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ヴァレリア・ツェノヴァ(露:Валерия Стефановна Ценова, Vareria Tsenova, 1960年10月20日 - 2007年8月17日)はロシアの音楽学者である。
- Денисов, Эдисон Васильевич. Монография (в соавт. с Холопов, Юрий Николаевич). М.: Композитор, 1993. Также на англ. яз.: Edison Denisov. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1995.
- Неизвестный Денисов. Из Записных книжек (1980/81-1986, 1995). М.: Композитор, 1997.
- Драма сердца и 12 звуков: О Лирической сюите Альбана Берга (в соавт. с Ж. Жисуповой). М.: Московская консерватория, 1998.
- Числовые тайны музыки Софии Губайдулиной. М.: Московская консерватория, 2000. Второе, дополненное издание на нём. яз.: Zahlenmystik in der Musik von Sofia Gubaidulina. Verlag Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 2001.
- Edison Denisov — the Russian Voice in European New Music (в соавт. с Ю. Холоповым). Berlin: Verlag Ernst Kuhn, 2002 (на англ.).
- Laudamus. К 60-летию Ю. Н. Холопова. М.: Композитор, 1992.
- Музыка из бывшего СССР. Вып. 1. М.: Композитор, 1994. Также на англ. яз.: Underground Music from the Former USSR. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1998.
- Музыка Эдисона Денисова. Материалы научной конференции к 65-летию со дня рождения композитора. Научные труды Московской консерватории. Сб. 11. М., 1995.
- Музыка из бывшего СССР. Вып. 2. М.: Композитор, 1996.
- Свет. Добро. Вечность. Памяти Эдисона Денисова. Статьи. Воспоминания. Материалы. М.: Московская консерватория, 1999.
- Пространство Эдисона Денисова. Материалы научной конференции к 70-летию со дня рождения композитора. Научные труды Московской консерватории. Сб. 23. М., 1999.
- Борис Тевлин. Хоровые пути. М.: Музыка, 2001.
- «Ex oriente…-I». 10 composers from the former USSR. Verlag Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 2002 (на англ. яз.).
- «Ex oriente…-II». 9 composers from the former USSR. Verlag Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 2003 (на англ. яз.).
- «Ex oriente…-III». 8 composers from the former USSR. Verlag Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 2003 (на англ. яз.).
- Magistro Georgio Septuaginta. К 70-летию Ю. Н. Холопова. М.: Композитор, 2002.
- SATOR TENET OPERA ROTAS. Юрий Николаевич Холопов и его научная школа (к 70-летию со дня рождения): Сборник статей. М.: Московская консерватория, 2003.
- Теория современной композиции(現代音楽の作曲理論). М.: Музыка(ムジカ社), 2006.
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- Contemporary Art: about Music of soviet Composers [Arte contemporanea: sulla musica dei compositori sovietici] // Musica/Realta (Milan, Italy), 1987, No. 22 (Italian).
- Musical Cosmos of Karlheinz Stockhausen (co-author Albena Naidenova) // Muzykalni Horizonti (Sofia, Bulgaria), 1990, No. 6 (Bulgarian).
- Opera "Froth of the Days" by Edison Denisov [Die Oper "Schaum der Tage" von Edisson Denissow] // Sowjetische Musik im Licht der Perestroika. Laaber, 1990 (German).
- Edison Denisov and Boris Vian. Opera "Froth of the Days" // Moscow musicologist, 1. Issue, Moscow: "Musyka", 1990 (Russian).
- On the Theory of contemporary musical Composition // Soviet Music (Moscow), 1991, No. 9 (Russian).
- On modern Systematic of musical Forms // Laudamus. Moscow: "Kompozitor", 1992 (Russian).
- Culturology of Vladimir Tarnopolski // Music from the Former USSR. Issue 1. Moscow: "Kompozitor", 1994 (Russian). Also in English: Underground Music from the Former USSR. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1998.
- Aleksander Vustin: Battlefield is the Soul // Music from the Former USSR. Issue 1. Moscow: "Kompozitor", 1994 (Russian). Also in English: Underground Music from the Former USSR. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1998.
- Peaceful Light in the Twilight of the End of the Century. About latest works of Edison Denisov // Music Academy (Moscow), 1994, No. 3 (Russian).
- To say it in his own words: the music of Andrei Eshpai // Music from the Former USSR. Issue 2. Moscow: "Kompozitor", 1996 (Russian). Also in English: "Ex oriente…". 10 composers from the former USSR. Verlag Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 2002.
- Schubert et Denisov // Intemporel. Bulletin de la Société Nationale de Musique (Paris), 1997, No. 23 Juillet-September (franz.).
- Harmonical Analysis (co-author Yuri Kholopov) // Problems of the Harmonielehre. Rostov, 1997 (Russian).
- Requiem in Soviet Music: from Kabalevski to Artjomov? // Music Academy (Moscow), 1998, No. 1 (Russian).
- Music from the former USSR // Russia Past and Present (USA), Vol. 19, No. 2, 1999 (English).
- New religiosity of the Russian Music and spiritual works of Edison Denisov // Music of the XXth century. Moscow forum. Moscow, 1999 (Russian).
- Denisov on himself and on others // The Space of Edison Denisov. Moscow, 1999 (Russian).
- Edison Denisov: Music and Ideas // Muzica (Bucharest). 1999, No. 3 (English).
- Number and Proportion in the Music of Sofia Gubaidulina // Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung (Basel, Schweiz). 2001, Nr. 14 (English).
- Numerical fantasies: on the formal rhythm in the compositional structure of the works by Sofia Gubaidulina // Musiqi Dunyasi (Baku, Azerbaidjan), в„– 1-2, 2001 (Russian).
- Edison Denisov // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Personenteil. Band 5. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2001 (German).
- Viktor Ekimovskij // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Personenteil. Band 6. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2001 (German).
- Magic Numbers in the Music of Sofia Gubaidulina // Musicology (Belgrade), 2002, No. 2 (English).
- Archive by Sofia Gubaidulina in Basel (on the materials of Paul Sacher Stiftung) // Russian musical archives abroad. Foreign musical archives in Russia. Issue 2. Moscow, 2002 (Russian).
- 9 world premieres in one concert // Russian Music Newspaper. 2002, No. 11 (Russian).
- SALE from autumn to autumn (on composition of Dieter Kaufmann) // Russian Music Newspaper. 2002, No. 12 (Russian).
- Dieter Kaufmann: "Sale" in Moskau // ?sterreichische Musikzeitschrift. 2003, в„– 1, S. 64 (German).
- Schostakowitsch und Denisow: Die Geschichte ihrer Beziehung in Tatsachen und Dokumenten // Schostakowitsch und die Folgen. Verlag Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 2003 (German).
- Jurij Kasparov // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Personenteil. Band 9. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2003 (German).
- Igor Kefalidi // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Personenteil. Band 9. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2003 (German).
- Klein and Schoenberg: to the history of the 12-tone music // New view of the world culture in the XXI century. Vladivostok, 2003 (Russian).
- Structural phenomenon of the New Music: compositional techniques // SATOR TENET OPERA ROTAS. Yuri Kholopov and his scientific school. Festschrift. Moscow Conservatoire Edition, 2003 (Russian).
- Americans in Russia, or Russian descent in Seattle // Music and Time. 2004. No 2 (Russian).
- International Mosaic in 5 parts // Music Academy (Moscow), 2004. No 1 (Russian).
- Sergej Pavlenko // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Personenteil. Band 13. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2005 (German).
- Faraj Karaev // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Personenteil. Band 13. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2005 (German).
- Electronic Music? Igor Kefalidis and Andrey Smirnov in Conversation with Valeria Tsenova // Tribune of Contemporary Music. 2005, No 2 (Russian).
- Theory of Contemporary Composition (ed). Moscow, 2005: Chapter 5 (Time. Rhythm), Chapter 6 (Harmony; with Yu. Kholopov), Chapter 10 (12-tone techniques; with Yu. Kholopov), Chapter 11.9 (Sonoric), Chapter 16 (New Complexity); Chapter 17 (Electro-acoustic Music; with A. Smirnov), Chapter 19 (Mixed techniques; with Yu. Kholopov), Chapter 20.1 (E. Denisov. Crescendo e diminuendo). (Russian).
- Three comrades // Russian Music Newspaper. 2005, No. 12 (Russian).
- Dmitri Smirnov // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Personenteil. Band 15. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2006 (German).
- Inside Igor Kefalidis' Space // Music and Time. 2006. в„– 2.
- Destructions and Constructions of Viktor Ekimovsky / Annotation to CD. Classics Digital. Thorofon. 2006 (German, English).
- Time of Rhythm, or Rhythm of Time: on Newest Music of the 20th Century // Music and the globalization of the culture. Minsk, 2005 (in Russian).
- Vladimir Tarnopolski // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Personenteil. Band 16. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2006 (German).
- Viktor Suslin // Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Personenteil. Band 16. Baerenreiter, Kassel, 2006 (German).
- Crossing stratums or World as an Aquarium: John Cage – Valeria Tsenova: Interview that did not happen // Tribune of *Contemporary Music. 2006, No 6 (Russian).
- Denisov, Edison Vasilyevich // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Bd. 7. M., 2007 (Russian).
- Theme VIII. Sections 1-9 (Music theories of the XX century) / Music theory systems: Textbook for historical-theoretical and composer faculties of musical high schools. Moscow: Kompozitor, 2006.
- ロシア語版ウィキペディアのЦЕНОВА, Валерия Стефановнаの項