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宗教的自由主義または宗教的リベラリズム (英語: Religious liberalism)は、宗教におけるコンセプト、教義の一つで、自由[1]合理性[2]を強調するもの。個人の宗教に対する態度として、伝統的な教義、正統教義と対照的であり、原理主義に対しては明確に反対の立場をとるものである。これは他宗教の信徒への寛容を説く信教の自由に通じるものともいえるが、すべての宗教的自由主義者が信教の自由に賛同しているわけではなく、その逆もまた然りである[3]









西欧のキリスト教やユダヤ教は、18世紀以降、さらに遡ればルネサンス期、宗教改革反宗教改革期から、信徒の世俗化、現代化に立ち向かわなければならなくなった。一方イスラーム教や中東・東欧の伝統的ユダヤ教・キリスト教へは、啓蒙主義哲学の影響が少なかった。現代イスラーム教においては、Progressive British Muslims(2005年のロンドン同時爆破事件をきっかけに結成、2012年解散)、British Muslims for Secular Democracy(2006年結成)、Muslims for Progressive Values(2007年結成)などが生まれ、自由主義的イスラーム教改革が取り組まれている。[要出典]




自由主義宗教 (英語: liberal religion)という命題は、主にユニテリアン主義[10]ユニテリアン・ユニヴァーサリスト[11]が自らを規定するために好んで用いているが、 この要素はユニテリアン主義に限ったものではない[12]。 1939年から1949年にかけて、ユニテリアン・ミニステリアル連合、ミードビル神学校、ユニヴァーサリスト・ミニステリアル協会の協力でhe Journal of Liberal Religion (編集者ジェームズ・ルーサー・アダムス)が出版されていた[13]。半世紀後の1999年から2009年にかけて、このジャーナルはオンライン上で復活した[14]


  1. ^ Newman 1991, p. 144: "[...] when people talk about 'religious liberalism,' they are normally referring to a commitment to a certain kind of conception of what religion is and, accordingly, of how religious attitudes, institutions, and communities should be developed or reshaped so as to accommodate and promote particular forms of personal and group freedom."
  2. ^ Newman 1991, p. 159: "[...] religious liberalism came to be so concerned with respect for reason, reasonableness, and rationality [...]"
  3. ^ Newman 1991, p. 143–144: "However, given the way in which terminology has evolved, we must be careful not to assume too close an association between 'religious liberty' and 'religious liberalism.' Many people who think that religious liberty is basically a good thing that ought to be promoted do not wish to be regarded as advocates of religious liberalism; some of them even feel that many of those who call themselves 'religious liberals' are enemies of religious liberty, or at least end up undermining religious liberty in the process of promoting their own special brand of 'liberal religion.' [...] One notable problem here is that, when liberalism is considered in relation to religion, one may be thinking primarily of a certain 'liberal' conception of religion itself (in contrast with, say, orthodox, conservative, traditionalist, or fundamentalist conceptions) or one may be thinking more of a 'liberal' political view of the value of religious liberty. But, when people talk about 'religious liberalism,' they are usually thinking of the former more than the latter, although they may uncritically assume that the two necessarily accompany one another."
  4. ^ Stellway, Richard J. (Summer 1973). “The correspondence between religious orientation and socio‐political liberalism and conservatism”. The Sociological Quarterly 14 (3): 430–439. doi:10.1111/j.1533-8525.1973.tb00871.x. JSTOR 4105689. 
  5. ^ Ames, Edward Scribner (July 1936). “Liberalism in religion”. International Journal of Ethics 46 (4): 429–443. doi:10.1086/intejethi.46.4.2989282. JSTOR 2989282. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1165&context=crs_books. 
  6. ^ "Liberalism in religion is the doctrine that there is no positive truth in religion, but that one creed is as good as another…", JH Newman 'Biglietto Speech' http://www.newmanreader.org/works/addresses/file2.html
  7. ^ Lewis, C. S. (1988). The essential C.S. Lewis. New York: Collier Books. p. 353. ISBN 0020195508. OCLC 17840856. "All theology of the liberal type involves at some point—and often involves throughout—the claim that the real behavior and purpose and teaching of Christ came very rapidly to be misunderstood and misrepresented by his followers, and has been recovered or exhumed only by modern scholars."  (From an essay titled "Modern theology and biblical criticism" written in 1959.)
  8. ^ McMahan, David L. (2008). The making of Buddhist modernism. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195183276.001.0001. ISBN 9780195183276. OCLC 216938497 
  9. ^ Havnevik, Hanna; Hüsken, Ute; Teeuwen, Mark et al., eds (2017). Buddhist modernities: re-inventing tradition in the globalizing modern world. Routledge studies in religion. 54. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9781138687844. OCLC 970042282 
  10. ^ For example: Ellis, George Edward (November 1856). “Relations of reason and faith”. The Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany (Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Company for the American Unitarian Association) 26 (3): 412–456 (444–445, 450). OCLC 6122907. https://books.google.com/books?id=E4g3AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA412. 
  11. ^ For example: Murphy, Robert (1995). “The church green: ecology and the future”. In O'Neal, Dan; Wesley, Alice Blair; Ford, James Ishmael. The transient and permanent in liberal religion: reflections from the UUMA Convocation on Ministry. Boston: Skinner House Books. pp. 195–206 (195). ISBN 1558963308. OCLC 35280453. "Does liberal religion have a future? If we answer in the affirmative, can we begin to imagine the outlines of liberal religion in the next century? What will the Unitarian Universalist movement look like in the decade of the 2090s?"  Cf. Miller, Robert L'H. (Spring 1976). “The religious value system of Unitarian Universalists”. Review of Religious Research 17 (3): 189–208. doi:10.2307/3510610. JSTOR 3510610. 
  12. ^ For example, on Quakerism as liberal religion: Dandelion, Pink; Collins, Peter, eds (2008). The Quaker condition: the sociology of a liberal religion. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 18. ISBN 9781847185655. OCLC 227278348. "This is the first book of its kind and is intended to be the beginning, rather than the final word. It adds considerably to the study of Quakerism but also to the study of Liberal religion per se."  And on Islam as liberal religion: Foody, Kathleen (October 2016). “Pedagogical projects: teaching liberal religion after 9/11”. The Muslim World 106 (4): 719–739. doi:10.1111/muwo.12167. 
  13. ^ The Journal of Liberal Religion”. worldcat.org. 2017年11月20日閲覧。 Published from 1939 to 1949.
  14. ^ The Journal of Liberal Religion”. meadville.edu. 2017年11月22日閲覧。 Published from 1999 to 2009.

