




先日、記事翻訳に伴って、英語版Wikipediaからコモンズにファイルを写すことがありました。英語版からの移行でやり方がなかなか理解できずなかなかコピーできなかったのですが、そんな時に「CommonsHelper」というWikimedia Labs内のツールを見つけました。


改めてこのヘルプを見たところ、当該ツールの紹介はありませんでした。これについては追記したほうがいいのではないかと思いましたので、提案いたします。--Mashir43会話2016年10月21日 (金) 03:31 (UTC)[返信]



事後報告になってしまいますが、本ヘルプページ冒頭の「自分自身がアップロードしたファイルの場合」にあった「WP:CSD#全般8により、元のファイルを即時削除します。」をDiff/61668969で「WP:CSD#ファイル1-4({{コモンズへの移動}})により、元のファイルを即時削除します。」と修正しました。全般8がファイル名前空間に適用できなくなったためです。{{コモンズへの移動}}を追加した理由は、#自分自身がアップロードしたファイルを移動するではTemplate:コモンズへの移動を推奨しているためです。即時削除の方針と合致しない間違った解説となっていましたので提案より先に修正をしました。--Mirinano会話2016年10月25日 (火) 08:30 (UTC)[返信]



下記に要旨を翻訳してあります。お手数ですが〔情報〕「FileImporter が既定で使える」をご参照ください。--2021年12月23日 (木) 17:25 (UTC) I think FileImporter is the best way to move files. It will move the entire file history too. It is easy to enable. Just go to 特別:個人設定#mw-prefsection-betafeatures and click. Then go to a file and click the tab with Eksport to Wikimedia Commons and click okay.

After the file has been moved to Commons it will need a category and perhaps also a few changes. But it is possible to modify the templates to make the best possible transfer.

Read more about FileImporter here.

In my opinion FileImporter should be the only way to move files because it copies the entire file history so it is possible to see who changed what. And the users that uploaded the files can still see the files in their upload history (on Commons).

Try it and I'm sure you will love it! --MGA73会話2020年7月17日 (金) 16:23 (UTC)[返信]

Hi 利用者:Omotecho! You helped me translate a message on Wikipedia‐ノート:Wikimedia Commonsに画像をアップしよう. Perhaps you could help make a translation of the message above or change Help:ウィキメディア・コモンズへファイルを移動する方法 to mention FileImporter? --MGA73会話2021年12月19日 (日) 14:18 (UTC)[返信]
Hey, @MGA73, do you wish me to go strait Commons (?) and put things into ja? Is backtracking/starting from your first input above lower priority? I guess I will start on Monday on your request if it is not pressing. Kindly give your prefered path, so that we would have time to Q&A in case. Cheers,--Omotecho会話2021年12月19日 (日) 16:06 (UTC)[返信]
Hi 利用者:Omotecho! Thank you for the fast reply. FileImporter is now default for all autoconfirmed users so the part about betafeatures in my first message is no longer relevant.
I think that Help:ウィキメディア・コモンズへファイルを移動する方法#自分自身がアップロードしたファイルを移動する and Help:ウィキメディア・コモンズへファイルを移動する方法#自分以外の人がアップロードしたファイルを移動する should be updated to suggest FileImporter as the best option to move files. Also I think it is no longer required to inform the original uploader on ja.wiki that the file have been moved. --MGA73会話2021年12月19日 (日) 16:20 (UTC)[返信]
OK, for record-sake, kindly:
1) add the Commons/jawp page with &oldid where it is noted that:
>FileImporter is now default for all autoconfirmed users so the part about betafeatures in my first message is no longer relevant.
2) Could you link your writing in English on enwp or Commons here?
3) please see to it if it's a courtesy at jawp to ping/message original poster if their picture/illustration was moved to Commons.
For #1: I wish I am not pulling your leg: have seen not few cases where later on ppl get confused why they are advised for better option but not their fav options, e.g. the one at the top of this page.
And #3: only wish to pave the way as not many image posters are familiar with Commons IMHO. Seen messages to contact good-willed movers sounding quite doubtful if the mover manipulated the original poster and "used" someone elses' work as a trophy on non-jawp space. (No evidence if somebody ripped it off from Commons and landed it back on jawp. (;
Gosh, how I sound like a noisy bug...--Omotecho会話2021年12月19日 (日) 16:47 (UTC)[返信]
Hi 利用者:Omotecho!
1) On mw:Help:Extension:FileImporter/ja#開発ロードマップ it says "2020-08-05: その他のウィキ群における実装 OK" so from that day everyone can use FileImporter to move files to Commons without having to edit the Preferences or Beta. It was mentoned at Wikipedia:お知らせ/過去ログ/2020年08月#Technical_Wishes:_FileExporter_and_FileImporter_become_default_features_on_all_Wikis but it may have been mentioned other places too.
2) I'm not sure what you would like me to link to. Do you suggest that I write a text in English about FileImporter so that you can translate that? Perhaps mw:Help:Extension:FileImporter/ja can be used?
3) The need to ping the original uploader was discussed becaused it was suggested to use a bot to delete files that was moved to Commons. See Wikipedia:井戸端/subj/Botで大量にコモンズへ移動された画像のファイル1-5による即時削除への対応について for example. I think the discussion was at Wikipedia‐ノート:即時削除の方針/過去ログ19#投稿者への通知をファイル1-5の要件から除去する提案 and the result was that the policy was changed so it was not a requirement to inform the original uploader per special:diff/79045420 (and also special:diff/79045526).
It is of course still allowed to write to the original uploaders and tell them that the files was moved to Commons. But User:Bakkai have not been active for 10 years and if you look at 利用者‐会話:Bakkai it is almost spam to inform about all the files that was moved. Even if they are listed like on 利用者‐会話:Bakkai#Moving_files_to_Commons.
FileImporter should make it much better because all the information from jawiki will be imported to Commons. So the risk that someone add the wrong photographer is much smaller if FileImporter is used.
I know that many files was moved badly. Currently I check files in Category:Bot deletion not possible one by one and I have checked and fixed a few thousand files so far but there are still many left to check. --MGA73会話2021年12月20日 (月) 09:32 (UTC)[返信]
Great we have you and check those bad moved files, as those are preventing some uploaders to decide if they want their materials on Commons or not, afraid to be ripped/added wrong captions.
Yes, be assured I agree we need to have people know/shift to FileImporter deff. 
Now, my offer first, a practical response to our conversation here.
Let me put your answer 2021年12月20日 (月) 09:32 into ja so that it will reach more readers/easy to search. I'll propose to supplement the jawp:お知らせ link you pointed me to. Only that people are on track of the background/ implementation.
Sorry, but I am not updating wording on the following docs. I'll feel safe to add _tl:seealso_ pointing to mw:Help:Extension:FileImporter/ja, while, no, that's against my hunch jawp community hesitates to read mw pages.
------ no rush from below this line.
質問 But, a newbie question persists. Don't we need to edit the present page? This is why I am not very enthusiastic about upholstering those two docs.
Does FileImporter controls naming importing files in single-byte characters only? Wonder when we have lowered the bar and allow materials with double-byte titles put out to Commons? I read what you need to do moving files from jawp does not include always changing file names into single byte/roman spellings.
  • Is it not against Commons criteria, or name files universally readable? Correcting those truncated titles calls for somebody to de-cypher, a boring task I won't take up. Or because the title is un-sortable, it looses chances to be a full resource to wikis/non-Wikimedia universe?
(2) I thought what you wish is that I compare en doc and ja doc and update the latter, focusing on sentences mentioning FileImporter.
3) Of course I don't wish people pile up messages on some busy handlers, but,
  • 3_1) you know, courtesy is something jawp editors begin quarreling on: -> lower priority;
  • 3_2) if you organize a photo contest, how do you let the photog coming to your off-wiki gathering? They are not necessarily wikipedia editors nor read/search for rules/policies IMHO. -> open issue. Only I wish to second:
投稿者への通知があるとファイル名前空間には所有権があるんだと、投稿者に勘違いされるのではないかと思います。標準名前空間では記事の削除や移動(リネーム)は初版投稿者に特に断りもなくされているようです。--Kh2K(会話) 2020年8月5日 (水) 08:28 (UTC)
Lastly but not least, thank you indeed re:(1). I was not following the topic on お知らせ or TechNews, m(_%_)m. As a Commons editor, a great great great news we have a good tool to upload materials. Great pat on the shoulder to check ja captions lacking en translation. Why can't I resist telling you that we need attention that something good started from conversation in non-ja language tends to turn people's eye shine in strange colors. No worry, but hate to give bate...--Omotecho会話2021年12月20日 (月) 11:47 (UTC)[返信]
Omotecho Thank you! The page Help:ウィキメディア・コモンズへファイルを移動する方法 is meant as a help for 1) what not to move to Commons (that part is still good) and 2) how to move good files to Commons. Right now the suggested way to move files is to download the file and upload it manually. This is not a good way to do it. It is much better to move the file using FileImporter. I think that is what should be written on the page.
I suggest you try to move a file and see how easy it is ^ _ ^
When you move a file with FileImporter it will as default suggest the same name on Commons as on ja.wiki. If the file name is allready in use on Commons you are asked to chose another name. It is always possible to chose to use a different name. Japanese names are allowed on Commons (Per c:Commons:Language policy "Files can be named in any language. The name of the file should be descriptive.").
You can also make edits to the text on the file page when you move the file. Personally I prefer to make the changes on Commons after the file is moved. But it is a good idea to check the description and all the other information to see if they are correct and fix whatever should be fixed.
The reason I added the link to mw is because it will tell users how to move the files and it is in Japanese. So I think it would be an easy way for you copy a short text on how to use FileImporter and it chould be used as a "If you need more information you can click...<link>" (See also).
As a start it would be great if you could add the link to mw under "See also" and it would also be great if you could add a translation of our discussion. You do not have to translate it all as I think a short resume would be good. --MGA73会話2021年12月20日 (月) 16:19 (UTC)[返信]

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 情報 FileImporter が既定で使えるようになりました(※_0)。(補足「ファイルインポーター」と読みます)


FileImporter が規定になったことは既報とのことです(上述の(1)項ご参照)。

  1. mw:Help:Extension:FileImporter/ja#開発ロードマップ(「2020-08-05: その他のウィキ群における実装 OK」)とあり。ベータ機能でなくなったため、利用のための個人設定の変更は不要です。
  2. ウィキペディアでもお知らせ欄で告知があった由。「Wikipedia:お知らせ/過去ログ/2020年08月#Technical_Wishes:_FileExporter_and_FileImporter_become_default_features_on_all_Wikis」をご参照ください。(他にも言及があったかもしれないとのこと。)


  • ご留意点
  1. コモンズに移動した後、日本語版ウィキペディアに残存する同じファイルを除去するにつき、かつてボット運用の協議があった由(※_1)。
  2. 同じく別協議(※_2)の結論では、方針が変わったから投稿者に説明は義務ではなくなったそうです。

--Omotecho会話) 2021年12月23日 (木) 17:25 (UTC) / ツール名の読み方「ファイルインポーター」を補いました。 --Omotecho会話2021年12月26日 (日) 11:48 (UTC)[返信]