
太田誠一 (農芸化学者)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

太田 誠一(おおた せいいち、1949年 - )は、日本農芸化学者。京都大学名誉教授[1]農学博士名古屋大学1977年)。長崎県出身。



1949年長崎県長崎市生まれ[2]1977年名古屋大学大学院農学研究科博士課程満了後、農林水産省に入省、林業試験場研究官、森林総合研究所北海道支所土壌研究室長、立地評価研究室長、森林環境部立地環境科長、同立地環境領域長などを歴任[2]2002年京都大学大学院農学研究科教授に就任[2]。世界各地の森林土壌に関する研究に取り組み、2001年には日本森林学会賞、2012年にはSoil Science and Plant Nutrition Award (SSPN Award) 他を受賞した[3]2013年に京都大学大学院を定年退官名誉教授。京都大学を退職後、公益財団法人「国際緑化推進センター」技術顧問を務めた後、2020年6月に同センター理事長に就任[1]、現在に至る。


  • 「熱帯林の土壌」『地球環境ハンドブック』朝倉書店、1994年。
  • 「熱帯多雨林の再生を目指して」『週刊朝日百科・植物の世界』朝日新聞社、1995年
  • 「Soils under Lowland Dipterocarp Forests - Characteristics and Classification」『 In Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems Towards Sustainable Management』(Ed. A. Schulte and D. Schone), World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., Singapore,1996年。
  • 「森林立地調査法 -森の環境を測る」(副編集委員長)博友社、1999年
  • 「土壌環境」『樹木医学』(鈴木和夫編)朝倉書店、1999年。
  • 「森林土壌の保全」『陸上生態系による温暖化防止戦略』(藤森隆郎監修)博友社、2000年。
  • 「Rainforest Ecosystems of East Kalimantan, Ecological Studies Vol. 140」(Editors:Guhardja E., M. Fatawi, M. Sutisna, T. Mori and S. Ohta), Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 2000年
  • 「土壌の診断」『最新・樹木医の手引き』日本緑化センター、2001年
  • 「熱帯林の土壌生態」『熱帯土壌学』(久馬一剛編)名古屋大学出版会、2001年。ISBN 978-4815804138
  • 「熱帯の土壌」『地球環境ハンドブック(第2版)』朝倉書店、2002年
  • 「世界の土壌資源 —入門—」(太田誠一、吉永秀一郎、中井信 監訳)古今書院、2002年
  • 「世界の土壌資源 —アトラス—」(太田誠一、吉永秀一郎、中井信 監訳)古今書院、2002年
  • 「森林土壌」『生態学事典』共立出版、2003年
  • 「森林と土壌」『森林の百科』朝倉書店、2003年
  • 「森林と土壌環境」『森林保護学』(鈴木和夫編)朝倉書店、2004年。
  • 「生物資源から考える21世紀の農学4 森林の再発見」(太田誠一編著)京都大学学術出版会、2007年。ISBN 978-4876983391
  • 「有機物の循環」『森林科学』(佐々木恵彦・木平勇吉・鈴木和夫編)文永堂出版、2007年


  • Ohta S. and K. Kumada (1976; Studies on the humus forms of forest soil (1) Microscopic observation and elementary analysis of fractionated horizons of Higashiyama Soil. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 22, pp.15-22
  • Ohta S. and K. Kumada 1976; Studies on the humus forms of forest soil (2) The humus composition of fractionated horizons of Higashiyama soil. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 22, pp.149-158
  • Ohta S. and K. Kumada 1977; Studies on the humus forms of forest soil (3) Elementary composition of fractionated horizons of forest soils Soil. Sci. Plant Nutr. 23, pp.355-364
  • Ohta S. and K. Kumada 1977; Studies on the humus forms of forest soil (4) Humus composition of fractionated horizons of forest soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 23, pp.503-511
  • Ohta S. and K. Kumada 1978; Studies on the humus forms of forest soil (5) Elementary composition of organic matter of brown forest soil. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 24, pp.27-40
  • Ohta S. and K. Kumada 1978; Studies on the humus forms of forest soil (6) Minerilization of nitrogen in brown forest soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 24, pp.41-54
  • Ohta S. and K. Kumada 1978; Studies on the humus forms of forest soil (7) Nitrogen transformation during incubation. Soil Sci. Plant, Nutr., 24, pp.253-264
  • Shido H., S. Ohta and S. Kuwatsuka 1978; Behavior of phenolic substances in the decaying process of plants, IX. Distribution of phenolic acids in soils of paddy field and forest. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 24, pp.233-243
  • Ohta S. and K. Kumada 1979; Studies on the humus forms of forest soil (8) Effect of the addition of anmonium sulphate on mineralization of nitrogen in forest soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 25, pp.601-609
  • Ohta S., A. Suzuki and K. Kumada 1986; Experimental studies on the behavior of fine organic particles and Water-soluble organic matter in mineral soil horizons. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 32(1), p. 15-26
  • Ohta S. 1990; Initial soil changes associated with afforestation with Acacia auriculiformis and Pinus kesiya on denuded grassland in the Pantabangan area, Central Luzon, the Philippines. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 36(4), pp.633-645
  • Ohta S. 1990; Influence of deforestation on the soils of the Pantabangan area, Central Luzon, the Philippines. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 36(4), pp.561-573
  • Ohta S. and S. Effendi 1992; Ultisols of lowland Dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. I. Morphology and physical properties. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 38(2), pp.197-206
  • Ohta S. and S. Effendi 1992;Ultisols of lowland Dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. II. Stasus of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 38(2), pp.207-216
  • Ohta S., S. Effendi, N. Tanaka and S. Mura 1993; Ultisols of lowland Dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. III. Clay minerals, free oxides, and exchangeable cation. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 39(1), pp.1-12
  • Imaya A., Ohta S., Tanaka N. and Inagaki Y. (2005) General chemical properties of Brown Forest Soils developed from different parent materials in submontane zone of the Kanto and Chubu district, Japan, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 51 (6), 873-884
  • Toriyama J, Ohta S., Araki M, Kanzaki M, Khorn S, Pith P, Lim S, Pol S. (2007) Soils under different forest types in the dry evergreen forest zone of Cambodia: Morphology, physicochemical properties, and classification. In Sawada et al. (Eds) Forest Environment in the Mekong River Basin. pp. 241-253, Springer, Tokyo.
  • Ohnuki Y., Kimhean C., Shinomiya Y., Sor J., Toriyama J. and Ohta S. (2007) Apparent Change in Soil Depth and Soil Hardness in Forest Areas in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. In Sawada et al. (Eds) Forest Environment in the Mekong River Basin., pp. 263-272, Springer, Tokyo
  • Araki M., Shimizu A., Toriyama J., Ito E., Kabeya N., Nobuhiro T., Tith B., Pol, S. Lim S., Khorn S., Pith P., Det S., Ohta S., and M. Kanzaki M. (2007) Changes of Vertical Soil Moisture Conditions of a Dry Evergreen Forest in Kampong Thom, Cambodia. In Sawada et al. (Eds) Forest Environment in the Mekong River Basin. pp. 112-124, Springer, Tokyo
  • Tani A., Ito E., Kanzaki M., Ohta S., Khorn S., Pith P., Tith B., Pol S., and Lim S. (2007) Principal Forest Types of Three Regions of Cambodia: Kampong Thom, Kratie, and Mondolkiri. In Sawada et al. (Eds) Forest Environment in the Mekong River Basin., pp. 201-213, Springer, Tokyo
  • Hiramatsu R., Kanzaki M., Toriyama J., Kaneko T., Okuda Y., Ohta S., Khorn S., Pith P., Lim S., Pol S., Ito E., and Araki M. (2007) Open Woodland Patches in an Evergreen Forest of Kampong Thom, Cambodia: Correlation of Structure and Composition with Microtopography. In Sawada et al. (Eds) Forest Environment in the Mekong River Basin. pp. 222-231, Springer, Tokyo
  • Araki M., Toriyama J, Ohta S., Kanzaki M., Ito E., Tith B., Pol S., Lim S., Khorn, S. P. Pith P., Det S. (2007) Soil Moisture Conditions in Four Types of Forests in Kampong Thom, Cambodia. In Sawada et al. (Eds) Forest Environment in the Mekong River Basin., pp. 254-262, Springer, Tokyo
  • Imaya A., Inagaki Y., Tanaka N., and Ohta S. (2007) Free oxides and short-range ordered mineral properties of brown forest soils developed from different parent materials in the submontane zone of Kanto and Chubu districts, Japan. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 53, 621-633
  • Toriyama J, Ohta S., Araki M, Kanzaki M, Khorn S, Pith P, Lim S, Pol S. (2007) Comparison of soil physical properties in evergreen and deciduous forests in central Cambodia. J. For. Res., 13, 15-24
  • Toriyama J, Ohta S., Araki M, Ito E., Kanzaki M, Khorn S, Pith P, Lim S, Pol S. (2007) Acrisols and adjacent soils under four different forest types in central Cambodia. Pedologist, 51, 35-49
  • Sasaki A., Takeda S., Kanzaki M., Ohta S., Preechapanya P. (2007) Population dynamics and land-use changes in a Miang (Chewing Tea) village, Northern Thailand. Tropics, 16, 75-85
  • Naito Y., Kanzaki M., Numata S., Obayashi K., Konuma A., Nishimura S., Ohta S., Tsumura Y., Okuda T., Lee S. L. and Muhammad N. (2008) Size-related flowering and fecundity in the tropical canopy tree species, Shorea accuminata (Dipterocarpaceae) during two consecutive general flowerings. J. Plant Res., 121, 33-42
  • Yamashita, N., Ohta, S., Hardjono, A. (2008) Soil changes induced by Acacia mangium plantation establishment: Comparison with secondary forest and Imperata cylindrica grassland soils in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Forest Ecology and Management, 254, 362-370
  • Arai, S., Ishizuka, S., Ohta, S., Ansori, S., Tokuchi, N., Tanaka, N., Hardjono, A. (2008) Potential N2O emissions from leguminous tree plantation soils in the humid tropics. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22, GB2028.
  • Toda, T., Takada, H., Tokuchi, N., Ohta, S., Wacharinrat, C., and Kaitpraneet, S. (2008) Comparison of nitrogen content in tree litterfall in three dry dipterocarp forests under different fire regime in northeast Thailand. Tropics, 17, 199-208 76) Konda, R, Ohta S., Ishizuka S., Arai S., Ansori S., Tanaka N., Hardjono A. (2008) Spatial structures of N2O, CO2, and CH4 fluxes fromAcacia mangium plantation soils during a relatively dryseason inIndonesia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40, 3021-3030
  • Ito, E., Araki M., Tith B., Pol S., Trotter C., Kanzaki M., Ohta S. (2008) Leaf-shedding phenology in lowland tropical seasonal forests of Cambodia as estimated from NOAA satellite images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46(10): 2867-2871.
  • Yonekura Y., Ohta S., Kiyono Y., Aksa D., Morisada K., Tanaka N., Kanzaki M. (2009), Changes in soil carbon stock after deforestation and subsequent establishment of “Imperata” grassland in the Asian humid tropics, Plant and Soil, 329, 459-507
  • Murata N., Ohta S., Ishida A., Kanzaki M., Wachirinrat C., Artchawakom T., Sase H. (2009) Comparison of soil depths between evergreen and deciduous forests as a determinant of their distribution, Northeast Thailand, J For Res, 14, 212-220 80). Fujii K., Uemura M., Hayakawa C., Funakawa S., Sukartiningsih, Kosaki T., Ohta S. (2009) Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in two tropical forest ecosystems of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Geoderma 152, 127-136
  • 82) Yamashita N., Ohta S., Sase H., Luangjame J., Visaratana T., Kievuttinon B., Garivait H., Kanzaki M. (2010) Seasonal and Spatial variation of Nitrogen dynamics in the litter and surface soil layers on a tropical dry evergreen forest slope. Forest Ecology and Management, 259, 1502-1512
  • Toriyama J., Ohta S., Ohnuki Y., Araki M, Det S., Lim S., Pol S., and Pith P. (2010) Physicochemical characteristics of plinthic and non-plinthic soils in dry deciduous forests on the bank of Mekong, Cambodia. Pedologist, 54, 2-10
  • Konda, R., Ohta S., Ishizuka I., Herianto J. and Wicaksono A. (2010) Seasonal changes in the spatial structures of N2O, CO2, and CH4 fluxes from Acacia mangium plantation soils in Indonesia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42, 1512-1522
  • Imaya, Akihiro; Yoshinaga, Shuichiro; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; et al.(2010) Proposal for advanced classification of brown forest soils in Japan with reference to the degree of volcanic ash additions, SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, 56-3, 454-465
  • Imaya, Akihiro; Yoshinaga, Shuichiro; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; et al (2010) Volcanic ash additions control soil carbon accumulation in brown forest soils in Japan, SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, 56- 5, 734-744
  • Mori T., Ohta S., Ishizuka S, Konda R., Kawabata C., Wicaksono A., Herianto J. and Hardjono A. (2010) Dose phosphorous addition mitigate the N2O and NO emissions from an Acacia mangium soil? Special Issue of Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 324-328.
  • Mori, Taiki; Ohta, Seiichi; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; et al. (2010) Effects of phosphorus addition on N2O and NO emissions from soils of an Acacia mangium plantation, SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, 56- 5, 782-788
  • Yonekura, Yusuke; Ohta, Seiichi; Kiyono, Yoshiyuki et al. (2010) Changes in soil carbon stock after deforestation and subsequent establishment of "Imperata" grassland in the Asian humid tropics, PLANT AND SOIL, 329, 495-507
  • Nishimura S., Yoneda T., Fujii S., Mukhtar E., Kanzaki M. and Ohta S. (2011) Sprouting traits of Fagaceae species in a hill dipterocarp forest, Ulu Gadat, West Sumatra. Journal of Topical Ecology, 27, 107-110
  • Hagiwara Y., Osono T., Ohta S., Agus W. and Hardjono A. (2011) Colonization and decomposition of leaf litter by ligninolytic fungi in Acacia mangium plantations and adjacent secondary forests. Journal of Forest Research, DOI 10.1007/s10310-001-0265-6
  • Toriyama J., Ohta S., Araki M., Kosugi K., Nobuhiro T., Kabeya N, Shimizu A., Tamai K, Kanzaki M and Chann S. (2011) Soil pore characteristics of evergreen and deciduous forests of the tropical monsoon region in Cambodia. Hydrological Processes 25, 714-726.
  • Troriyama J., Ohta S., Ohnuku Y., Ito E., Kanzaki M., Araki M., Chann S., Tith B., Keth S., Hirai K. and Kiyono Y. (2011) Carbon Stock in Cambodian Monsoon Forests. JARQ 45 (3), 309-316
  • Toriyama, Jumpei; Kato, Tsuyoshi; Siregar, Chairil Anwar et al. (2018) Comparison of depth- and mass-based approaches for estimating changes in forest soil carbon stocks: A case study in young plantations and secondary forests in West Java, Indonesia, FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 262-9,1659-1667
  • Yamashita N., Ohta S., Sase H., Kievuttinon B., Luangjame J., Visaratana T. and Garivait H. (2011) Sesonal changes in multi-scale spatial structure of soil pH and related parameters along a tropical evrgreen forest slope. Geoderma,165, 31-39
  • Yonekura Y., Ohta S., Kiyono Y., Aksa D., Morisada K., Tanaka N., Kanzaki M. (2012) Dynamics of soil carbon following destruction of tropical rainforest and the subsequent establishment of Imperata grassland in Indonesian Borneo using stable carbon isotopes. Global Change Biology, 18-8, 606-2616
  • Hagiwara, Yusuke; Osono, Takashi; Ohta, Seiichi; et al. (2012) Colonization and decomposition of leaf litter by ligninolytic fungi in Acacia mangium plantations and adjacent secondary forests, JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, 17-1, 51-57
  • Murata, Naoki; Ohta, Seiichi; Ishida, Atsushi; et al.(2012) Soil depth and soil water regime in a catchment where tropical dry evergreen and deciduous forests coexist, JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, 17-1,37-44
  • Thant, Ya Min; Kanzaki, Mamoru; Ohta, Seiichi; et al.(2012) Carbon sequestration by mangrove plantations and a natural regeneration stand in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, TROPICS, 21-1, 1-10
  • Toriyama, Jumpei; Ohnuki, Yasuhiro; Ohta, Seiichi; et al.(2013 )Soil physicochemical properties and moisture dynamics of a large soil profile in a tropical monsoon forest, GEODERMA , 197, 205-211
  • Mori, Taiki; Ohta, Seiichi; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; et al (2013) Effects of phosphorus addition with and without ammonium, nitrate, or glucose on N2O and NO emissions from soil sampled under Acacia mangium plantation and incubated at 100 % of the water-filled pore space, BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 49-1, 13-21
  • Toriyama, Jumpei; Ohta, Seiichi; Ohnuki, Yasuhiro; et al.(2013) Physicochemical Properties and Carbon Storage of Forest Soils on Cambodian Basalt: A Preliminary Study with a Density Fractionation Approach, JARQ-JAPAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 47-2, 217-226
  • Yonekura, Yusuke; Ohta, Seiichi; Kiyono, Yoshiyuki; et al.(2013) Soil organic matter dynamics in density and particle-size fractions following destruction of tropical rainforest and the subsequent establishment of Imperata grassland in Indonesian Borneo using stable carbon isotopes, PLANT AND SOIL, 372, 683-699
  • Mori, Taiki; Ohta, Seiichi; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; et al.(2013) Soil greenhouse gas fluxes and C stocks as affected by phosphorus addition in a newly established Acacia mangium plantation in Indonesia, FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT , 310, 643-651
  • Mori, Taiki; Ohta, Seiichi; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; et al.(2013) Effects of phosphorus application on CH4 fluxes in an Acacia mangium plantation with and without root exclusion, TROPICS, 22-1,13-17
  • Mori, Taiki; Ohta, Seiichi; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; et al.(2013) Effects of phosphorus and nitrogen addition on heterotrophic respiration in an Acacia mangium plantation soil in South Sumatra, Indonesia,TROPICS, 22-2, 83-87
  • Mori, Taiki; Ohta, Seiichi; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; et al.(2013) Effects of phosphorus application on root respiration and heterotrophic microbial respiration in Acacia mangium plantation soil, TROPICS, 22-3, 113-118
  • Nurudin, Makruf; Ohta, Seiichi; Hardiyanto, Eko Bhakti; et al.(2018) Relationships between soil characteristics and productivity of Acacia mangium in South Sumatra, TROPICS,22-1,1-12,
  • Sugimoto, Mayumi; Ohta, Seiichi; Ansori, Saiffidin; et al.(2013) Nutrient dynamics via litterfall and litter decomposition on the forest floor of an Acacia mangium Willd. stand in Sumatra,TROPICS, 22-2,67-81
  • Mori, Taiki; Ohta, Seiichi; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; et al.(2014) Phosphorus application reduces N2O emissions from tropical leguminous plantation soil when phosphorus uptake is occurring, BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 50-1, 45-51
  • Funahashi, Fumiaki; Ohta, Seiichi; Taniguchi, Toru et al.(2014) Architectural and physiological characteristics related to the depressed growth of poplars overexpressing xyloglucanase in a field study, TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION,28-1, 65-76
  • Matsubara, Kazuki; Ohta, Seiichi (2015) The effects of tannins derived from Acacia mangium bark on N2O emissions from water saturated acacia plantation soil, TROPICS, 24-2,65-74
  • Mori, Taiki; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; Konda, Ryota; et al.(2015) Phosphorus addition reduced microbial respiration during the decomposition of Acacia mangium litter in South Sumatra, Indonesia, TROPICS,24-3, 113-118
  • Mori, Taiki; Ishizuka, Shigehiro; Konda, Ryota; et al.(2016) Effects of phosphorus addition on N2O emissions from an Acacia mangium soil in relatively aerobic condition,,TROPICS, , 25-3,117-125
  • Sann, Bo; Kanzaki, Mamoru; Ohta, Seiichi (2016) Vegetation patterns and species-filtering effects of soil in secondary succession in a tropical dry forest in central Myanmar, JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY, 32-2, 116-124
  • Sase, Hiroyuki; Yamashita, Naoyuki; Luangjame, Jesada; et al.(2017) Alkalinization and acidification of stream water with changes in atmospheric deposition in a tropical dry evergreen forest of northeastern Thailand, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31-4, 836-846
  • Nakai, Kazushi; Ishizuka, Moriyoshi; Ohta, Seiichi; et al.(2019) Environmental factors and wood qualities of African blackwood, Dalbergia melanoxylon, in Tanzanian Miombo natural forest, JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE, 65-1, 39




  1. ^ a b お知らせ”. W-BRIDGE:環境問題の解決に向けた産学連携研究プロジェクト. 2016年12月12日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b c 森林の再発見”. 京都大学学術出版会. 2016年12月12日閲覧。
  3. ^ Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Award”. 森林総合研究所. 2016年12月12日閲覧。