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[編集]- アルゼンチン航空, the former national carrier. However, in 2009, it was renationalized.
- ENTel (national telecommunications company) - partitioned and sold to France Telecom and to Spanish Telefonica
- ブエノスアイレス地下鉄, given under concession but still owned by the State
- Empresa Nacional de Correos y Telegrafos (ENCoTel), given under concession as Correo Argentino. Re-nationalized in 2003
- Obras Sanitarias (water-company), given as a concession to the French conglomerate Suez, which operates it under the name Aguas Argentinas. Re-nationalized in 2006 as Aguas y Saneamientos Argentinos (AySA).
- Fabrica Militar de Aviones (FMA), sold to ロッキード・マーティン
- Ferrocarriles Argentinos, railway-lines all over the country (some in the process of re-nationalization under the Kirchner administration)
- Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF), national oil-company sold to the Spanish Repsol. The Argentinian government in 2004 set up a new state oil company (Enarsa) from scratch, which proved of no use. In 2012, the Argentine Government expropriated 51% of the shares of ヤシミエントス・ペトロリフェロス・フィスカレス owned by Repsol.
- Gas del Estado, national gas company partitioned and sold, among others, to the Spanish Gas Natural.
- Agua y Energia Electrica, national electricity-production company. Partitioned and sold.
[編集]- カンタス航空
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- テルストラ
- Commonwealth Serum Laboratories
- Commonwealth Industrial Gases
- Commonwealth Oil Refineries
- Electricity and natural gas supply companies in Victoria
- State-owned betting-agencies in most States
- Many long-distance and urban passenger railway services
- All freight railway services except クイーンズランド鉄道
- Public transport in メルボルン
- Most State-owned banks
- Government Printing Service (ニューサウスウェールズ州)
- Government Cleaning Service (New South Wales)
- Government Insurance Office in New South Wales
- シドニー国際空港
[編集]- Bahrain Telecommunications Co. (Q1 2005, $800 million)
[編集]- Highway 407 (1999) - 民間事業者にリース
- エア・カナダ (1988)
- カナディアン・ナショナル鉄道 (1995)
- Manitoba Telecom Services or MTS (1996)
- Nova Scotia Power (1992)
- オンタリオ・ハイドロ (1999 - ハイドロ・ワンとオンタリオ・パワー・ジェネレーション共に一部のみ民営化)
- ペトロ・カナダ (1991)
- Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan (1989)
- Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (1996)
- Teleglobe (1987) - 国際通信事業者
- テラス (1991):旧Alberta Government Telephones
- サスカチュワン州のウラン事業
[編集]CAP Lan Airlines Chilectra Endesa Iansa CTC Entel Enaex Soquimich Pension Funds (AFP) Colbun Esval Empremar
[編集]- Virtually everything after the ビロード革命 in 1989. See voucher privatization for details.
[編集]- The Shebin spinning and weaving factory in Menoufia in the ナイル川デルタ was on strike against/locked out by its new non-Egyptian owners in the wake of the 2011 revolution. Workers and maybe the military now in control of the state were favoring re-nationalization, according to one report. "[L]iberal economic policy is tarred with [the old regime's] corruption," said Michael Wahid Hanna, in Cairo for the U.S.-based Century Foundation.[1] Indorama, the new インドネシアn/Thai[2] owner of Shebin,[3] was not quoted in the report. Looking further back to 2000, "well considered public spinners" Shebin El Kom and STIA, were then considered to have a "redundant labor problem ... [but] would otherwise be attractive privatization buying or leasing opportunities for private investors."[4] In 2011, STIA, also known as El Nasr Wool & Selected Textiles, of アレクサンドリア, remained "one of the largest public sector textiles companies."[5] See also 民営化.
- サンゴバン created in 1665 by the minister of Finance Jean-Baptiste Colbert and privatized in 1986.
- TF1 テレビ放送の第1チャンネル (1987年)
- パリバ privatized in 1987 and merged with BNP to formed BNP Paribas.
- ソシエテ・ジェネラル privatized in 1987
- スエズ privatized and merged with the stated-owned Gaz de France (GDF) in 2008 to form GDF Suez.
- Compagnie Generale d'Electricite became Alcatel (1987)
- Havas (1987)
- マトラ (1988)
- トタル
- ルノー (1996) 政府保有株は 15.01%
- Credit local de France (1991) 現在のデクシア
- Union des assurances de Paris (1994)
- エルフ・アキテーヌ privatized in 1994. absorbed by Total.
- SEITA (1995) 現在のアルタディス
- アルセロール (1995)
- Pechiney (1995)
- Compagnie generale transatlantique (1996) merged with CMA to form CMA-CGM
- Assurances Generales de France (1996).
- Bull (1997)
- クレディ・リヨネ (1999)
- Credit Industriel et Commercial (1998)
- CNP Assurances (1998)
- Gan(1998)
- Eramet (1999)
- Societe nationale industrielle aerospatiale(2000) Merged with DASA and CASA to form European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
- Thomson Multimedia
- Thomson Multimedia 現在のテクニカラー
- Thomson-CSF 現在のタレス・グループ(政府保有株は27%)
- Credit Lyonnais (2001)
- フランステレコム (政府保有株は26,94%)
- スネクマ
- Pages Jaunes (Yellow Pages) (in 2004 France sold 32% of Pages Jaunes for -1.25 billion)
- SNCM (Societe Nationale Maritime Corse Mediterranee) ferry-company. Privatized at the end of 2005. French State remains 25% in SNCM.
- Electricite de France (EDF) (in December 2005 France sold 30% of EDF)
- フランスガス公社 (GDF) Prime minister ドミニク・ド・ビルパン announced a merger between GDF and Suez; since the state owns 80% of GDF, a privatization of GDF would require the passing of a new law; the state would control only 34% of the capital of the new group[6].
- エールフランス 1999に株式公開。KLMと合併しAir France-KLMに。2012年の政府保有株は15.8%[7]
- Aeroports de Paris 政府保有株は52%
- French Highway Concession
- A'lienor Sold to Eiffage (65%) and Societe des Autoroutes du Nord et de l'Est de la France (35%)
- Alis (entreprise) Sold to Societe des Autoroutes du Nord et de l'Est de la France
- Societe des Autoroutes de Paris Normandie sold to Vinci (construction)
- Societe des Autoroutes du Nord et de l'Est de la France sold to : Abertis (52,5 %),the rest own by other investor.
- Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhone sold to Eiffage
- Autoroutes du Sud de la France sold to Vinci (construction)
- Arcour sold to Vinci (construction)
- Atlandes sold to Colas Group (subsidiaries of ブイグ )and other investor.
- Cofiroute sold to Vinci (construction)
[編集]- Deutsche Bundespost became
- ドイツポスト Jan. 2005 - KfW buys 12% (-1.7 billion) to sell to public.
- ドイツテレコム
- Deutsche Postbank (in 2004 the state floated a minority stake for -2.5 billion)
- ドイツ連邦鉄道 became ドイツ鉄道 in 1994
- UFA underwent privatization in 1921
[編集]- OTE (σC˃ǃЃȿ- ŃɃÃǃȃ̓ǃ˃փ˃ſɠɃǿ˿/Hellenic Telecommunications Company) became partly privatised in the 1990s, when its only shareholder at the time, the Hellenic State, reduced its share of the company to 36%
- Olympic Airways at first, then Olympic Airlines. The Hellenic State attempted to privatise the ailing airlines five times, more or less, from 2004 onwards.
[編集]- 地下鉄路公司 (現在は香港鉄路有限公司)
- The Link REIT
[編集]- Landsbanki Islands hf - sold in 2003 (became NBI hf in 2008)
- Landssimi Islands hf - sold 98.8% to Skipti ehf in 2005 (renamed Siminn hf)
[編集]- Bharat Aluminium Company - in 2001 by the BJP Government
- Maruti Udyog
- Hindustan Zinc Limited - in 2001 by the BJP [8]
- VSNL - by the BJP
- Delhi Airport
- Mumbai Airport
- Hyderabad International Airport
- Bangalore International Airport
- Cochin International Airport
[編集]- (planned) most industries except oil, at the behest of the アメリカ合衆国 sponsored government.
[編集]- Irish Steel - transferred ownership to Ispat, firm bankrupt, no longer exists.
- Irish Sugar - floated on stock market as Greencore. State retains one share for veto purposes.
- British and Irish Steampacket Company Limited - sold to Irish Continental Group
- Telecom Eireann - floated on the stock market
- Cablelink - sold to NTL Ireland. Formerly held 50/50 by Telecom Eireann and Raidio Teilifis Eireann, both state-owned at the time.
- エアリンガス - floated on the stock market. State retains 25%
- Irish Life - sold to Irish Permanent
- TSB Bank - sold to Irish Life and Permanent
- ACCBank - sold to ラボバンク
- ICC Bank - sold to スコットランド銀行
- Irish National Petroleum Corporation - all assets sold to コノコフィリップス, still exists in law
- Nitrigin Eireann - sold to its other shareholder in Irish Fertiliser Industries, Richardsons, final firm called IFI, no longer exists.
[編集]- エル・アル航空
- Israel Discount Bank (partial)
- Bank Hapoalim
- Bank Leumi (partial)
- Israel Chemicals
- Bezeq
- RAFAEL Armament Development Authority (partial)
[編集]- エネル (1999 32% -16.6 billion, 2003 6.6% -2.2 billion, 2004 20% -7.5 billion) ([3])
- Eni
- イタリア産業復興公社(IRI):高速道路など運輸インフラの持ち株会社アトランティアなどへ移行。
- テレコム・イタリア
- テルナ (Enel sold 43.5% for -1.48 billion in June 2004) ([4])
[編集]- Aramex International (Q1 2005, 75% for $150-200 million)
- Jordan Telecom
- Queen Alia's Airport
[編集]- Kuwait Finance House (November 2004, 25% of the company for $1 billion)
[編集]- Pos Malaysia - national postal services
- Telekom Malaysia
- Tenaga National Berhad - national electricity-generation and distribution
- Johor Water Corporation
- Pasir Gudang Local Authority
- マレーシア航空
- Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad - national railway company
- スナイ国際空港
- Malaysia Airports Holdings
- ニュージーランド航空 (1989年), subsequently rescued by the Crown in 2001
- オークランド国際空港
- ニュージーランド銀行 - 1987年から半民営化、1992に売却
- Electricity Corporation of New Zealand (ECNZ) - part of which became privatized as Contact Energy in the period 1995 - 1998
- Government Print
- Ministry of Works and Development
- Natural Gas Corporation (NGC), ultimately absorbed into Vector Limited
- New Zealand Steel, privatized from 1987, now part of BlueScope Steel
- The Post Office Savings Bank (POSB), bought by the ANZ bank in 1989
- テレコム・ニュージーランド (1990年)
- New Zealand Rail Limited, privatized in 1993, became Tranz Rail Limited in 1995 - Government subsequently repurchased the track lease
- テルストラ (2005年)
- various council-controlled organisations formerly owned by territorial authorities: see also Local Authority Trading Enterprises (LATEs)
[編集]- Arcus (sold to Sucra in 2001)
- Statkorn (floated on the stock market as Cermaq in 2000, Government retains 44%)
- Christiania Bank og Kreditkasse (sold to ノルデア銀行 in 2000)
- DnB NOR (floated on the stock market in 1995, Government retains 34%)
- Finnmark Fylkesrederi (sold to Veolia Transport Norway in 2003)
- Fredrikstad Energi (49% sold to フォータム)
- Kongsberg Gruppen (floated on the stock market in 1993, Government retains 50%)
- Norsk Medisinaldepot (sold to Celesio in 2001)
- NSB Gods (now CargoNet, partially sold to Green Cargo in 2002, NSB retains 55%)
- Oslo Energi (parts merged with Hafslund)
- Postbanken (merged with DnB NOR in 1999)
- スタトイルハイドロ (floated on the stock market in 2001, Government retains 71%)
- Telenor (floated on the stock market in 2000, Government retains 54%)
- TronderBilene (66% sold to Fosen Trafikklag in 1999)
- Ostfold Energi (parts sold to フォータム in 2001)
- Ardal og Sunndal Verk (merged with Norsk Hydro in 1986)
[編集]- National Refinery Limited (acquired by Attock Group of Companies in July 2005)
[編集]- Q-Gas (Q1 2005, 50% for $600 million)
[編集]- Electrica - electricity distributor
- Petrom - national petroleum company
- Romtelecom - national telecommunications company
- Sidex - steelworks
[編集]- ガスプロム (1994)
- ルクオイル (1995)
- メチェル (1995)
- ノリリスク・ニッケル (1995)
- ノヴォリペツク製鉄 (1995)
- スルグートネフチガス (1995)
- ユコス (1995)
[編集]- Al-Bilad Bank (November 2004, 50% valued at $400 million)
[編集]- Port of Singapore Authority (1997)
- Post Office Savings Bank (bought by DBS銀行 in 1998 and rebranded as POSBank)
- Singapore Broadcasting Corporation (1994, as the Television Corporation of Singapore; later renamed メディアコープ in 2001)
- Singapore Post
- Singapore Power
- Singapore Telecommunications (1992)
[編集]- イベリア航空 (2001)
- セアト (1986)
- レプソル (1989-1997)
- エンデサ (1988-1998)
- Indra
- ガス・ナトゥラル
- Retevision
- アルヘンタリア銀行
- タバカレーラ
- レッド・エレクトリカ・デ・エスパーニャ
- Aceralia
[編集]- ASEA-ATOM (1981) - sold to Asea
- ルクソール (企業) (1984)
- SSAB (1986-1994)
- UV Shipping (1988)
[編集]- SAKAB
- SSAB (wholly privatised in 1994)
- Svalof
- Swedish Real Estate Valuation Corp
- Celsius
- Cementa
- AssiDoman
- OKPetroleum
- Pharmacia
- Nordbanken (partial)
- Industrikredit AB
- SBL Vaccin
- Stadshypotek AB
- Enator
- PharmaciaUpjohn
- SAQ Kontrol
- Foretagskapital
- Svenska Statens Sprakresor AB
- Lantbrukskredit AB
- Svensk Fastighetsvardering
[編集]- Nordbanken
- Celsius AB
- Grangesbergs Gruvor
- Svenska Lagerhus
- Svenska Miljostyrningsradet
- Kurortsverksamhet
- Vin & Sprit - ペルノ・リカール が 5,626 billion ユーロで買収[11]
- OMX - 証券取引所 - 株式はボース・ドバイが2.1 billion で買収[12]
Planned privatisations
[編集]- ノルデア銀行 (19.5% owned by Swedish government)[13]
- SAS (50% owned by Swedish, Danish, Norwegian governments)[14]
- テリア・ソネラ[15] (37.3% owned by the Swedish government)
- Apoteket (partial, 2009)[16]
[編集][17] (Listing Scope >US $ 10 M.)
[編集]- Damas Jewelry (November 2004, 55% of the company for $224 million)
[編集]- BP (1977, 1979, 1981, 1987)
- International Computers Limited (1979)
- トーマス・クック (1972)
[編集]- Amersham International (1982)
- Associated British Ports (1983, 1984)
- ブリティッシュ・エアロスペース (1981, 1985)
- British Airports Authority (1987)
- ブリティッシュ・エアウェイズ (1987)
- British Airways Helicopters (1986)
- British Gas (1986)
- ブリティッシュ・レイランド
- Alvis (1981)
- コヴェントリー・クライマックス (1982)
- Danish Automobile Building (1987)
- Istel (1987)
- ジャガー (1984)
- レイランド・バス (1987)
- Leyland Tractors (1982)
- レイランド・トラック (1987)
- ローバー・グループ (1988)
- Unipart (1987)
- British Rail Engineering Limited (1989)
- ブリティッシュ・シップビルダーズ (1985 - 1989, shipbuilder companies sold individually)
- ブリティッシュ・スティール (1988)
- British Sugar (1982)
- ブリティッシュ・テレコム (1984, 1991, 1993)
- British Transport Hotels (1983)
- Britoil (1982, 1985)
- ケーブル・アンド・ワイヤレス (1981, 1983, 1985)
- Council Houses (1980-present, over two million sold to their tenants) - see main article Right to buy scheme
- Enterprise Oil (1984)
- Fairey (1980)
- フェランティ (1980)
- Inmos (1984)
- Municipal Bus Companies (1988-present, bus companies sold individually) - バス規制緩和を参照
- National Bus Company (1986 - 1988, bus companies sold individually)
- National Express (1988)
- National Freight Corporation (1982)
- Passenger Transport Executive Bus Companies (1988 - 1994, bus companies sold individually)
- ロールス・ロイス (1987)
- ロイヤル・オードナンス (1987)
- Sealink (1984)
- 水道局
- Anglian Water (1989)
- Northumbrian Water (1989)
- North West Water (1989)
- Severn Trent (1989)
- Southern Water (1989)
- South West Water (1989)
- テムズ・ウォーター (1989)
- Welsh Water (1989)
- Wessex Water (1989)
- Yorkshire Water (1989)
[編集]- AEA Technology (1996)
- ベルファスト国際空港 (1994)
- British Coal (1994)
- British Energy (1996)
- イギリス国鉄 (上下分離方式)
- 3つの車両資産保有会社
- Angel Trains (1996)
- Eversholt Leasing (1996)
- Porterbrook (1996)
- 6つの設計部門(1995 - 1997, 個別に売却)
- 6つの貨物運行会社
- Freightliner (1995)
- Loadhaul (1996)
- Mainline Freight (1996)
- Rail Express Systems (1996)
- Railfreight Distribution (1997)
- Transrail Freight (1996)
- 6 Track Renewal Units (1995 - 1997, sold individually)
- 7のインフラ整備部門 (1995 - 1997, sold individually)
- 25の旅客運行会社(Train Operating Companies、1996、フランチャイズ契約制)
- British Rail Research (1996)
- British Rail Telecommunications (1995)
- European Passenger Services (1996)
- レールトラック (1996、インフラ会社)
- Red Star Parcels (1995)
- Union Railways (1996)
- 3つの車両資産保有会社
- British Technology Group (1992)
- Building Research Establishment (1997)
- Central Electricity Generating Board
- National Grid (1990)
- National Power (1991, 1995)
- PowerGen (1991, 1995)
- Girobank (1990)
- Laboratory of the Government Chemist (1996)
- ロンドンバス (1994, bus companies sold individually)
- National Engineering Laboratory (1995)
- National Transcommunications Limited (1990)
- Northern Ireland Electricity (1993)
- Property Services Agency (1994)
- Regional Electricity Companies
- Eastern Electricity (1990)
- East Midlands Electricity (1990)
- London Electricity (1990)
- MANWEB (1990)
- Midlands Electricity (1990)
- Northern Electric (1990)
- NORWEB (1990)
- SEEBOARD (1990)
- Southern Electric (1990)
- SWALEC (1990)
- SWEB Energy (1990)
- Yorkshire Electricity (1990)
- Scottish Bus Group (1991, bus companies sold individually)
- Scottish Hydro-Electric (1991)
- Scottish Power (1991)
- The Stationery Office (1996)
- Transport Research Laboratory (1996)
- Trust Ports (1992-present, ports sold individually)
[編集]- Actis (2004, 2012)
- 英国放送協会 Technology (2004)
- 英国核燃料公社
- AWE Management Limited (2008)
- BNG America (2007)
- BNG Project Services (2008)
- Reactor Sites Management Company (2007)
- Westinghouse Electric Company (2006)
- National Air Traffic Services (2001 - 51%)
- Partnerships UK (2000 - 51%)
- Qinetiq (2002, 2006, 2008)
- UKAEA Limited (2009)
[編集]- コンレール
- 連邦住宅抵当公庫 (Fannie Mae)
- Student Loan Marketing Association (SLM Corporation) (Sallie Mae)
- Railway Express Agency (REA)
[編集]- ^ Amos, Deborah, "In Egypt, Revolution Moves Into The Factories", ナショナル・パブリック・ラジオ, April 20, 2011. Retrieved 2011-04-20.
- ^ "The Indorama Group", company website. Retrieved 2011-04-20.
- ^ "Indorama Shebin Textiles Co. S.A.E", company website. Retrieved 2011-04-20.
- ^ The impact of privatization and policy reforem on the cotton spinning industry in Egypt", Prime Contractor: Abt Associates Inc.; sponsored by Government of Egypt, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation and アメリカ合衆国国際開発庁; November, 2000. Retrieved 2011-04-20.
- ^ STIA Home, company website. Retrieved 2011-04-20.
- ^ commentary
- ^ [1]
- ^ [2]
- ^ “郵政事業庁・日本郵政公社への移行”. 日本郵政株式会社. 2022年1月28日閲覧。
- ^ Munkhammar, J. "Forsaljning av statliga bolag under tre decennier", Timbro, 2007, http://www.timbro.se/bokhandel/pdf/000022.pdf
- ^ “Pernod wins auction for Vin & Sprit”. The Local. (2008年3月31日) 2008年3月31日閲覧。
- ^ “Regeringen har salt hela OMX-innehavet”. Dagens Industri. (2008年2月15日) 2008年5月2日閲覧。
- ^ Shareholders | Nordea.com
- ^ Scandinavian Airlines
- ^ Privata Affarer - Staten fick 18 miljarder for aktierna i Teliasonera
- ^ Regeringen overens om att salja apotek
- ^ Privatization in Turkey,Republic Of Turkey Prime Ministry Privatization Administration, 2010, http://www.oib.gov.tr/program/uygulamalar/privatization_in_turkey.htm
[編集]- Sample Firms Privatized Through Public Share Offerings, 1961-August 2000 - Appendix to Juliet DfSouza, William L. Megginson (1999), "The Financial and Operating Performance of Privatized Firms during the 1990s", Journal of Finance August 1999
- Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA) M&A - Academic research institute on mergers & acquisitions, including privatization