Allies of the Amazon
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The Allies of the Amazon are a fictional animal-superhero group who protect the Amazon forest and the harmony of its inhabitants[1]. The group first appeared in the children’s book Allies of the Amazon, which was released in Brazil on November 12th, 2019. The characters were created by legendary comic book writer Stan Lee, film producers Frederico Lapenda and Terry Dougas[2], and Brazilian author Gabriel Chalita. The story was written by Chalita, with character designs and illustrations by Bruno Miranda[3]. The book was released as part of Stan Lee’s Kids Universe (SLKU[4]), through FTD publishing[5], in order to promote environmental awareness.
The hero members of the Allies of the Amazon are Duca, an uakari monkey who has the power to release flames from his hands; Nina, a giant turtle who has the ability to move and dig large amounts of earth with her mouth; Gabe, an uirapuru bird who has the ability to emit strong winds from his beak[1]; and Serena, a great victoria-regia plant who has the power to control water.
In the premise of the first book there is peace within the forest and every animal only tells the truth. When an ant excavation deep underground releases an ancient monster named Lamal, the forest is threatened. Lamal has the power to shape-shift and lie, and begins to disrupt the harmony of the forest. United by friendship and purpose, the Allies of the Amazon take on Lamal to protect their home and reinstate the values of a sustainable society.
Stan Lee’s Kids Universe is a joint venture between Lee’s POW! Entertainment and Dougas’s 1821 Media[6]. FTD publishing, a Brazilian-based publisher that specializes in educational material produced the book. The characters were created during a meeting between Lee, Lapenda, and Dougas. Brazilian author Gabriel Chalita was tapped to write the book, and for the illustrations, Lapenda recruited Brazilian artist Bruno Miranda.
Allies of the Amazon was released by SLKU and was the first posthumous work released after Lee’s death. A year after Lee’s death, the book was made available in Brazil via Amazon[7]. Along with the book’s release, a downloadable coloring book was made available on the Allies of the Amazon website.
The Allies of the Amazon are a group of four diverse animals who each serve a different role within the forest’s ecosystem. Each member has the ability to control a natural element. Together they use their powers to protect the harmony of the animals in the forest.
- Serena[8], (Queen of the Waters) a giant victoria-regia plant who is responsible for all life in the forest. She has the ability to control water and appears in human form when she uses her powers.
- Duca[9], (Master of Flames) a playful and friendly uakari monkey who is considered the funniest animal in the forest. He has the ability to shoot flames from his hands.
- Nina[10], (Dame of the Earth) a patient and wise giant turtle who conducts research in the forest. She has the ability to move and produce large amounts of earth with her mouth.
- Gabe[11], (Lord of the Winds) an uirapuru bird who is admired by all animals in the forest for his musical skills. He has the ability to emit strong winds from his beak.
As protectors of the forest’s inhabitants, the Allies of the Amazon have many friends who assist the heroes without being official members. The Allies interact with many different animals in the forest.
- Rani[12], a strong and fierce jaguar respected by all in the forest. Mother to Kron.
- Kron, a black jaguar cub who is adventurous and brave. Son to Rani.
- Rico, a large and imposing hawk, who is fast and agile.
- Anahi[13], a sweet songbird, who is in love with Gabe.
- Hugo[14], a clumsy pink dolphin, who is always smiling and plays with everyone in the forest.
- Juju, a tall chestnut tree, who is known for being humorous and fun.
- Tai, an old but great rubber tree. Known for telling stories to the animals of the forest.
- Rudah, the god of love. A divine and kind immortal being.
- Tupan, the god of thunder. A divine and powerful immortal being.
- Bazu, a gossiping frog, who is small and smart.
- Koka, a bald parrot who is wise and fearful. Very articulate, Koka spreads gossip across the forest.
- Kaulim, a slow and lazy sloth.
- Lingi, a large anteater. Lingi is kind and helpful.
- Anna, a large manatee who is sweet and beautiful.
- Kaiko, a cranky but organized electric eel.
- Endi, a hardworking ant. Endi’s curious nature led to the accidental freeing of Lamal.
- Tony, a small and bashful armadillo.
Lamal is the Allies of the Amazon’s central antagonist. He is an ancient monster with the power to shape-shift and tell lies. Long ago, he was sealed deep underground after almost destroying all life in the forest, but due to an excavation by ants was set free. Lamal[15] frequently shape-shifts, spreading distrust among animals of the forest. There is always a trail of dirt coming from the animals he pretends to be, revealing his true identity.
[編集]- ^ a b (英語) Heroes - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) Creators - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-03) .
- ^ (英語) Bruno Miranda Art. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) Stan Lee's Kids Universe: Home.. (2020-09-02).
- ^ (英語) Stan Lee's Kids Universe 'Allies Of The Amazon' Set For ..... (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) About Us - 1821 Media. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) Stan Lee remembered on the anniversary of his death - CNN. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) SERENA - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) DUCA - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) NINA - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) GABE - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) RANI - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) ANAHI - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) HUGO - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .
- ^ (英語) LAMAL - Allies of Amazon. (2020-09-02) .