.google.com/books?id=MrdpAAAACAAJ 24 August 2020閲覧。 
  18. ^ Canby, "A New Movie Code Ends Some Taboos", New York Times, September 21, 1966; "Old Movie Taboos Eased in New Code For Film Industry", New York Times, December 12, 1956.
  19. ^ After World War II, many nations placed limits on the number of foreign-produced films which could be shown. These restrictions were designed to promote domestic film production. Since Hollywood produced more motion pictures than most of the world combined, these restrictions severely limited foreign distribution of American films. See Zeiler, Free Trade, Free World: The Advent of GATT, 1999; "Heads Film Export Unit", Associated Press, October 2, 1945.
  20. ^ Loftus, "Johnston Is Named Stabilizing Chief", New York Times, January 20, 1951; "Johnston Leaving Defense Job Nov. 30", New York Times, November 16, 1951.
  21. ^ Cronin, p. 189.
  22. ^ The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) commissioned a plan for the development of the Jordan River; this became widely known as "The Johnston plan". The plan was modelled on the Tennessee Valley Authority development plan for the development of the Jordan River as a single unit. See: Shapland, p. 14.
  23. ^ Frankel, "U.S., Soviet Agree to Film Exchange", New York Times, October 10, 1958; Schumach, "Khrushchev Sets Hollywood Agog", New York Times, September 10, 1959.
  24. ^ "Eric Johnston Has Stroke", Associated Press, July 5, 1963; "Eric Johnston in Coma", Associated Press, August 5, 1963.


  • "Asks Rule on Jobs for Communists." New York Times. November 20, 1947.
  • Bachrach, Fabian. "Eric Johnston Dies." New York Times. August 23, 1963.
  • Canby, Vincent. "A New Movie Code Ends Some Taboos." New York Times. September 21, 1966.
  • "The Censors." Time. January 11, 1954.
  • Cronin, Patrick M. The Evolution of Strategic Thought. New York: Routledge, 2008.
  • Crowther, Bosley. "New Czar on the Job." New York Times. May 1, 1966.
  • Dart, Peter. "Breaking the Code: A Historical Footnote." Cinema Journal. 8:1 (Autumn 1968).
  • Doherty, Thomas. "A New Lobbyist to Represent Hollywood… Why They Need One." Boston Globe. July 8, 2004.
  • Edgerton, Ralph A. "The Eric Johnston Story." The Pacific Northwesterner. 33:4 (Fall 1989).
  • "Eric Johnston Has Stroke." Associated Press. July 5, 1963.
  • "Eric Johnston in Coma." Associated Press. August 5, 1963.
  • "Film Industry to Ban 'Known Communists.'" New York Times. November 22, 1947.
  • "Film Leaders to Map Communist Policy." New York Times. November 25, 1947.
  • Frankel, Max. "U.S., Soviet Agree to Film Exchange." New York Times. October 10, 1958.
  • "From the Word Factory." Time. January 31, 1949.
  • "Heads Film Export Unit." Associated Press. October 2, 1945.
  • "Johnston Leaving Defense Job Nov. 30." New York Times. November 16, 1951.
  • Lawrence, W.H. "Soviet Is Pictured As Big U.S. Market." New York Times. June 20, 1944.
  • Loftus, Joseph A. "Johnston Is Named Stabilizing Chief." New York Times. January 20, 1951.
  • "Milestones." Time. August 30, 1963.
  • "Movies Pledge Aid in Inquiry on Reds." New York Times. September 30, 1947.
  • "Movies to Oust Ten Cited For Contempt of Congress." New York Times. November 26, 1947.
  • "Old Movie Taboos Eased in New Code For Film Industry." New York Times. December 12, 1956.
  • "'Political' Blacklisting in the Motion Picture Industry: A Sherman Act Violation." Yale Law Journal. 74:3 (January 1965).
  • Reston, James B. "Johnston Extols Soviet Peace Aim." New York Times. July 14, 1944.
  • Schary, Dore. Heyday: An Autobiography. Boston: Little, Brown, 1979.
  • Schumach, Murray. "Khrushchev Sets Hollywood Agog." New York Times. September 10, 1959.
  • Shapland, Greg. Rivers of Discord: International Water Disputes in the Middle East. New York: C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 1997.
  • "Surprise for Mr. Roosevelt." Time. June 29, 1942.
  • Tower, Samuel A. "Critics of Film Inquiry Assailed, Disney Denounces 'Communists'." New York Times. October 25, 1947.
  • Tower, Samuel A. "Film Men Admit Activity By Reds." New York Times. October 21, 1947.
  • Zeiler, Thomas W. Free Trade, Free World: The Advent of GATT. Wilmington, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1999. ISBN 0-8078-2458-5
  • "The Waldorf Conference." A play about the Waldorf Conference led by Eric Johnston in 1947. Accessed June 17, 2007.
  • Full text of the Waldorf Conference Statement. Hollywood Renegades Archive, Cobblestone Entertainment. No date. Accessed June 17, 2007.
  • "Longines Chronoscope with Eric Johnston" - Internet Archive
  • Newspaper clippings about エリック・ジョンストン in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW