

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

(でんだ みつひろ 1960年 -)は、日本皮膚科学研究者、小説家SF作家。ペンネームは伝江田航洋(つたえだ こーよー)。別名、ツタエダ・コーヨー。






  • 『皮膚は考える』〈岩波書店〉岩波科学ライブラリー、2005年
  • 『第三の脳 皮膚から考える命、こころ、世界』〈朝日出版社)2007年
  • 『賢い皮膚 思考する最大の〈臓器〉』ちくま新書 2009年
  • 『皮膚感覚と人間の心』新潮選書、2013年
  • 『驚きの皮膚』講談社、2015年
  • 『皮膚はすごい』〈岩波書店〉岩波科学ライブラリー、2019年
  • 『サバイバルする皮膚 思考する臓器の7億年史』河出新書、2021年


作品名 公開年月日
「太り過ぎの終末」ショートショートの広場4(旧版) 1982年07月09日
「ぼこにゃん」ホシ計画 1999年01月05日
「風の音」ホシ計画 1999年01月05日
「そのぬくもりを」心霊理論 2007年08月09日
「最後のリサイタル」ひとにぎりの異形 2007年12月
「ゆらぎ」物語のルミナリエ 2011年


The effect of barrier disruption on protein prenylation in the epidermis. The 38th International Conference on the Biochemistry of Lipids. 1997 Assisi, Italy

The influence of environment on epidermal barrier function and proliferation. The Gordon Research Conference. 1999 Lucca, Italy

Skin barrier function as self-organizing system. International Symposium on Chaos and Order in Chemistry. 2000 Nara, Japan

New trends in cosmetic formulations 36th Jounees Galeniques de Saint-Remy de Province. 2002 Saint-Remy, France

New Strategies to improve barrier function. The Korean Society for Skin Barrier Research. 2002 Seoul, Korea

Electrochemical condition on hydrated stratum corneum affects epidermal homeostasis. The Gordon Research Conference. 2005 Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA

Neurotransmitters and other new materials, which improve epidermal barrier homeostasis. International Epidermal Permeability Barrier Symposium. 2005 Seoul, Korea

The Neurosensory Interface. The Biology of Skin Barrier Function. The annual meeting of the Society of Investigative Dermatology. 2006, Philadelphia, USA

Stratum corneum and epidermal keratinocytes as the frontier of the whole body system. Stratum Corneum V. 2007, Cardiff UK

Epidermal keratinocytes as the frontier of the whole body system. Annual meeting of the Taiwanese Dermatological Association. 2007, Tainan, Taiwan

New Strategy to Improve Epidermal Barrier Homeostasis, Cosmeceutical Approaches to Normalizing Neural Signaling by Keratinocytes. 8th Asian Dermatological Congress. Seoul, Korea 2008

Neuro-effectors of the epidermal barrier. The Gordon Research Conference. 2009 Waterville Valley, NH, USA, 2009

Sensory system of epidermal keratinocytes. 4th Pan Asian Pacific Skin Barrier Research Annual Symposium. Seoul, Korea, 2013

Epidermis as the third brain. 5th Pan Asian Pacific Skin Barrier Research Annual Symposium. Tainan, Taiwan, 2014

Epidermis: Sophisticated Information Processing System. 2017 Institute of Human-Environment Interface Biology Symposium. Seoul, Korea, 2017

Physicochemical studies of epidermal barrier homeostasis. 8th Pan Asian Pacific Skin Barrier Research Annual Symposium, Annual meeting of Society of Investigative Dermatology. Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. 2017

New aspects of histamine-independent itch and epidermal barrier homeostasis. Korean Society for Skin Barrier Research at the 23th congress and The 15th Symposium of the Cutaneous Biology Research Institute. Yonsei University College of Medicine. Seoul, Korea, 2017

The epidermis is the third brain: intelligence of keratinocytes. 5th Mancunian Skin Club Annual International Workshop. Skin Barrier & Epidermal Physiology Chetham’s College. Manchester, UK, May 2nd & 3rd, 2019,

In Silico Predictive Model Provides Rational Basis for Establishing 3-D Epidermal Equivalent Systems. The Gordon Research Conference 2019 Waterville Valley, NH, USA, 2019



