陰茎形成術 | |
治療法 | |
診療科 | Urology |
ICD-10-PCS | 0VUS07 |
CPT | 54304 |
陰茎形成術(いんけいけいせいじゅつ、英: Phalloplasty, Penoplasty)とは、手術による陰茎の整形や再建、または修正術を指す。その他、陰茎増大を指す場合にも使用されることがある[1]。
[編集]ロシアの外科医ニコラジ・ボゴラズは、1936年に筒状の腹部皮弁と肋軟骨により陰茎全体の最初の再建を実施した[2][3][4]。トランス男性に対する最初の性別適合手術は、1946年にハロルド・ギリーズが同僚の医師マイケル・ディロンに対して行ったもので、ペイガン・ケネディの著書『The First Man-Made Man』に記録されている[要出典]。ギリーズの手技は数十年間標準的な手技であり続けた。その後、顕微鏡手術が改良され、より多くの手技が利用できるようになった。
- 運動神経を使用する為、性感は得られず触覚のみとなる。
- 皮弁採取後、乳頭が横に偏位することがある。
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広背筋からの皮弁採取(Latissimus dorsi phalloplasty)
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保存的組織採取法(No-touch surgical technique)
[編集]陰茎プロテーゼ移植のための保存的組織採取法は、J. Francois Eidによって開発された陰茎インプラント移植の際に用いる術式である[20]。 保存的採取法ではインプラントと皮膚が接触せず、感染のリスクを最小限に抑えることができる。
陰茎プロテーゼの設計と製造工程が進歩してその機械的耐久性が向上するにつれ、感染がインプラントの主な合併症として浮上してきた。比較的稀ではあるが(0.06%~8.9%)、インプラントの感染は患者に深刻な結果を齎し、器具の完全な除去が必要となり、陰茎のサイズと解剖学的構造が永久に失われる[21][22]。インプラントの細菌汚染は手術中に起こる可能性があり、インプラントが患者の皮膚に直接または間接的に接触することで感染が引き起こされる。感染症の70%以上は、表皮ブドウ球菌、黄色ブドウ球菌、レンサ球菌、Candida albicans などの皮膚微生物叢の微生物が原因で発生する[23]。
[編集]- トランスジェンダー関連トピックのアウトライン
- 陰核陰茎形成術―女性から男性への性別適合手術の一つ
- 陰茎増大
- 陰茎移植術
- 性別適合手術
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[編集]- Total Phalloplasty Using a Musculocutaneous Latissimus Dorsi Flap by Sava V. Perovic, Rados Djinovic (British Journal of Urology, Reconstructive Urology, Volume 100 Issue 4, Sep 2007)
- New Technique of Total Phalloplasty With Reinnervated Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Free Flap in Female-to-Male Transsexuals by Vesely, Jiri; Hyza, Petr; Ranno, Raul; Cigna, Emanuele; Monni, Nicola; al etc. (Annals of Plastic Surgery, Volume 58 Issue 5, May 2007)
- Simultaneous Penis and Perineum Reconstruction Using a Combined Latissimus Dorsi-Scapular Free Flap with Intraoperative Penile Skin Expansion by Rohrich, Rod J.; Allen, Terry; Lester, Fred; Young, Jonathan P.; Katz, Scott L. (Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 99 Issue 4, April 1997)
- Neophalloplasty in Female-to-Male Transsexuals with the Island Tensor Fasciae Latae Flap by Santanelli, Fabio M.D., Ph.D.; Scuderi, Nicolò (Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 105 Issue 6, May 2000)
- A New Surgical Procedure for Phallic Reconstruction: Istanbul Flap by Mutaf, Mehmet (Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 105 Issue 4, April 2000)
- One-Stage Reconstruction of the Penis with Composite Iliac Crest and Lateral Groin Skin Flap by Sun, Guang-ci M.D.; Huang, Jin-jing (Annals of Plastic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 6, December 1985)
- A Novel Single-Flap Technique for Total Penile Reconstruction: The Pedicled Anterolateral Thigh Flap by Lee, Gordon K.; Lim, Angeline F.; Bird, Erin (Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 124 Issue 1, July 2009)
- Penile Reconstruction by the Free Scapular Flap and Malleable Penis Prosthesis by Yang, Mingyong; Zhao, Muxin; Li, Senkai; Li, Yangqun (Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 59 Issue 1, July 2007)
- Hage, J. Joris (1992). Peniplastica Totalis to Reassignment Surgery of the External Genitalia in Female-to-Male Transsexuals. VU University Press. ISBN 978-90-5383-115-1
- Long-Term Follow-Up of Total Penile Reconstruction with Sensate Osteocutaneous Free Fibula Flap in 18 Biological Male Patients by Sengezer, Mustafa; Öztürk, Serdar; Deveci, Mustafa; Odabasi, Zeki (Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 114 Issue 2, August 2004)
- Long-Term Fate of the Bony Component in Neophallus Construction with Free Osteofasciocutaneous Forearm or Fibula Flap in 18 Female-to-Male Transsexuals by Papadopulos, Nikolaos A.; Schaff, Juergen; Biemer, Edgar (Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 109 Issue 3, March 2002)
- Use of forearm free-flap phalloplasty in bladder exstrophy adults by Marc-Olivier Timsit, Pierre Mouriquand, Alain Ruffion, Alain Bouillot, Diala Dembelé, Arnaud Mejean, Fanny Lalloue, Albert Leriche and Nicolas Morel-Journel (BJU International, Volume 103 Issue 10, Dec 2008)
- Phalloplasty for female transsexuals with sensate free forearm flap[リンク切れ] by Rong-Hwang Fang, Jin-Teh Lin, Shiuh Ma (Microsurgery, Volume 15 Issue 5, Oct 2005)
- Long-term outcome of forearm flee-flap phalloplasty in the treatment of transsexualism by Albert Leriche, Marc-Olivier Timsit, Nicolas Morel-Journel, André Bouillot, Diala Dembele and Alain Ruffion (BJU International, Volume 101 Issue 10, Jan 2008)
- Penile Reconstruction: Is the Radial Forearm Flap Really the Standard Technique? by Monstrey, Stan; Hoebeke, Piet; Selvaggi, Gennaro; al etc. (Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 124 Issue 2, August 2009)
- Addressing the ideal requirements by free flap phalloplasty: Some reflections on refinements of technique by J. Joris Hage, Floris H. De Graaf (Microsurgery, Volume 14 Issue 9, Oct 2005)
- Total Phallic Construction in Female to Male Transsexuals by Giulio Garaffa, Nim A. Christopher, David J. Ralph (Current Urology, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2009)
- Gender Reassigment by Dan Greenwald and Wayne Stadelmann (eMedicine Journal, Volume 2 Number 7, 6 July 2001)
- Gender Identity Disorders: Diagnostic and Surgical Aspects by Michael Sohn, and Hartmut Bosinski, MD (Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 4 Issue 5, Aug 2007)
- Glans sculpting in phalloplasty — experiences in female-to-male transsexuals by Rong-Hwang Fang, Yi-Sheng Kaoa, Shiuh Ma, Jin-Teh Lin (Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Volume 51, Issue 5, July 1998)
- Severe Penile Injuries: Etiology, Management and Outcomes by Sava V. Perovic, Urologia Polska (Polish Journal of Urology) 2005/58/3, ISSN 0500-7208.