
in ovo

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

in ovo(イン・オヴォ)とは、「卵内で」を意味する用語であり、学術論文などにもしばしば登場する。由来はラテン語





  • Reddy, S. K., et al. "Protective efficacy of a recombinant herpesvirus of turkeys as an in ovo vaccine against Newcastle and Marek's diseases in specific-pathogen-free chickens." Vaccine 14.6 (1996): 469-477.
  • Wakenell, Patricia S., et al. "Effect of in ovo vaccine delivery route on herpesvirus of turkeys/SB-1 efficacy and viremia." Avian diseases 46.2 (2002): 274-280.
  • Sharma, J. M., et al. "Field trial in commercial broilers with a multivalent in ovo vaccine comprising a mixture of live viral vaccines against Marek's disease, infectious bursal disease, Newcastle disease, and fowl pox." Avian diseases 46.3 (2002): 613-622.
  • Coletti, M., et al. "Efficacy and safety of an infectious bursal disease virus intermediate vaccine in ovo." Avian diseases (2001): 1036-1043.
  • Dilaveris, Dimitrios, et al. "The safety and immunogenicity of an in ovo vaccine against Newcastle disease virus differ between two lines of chicken." Vaccine 25.19 (2007): 3792-3799.





