
モジュール:Sports table/WDL OT

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スポーツなどにおける順位表を作成するためのモジュール「モジュール:Sports table」のうち、一般的な「勝利/引分/敗戦」に加え、「延長戦での勝/負」「PK戦(あるいはシュートアウトなど)での勝/負」に通常の勝敗と別の重み付けを与えるとき、あるいはタイブレーク数を表示させるときに用いるスタイルサブモジュールです。



基本的なコマンドは{{#invoke:Sports table|main|style=WDL OT}}で、これにいくつかのオプションを追記して表を作成します。チーム名には当該モジュール内でのみ通用する、アルファベット3文字程度の略称を設定する必要があります。勝ち点と得失点差は自動計算されます(勝ち点に制御を加えることも可能。後述)。

ほとんどのオプションは「モジュール:Sports table/WDL」と同じですが、以下の独自オプションが設定されています(イコールの右はデフォルト値)。

勝敗方法 勝利 引分 敗戦 延長戦勝利 延長線敗戦 PK戦勝利 PK戦敗戦
列の表示/非表示の指定 (必ず表示) |show_draw=yes (必ず表示) |showOTwin=yes |showOTloss=yes |showPKwin=no |showPKloss=no
見出し列のタイトル |win_header= (固定) |loss_header= |OTwin_header= |OTloss_header= |PKwin_header= |PKloss_header=
勝ち点の設定 |winpoints=3 |drawpoints=1 |losspoints=0 |OTwinpoints=1 |OTlosspoints=0 |PKwinpoints=1 |PKlosspoints=0
チーム「TTT」の勝敗数 |win_TTT= |draw_TTT= |loss_TTT= |OTwin_TTT= |OTloss_TTT= |PKwin_TTT= |PKloss_TTT=
その他の表示 ボーナスポイント
列の表示/非表示の指定 |show_bonus_points=no |show_tiebr=no
見出し列のタイトル |bonus_header= |tiebr_header=
チーム「TTT」の値 |adjust_points_TTT


{{#invoke:sports table|main|style=WDL OT

|team1=ANT|name_ANT={{Fb team Antlers}}
|team2=GRA|name_GRA={{Fb team Grampus 8}}
|team3=FLÜ|name_FLÜ={{Fb team Flugels}}
|team4=JÚB|name_JÚB={{fb team Jubilo}}
|team5=REY|name_REY={{Fb team Reysol}}


|update=complete|source=[https://data.j-league.or.jp/SFRT01/?competitionSectionIdLabel=最新節&competitionIdLabel=Jリーグ&yearIdLabel=1996年&yearId=1996&competitionId=36&competitionSectionId=0&search=search J.LEAGUE Data Site]
チーム PK負 出場権
1 鹿島アントラーズ 30 21 0 3 6 61 34 +27 66 サントリーカップ進出
2 名古屋グランパスエイト 30 21 0 0 9 63 39 +24 63
3 横浜フリューゲルス 30 21 0 0 9 58 44 +14 63
4 ジュビロ磐田 30 20 0 2 8 53 38 +15 62
5 柏レイソル 30 20 0 0 10 67 52 +15 60



-- Style for football tables
local pp = {}
function pp.header(t,Args,p_sub,pos_label,group_col,VTE_text,full_table,results_header_txt)
	-- Load relevant modules
	local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
	-- Create table header
	-- Pre stuff
	local team_width = Args['teamwidth'] or '190'
	local sort_text = yesno(Args['sortable_table'] or 'no') and ' sortable' or ''
	local show_played = not yesno(Args['hide_played'] or 'no')
	table.insert(t,'{| class="wikitable'..sort_text..'" style="text-align:center;"\n')            			-- Open table
	-- Table title
	if Args['title'] or Args['table_header'] then
		table.insert(t,'|+ ' .. (Args['title'] or Args['table_header']) .. '\n')
	-- Custom header options
	local played_head_text = Args['pld_header'] or '<abbr title="試合数">試</abbr>'
	local group_head_text = Args['group_header'] or '<abbr title="グループ">グ</abbr>'
	local win_head_text = Args['win_header'] or '<abbr title="勝利数">勝</abbr>'
	local OTwin_head_text = Args['OTwin_header'] or '<abbr title="延長勝利数">延勝</abbr>'
	local OTloss_head_text = Args['OTloss_header'] or '<abbr title="延長敗戦数">延負</abbr>'
	local PKwin_head_text = Args['PKwin_header'] or '<abbr title="PK戦勝利数">PK勝</abbr>'
	local PKloss_head_text = Args['PKloss_header'] or '<abbr title="PK戦敗戦数">PK負</abbr>'
	local loss_head_text = Args['loss_header'] or '<abbr title="敗戦数">敗</abbr>'
	local bonus_head_text = Args['bonus_header'] or '<abbr title="ボーナスポイント">ボ</abbr>'
	local tiebr_head_text = Args['tiebr_header'] or '<abbr title="タイブレーク">タ</abbr>'
	-- What to rank the teams by
	local ranking_style = Args['ranking_style'] or 'pts'
	local show_points, show_perc = false
	ranking_style = string.lower(ranking_style)
	if ranking_style=='w' or ranking_style=='win' or ranking_style=='wins' or ranking_style=='none' then
		-- Based on wins
	elseif ranking_style=='perc' or ranking_style=='percentage' or ranking_style=='%' then				-- NOTE: This is for points %, unlike Module:Sports table/WDL which caculates win %
		-- Based on percentage
		show_perc = true
		-- Based on points
		show_points = true

	-- Use points instead of goals for/against
	local for_against_style = Args['for_against_style'] 	or 'goals'
	local fa_letter, fa_word_sing, fa_word_plur
	-- First convert to lower case if it is a string
	for_against_style = string.lower(for_against_style)
	if for_against_style=='g' or for_against_style=='goal' or for_against_style=='goals' then
		fa_letter = 'G'
		fa_word_sing = 'Goal'
		fa_word_plur = 'Goals'
	elseif for_against_style=='p' or for_against_style=='point' or for_against_style=='points' then
		fa_letter = 'P'
		fa_word_sing = 'Point'
		fa_word_plur = 'Points'
		fa_letter = 'G'
		fa_word_sing = 'Goal'
		fa_word_plur = 'Goals'
	-- Whether to use goal ratio (goal average) instead
	local do_ratio = yesno(Args['use_goal_ratio'] or 'no')
	local do_average = yesno(Args['use_goal_average'] or 'no')
	-- Whether to use goal percentage instead
	local do_percentage = yesno(Args['use_goal_percentage'] or Args['use_point_percentage'] or 'no')
	-- True if exist, false otherwise
	local show_bonus_points = yesno(Args['show_bonus_points'] or 'no')
	local show_tiebr = yesno(Args['show_tiebr'] or 'no')
	-- Whether to show the OT win and OT loss and draw columns
	local show_OTwin = yesno(Args['showOTwin'] or 'yes')
	local show_OTloss = yesno(Args['showOTloss'] or 'yes')
	local show_PKwin = yesno(Args['showPKwin'] or 'no')
	local show_PKloss = yesno(Args['showPKloss'] or 'no')
	local show_draw = yesno(Args['show_draw'] or 'yes')
	local OTloss_after = yesno(Args['OTloss_after_loss'] or 'no')
	local PKloss_after = yesno(Args['PKloss_after_loss'] or 'no')
	-- Use games behind header
	local show_GB = yesno(Args['show_GB'] or 'no')
	-- Initialize
	local tt = {}
	tt.count = 0 		-- Up by one after every call
	tt.tab_text = t		-- Actual text
	-- Actual headers
	if pos_label ~= nil then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,pos_label)										-- Position col
	-- Add group header
	if full_table and group_col then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,group_head_text)								-- Group col
	tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,team_width,'チーム'..VTE_text)							-- Team col
	if show_played then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,played_head_text)								-- Matches played col
	if full_table then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,win_head_text)					-- Win col
		if show_OTwin then tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,OTwin_head_text) end
		if show_PKwin then tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,PKwin_head_text) end
		if show_draw then
			tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,'<abbr title="引き分け">分</abbr>')					-- Draw col
		if show_OTloss and not OTloss_after then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,OTloss_head_text) end
		if show_PKloss and not PKloss_after then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,PKloss_head_text) end
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,loss_head_text)					-- Loss col
		if show_OTloss and OTloss_after then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,OTloss_head_text) end
		if show_PKloss and PKloss_after then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,PKloss_head_text) end
		if show_tiebr then t = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,tiebr_head_text) end
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,'<abbr title="得点数">得</abbr>')		-- For col
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,'<abbr title="失点数">失</abbr>')	-- Against col
		if do_ratio or do_average then
			local ratio_word = do_ratio and ' ratio' or ' average'
			local ratio_letter = do_ratio and 'R' or 'Av'
			tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,36,'<abbr title="'..fa_word_sing..ratio_word..'">'..fa_letter..ratio_letter..'</abbr>')	-- Ratio col
		elseif do_percentage then
			tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,'<abbr title="得点割合">%</abbr>')			-- Percentage col
			tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,'<abbr title="得失点差">差</abbr>')	-- Difference col
	if show_bonus_points then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,bonus_head_text)			-- Bonus points col
	if show_points then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,24,'<abbr title="勝点">点</abbr>')					-- Points col
	elseif show_perc then
		tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,36,'<abbr title="Point percentage">PCT</abbr>')			-- Point percentage col
	if full_table then
		tt.count = tt.count+1
	return tt
function pp.row(frame,t,Args,p_sub,notes_exist,hth_id_list,full_table,rand_val,team_list,team_code_ii,ii_start,ii_end,ii_fw,bg_col,N_teams,ii,ii_show)
	-- Build the inner parts of individual rows
	-- Sub-module usage
	local mm = require('Module:Math')
	local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
	-- Get custom/default options for in table
	local win_points = tonumber(Args['winpoints'])				or 3
	local OTwin_points = tonumber(Args['OTwinpoints'])			or 2
	local draw_points = tonumber(Args['drawpoints'])			or 1
	local OTloss_points = tonumber(Args['OTlosspoints'])		or 1
	local PKwin_points = tonumber(Args['PKwinpoints'])			or 1
	local PKloss_points = tonumber(Args['PKlosspoints'])		or 0
	local loss_points = tonumber(Args['losspoints'])			or 0
	-- Get some input
	local wins = tonumber(Args['win_'..team_code_ii])			or 0
	local OTwins = tonumber(Args['OTwin_'..team_code_ii])		or 0
	local draws = tonumber(Args['draw_'..team_code_ii]) 		or 0
	local OTlosses = tonumber(Args['OTloss_'..team_code_ii])	or 0
	local PKwins = tonumber(Args['PKwin_'..team_code_ii])		or 0
	local PKlosses = tonumber(Args['PKloss_'..team_code_ii])	or 0
	local losses = tonumber(Args['loss_'..team_code_ii])		or 0
	local tiebr = tonumber(Args['tiebr_'..team_code_ii])		or 0
	local gfor = tonumber(Args['gf_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pf_'..team_code_ii] or '0') or '?'
	local gaig = tonumber(Args['ga_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pa_'..team_code_ii] or '0') or '?'
	local s_pts = tonumber(Args['adjust_points_'..team_code_ii]) or tonumber(Args['startpoints_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
	local hth_local = Args['hth_'..team_code_ii]				or nil
	-- Then calculate some values
	local matches = wins + OTwins + draws + OTlosses + PKwins + PKlosses + losses
	local points = win_points*wins + OTwin_points*OTwins + draw_points*draws 
		+ OTloss_points*OTlosses + loss_points*losses 
		+ PKwin_points*PKwins + PKloss_points*PKlosses + s_pts
	if Args['goalpoints'] and tonumber(Args['gf_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pf_'..team_code_ii]) then
		points = points + (tonumber(Args['goalpoints']) or 1)*tonumber(Args['gf_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pf_'..team_code_ii])
	if tonumber(Args['win_'..team_code_ii]) == nil or tonumber(Args['draw_'..team_code_ii]) == nil or tonumber(Args['loss_'..team_code_ii]) == nil then
		matches = tonumber(Args['matches_'..team_code_ii]) or matches

	--Some sports use draw as well
	local percentage_format = Args['percentage_format']
	local point_perc
	if percentage_format == 'hundred 1 decimal' then
		point_perc = mm._precision_format(((points) / (matches*win_points)*100), 1)
	elseif percentage_format == 'hundred 2 decimals' then
		point_perc = mm._precision_format(((points) / (matches*win_points)*100), 2)
		point_perc = mm._precision_format((points) / (matches*win_points), 3)
		percentage_format = 'no'
	if matches == 0 then 
		-- Escape for zero matches
		point_perc = '&mdash;' 
	elseif points ~= (matches*win_points) and percentage_format == 'no' then
		-- Drop the leading zero (from the string)
		point_perc = string.sub(point_perc,2,string.len(point_perc))

	-- Comparison of for against
	local gcomp
	-- Whether to use goal ratio (goal average) instead
	local skip_sign
	if yesno(Args['use_goal_ratio'] or 'no') or yesno(Args['use_goal_average'] or 'no') then
		-- Now it is the goal ratio/goal average
		if (gfor == '?') or (gaig == '?') or (gaig == 0) then
			gcomp = '&mdash;'
			gcomp = mm._precision_format(gfor / gaig, 3)
	elseif yesno(Args['use_goal_percentage'] or 'no') then
		-- Now it is the percentage
		if (gfor == '?') or (gaig == '?') or gaig == 0 then
			gcomp = '&mdash;'
			gcomp = mm._precision_format(100 * gfor / gaig , 1)
	elseif yesno(Args['use_point_percentage'] or 'no') then
		-- Now it is the point percentage
		if (gfor == '?') or (gaig == '?') or (gfor + gaig) <= 0 then
			gcomp = '&mdash;'
			gcomp = mm._precision_format(100 * gfor / (gfor + gaig) , 2)
		-- It's goal difference
		if (gfor == '?') or (gaig == '?') then
			gcomp = '&mdash;'
			gcomp = gfor - gaig
			-- Formatting with signs
			if gcomp>0 then
			elseif gcomp < 0 then
	-- Use actual values if gfor or gaig is not numeric
	if (gfor == '?') then gfor = Args['gf_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pf_'..team_code_ii] or '' end
	if (gaig == '?') then gaig = Args['ga_'..team_code_ii] or Args['pa_'..team_code_ii] or '' end
	-- Show games behind
	local show_GB = yesno(Args['show_GB'] or 'no')
	local GB_text = '&mdash;'
	if show_GB then
		local GB_team_no = tonumber(Args['GB_team']) or 1
		if ii == GB_team_no then
			-- Do nothing, it's vs this team
			local wins_GB = tonumber(Args['win_'..team_list[GB_team_no]])		or 0
			local losses_GB = tonumber(Args['loss_'..team_list[GB_team_no]])	or 0
			local GB_num = (wins_GB-wins+losses-losses_GB)/2
			-- Display options
			if GB_num >0 then
				-- Indicates trailing GB_team
				GB_text = GB_num
			elseif GB_num == 0 then
				-- Equal, do nothing to get dash
				-- Ahead of GB team, should be noted by plus (instead of minus that comes from formula)
				GB_text = '+'..-GB_num
	-- Whether to show the OT win and OT loss and draw columns
	local show_OTwin = yesno(Args['showOTwin'] or 'yes')
	local show_OTloss = yesno(Args['showOTloss'] or 'yes')
	local show_PKwin = yesno(Args['showPKwin'] or 'no')
	local show_PKloss = yesno(Args['showPKloss'] or 'no')
	local show_draw = yesno(Args['show_draw'] or 'yes')
	local OTloss_after = yesno(Args['OTloss_after_loss'] or 'no')
	local PKloss_after = yesno(Args['PKloss_after_loss'] or 'no')
	-- Some local vars	
	local hth_string
	local tt_return = p_sub.hth(frame,Args,full_table,hth_id_list,hth_local,notes_exist,team_list,team_code_ii,ii_start,ii_end,rand_val)
	hth_string = tt_return.str
	hth_id_list = tt_return.list
	notes_exist = tt_return.notes_exist
	-- What to rank the teams by
	local ranking_style = Args['ranking_style'] or 'pts'
	local rank_points, rank_perc = false
	local win_fw, win_string
	ranking_style = string.lower(ranking_style)
	if ranking_style=='w' or ranking_style=='win' or ranking_style=='wins' then
		-- Based on wins
		win_fw = 'font-weight: bold;'
		win_string = hth_string
	elseif ranking_style=='perc' or ranking_style=='percentage' or ranking_style=='%' then
		-- Based on percentage
		rank_perc = true
		win_string = ''
	elseif ranking_style=='none' then
		win_string = ''
		-- Based on points
		rank_points = true
		win_string = ''

	local show_played = not yesno(Args['hide_played'] or 'no')
	local show_bonus_points = yesno(Args['show_bonus_points'] or 'no')
	local show_tiebr = yesno(Args['show_tiebr'] or 'no')
	-- Row building
	if show_played then
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..matches..'\n') 		-- Played
	if full_table then
		-- Use actual values if wins, draws, and losses are not numeric
		if (OTwins == 0 and PKwins == 0 and wins == 0 and draws == 0 and OTlosses == 0 and PKlosses == 0 and losses == 0) then
			local function numorval(s)
				return s and ((s == '' and 0) or tonumber(s) or s) or 0
			wins = numorval(Args['win_'..team_code_ii])
			OTwins = numorval(Args['OTwin_'..team_code_ii])
			PKwins = numorval(Args['PKwin_'..team_code_ii])
			draws = numorval(Args['draw_'..team_code_ii])
			losses = numorval(Args['loss_'..team_code_ii])
			OTlosses = numorval(Args['OTloss_'..team_code_ii])
			PKlosses = numorval(Args['PKloss_'..team_code_ii])

		table.insert(t,'| style="'..win_fw..bg_col..'" |'..wins..win_string..'\n') 			-- Won
		if show_OTwin then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..OTwins..'\n') 	-- Won in OT
		if show_PKwin then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..PKwins..'\n') 	-- Won on PKs
		if show_draw then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..draws..'\n') 		-- Drawn
		if show_OTloss and not OTloss_after then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..OTlosses..'\n') 	-- Lost in OT
		if show_PKloss and not PKloss_after then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..PKlosses..'\n') 	-- Lost on PKs
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..losses..'\n') 	-- Lost
		if show_OTloss and OTloss_after then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..OTlosses..'\n') 	-- Lost in OT
		if show_PKloss and PKloss_after then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..PKlosses..'\n') 	-- Lost on PKs
		if show_tiebr then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..tiebr..'\n') 	-- Tie breaker
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..gfor..'\n') 		-- GF
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..gaig..'\n')		-- GA
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..gcomp..'\n')      -- Goal comparison
	if show_bonus_points then
		if s_pts < 0 then
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..bg_col..'" | &minus;'..-s_pts..'\n')
			table.insert(t,'| style="'..bg_col..'" | '..s_pts..'\n')
	if rank_points then
		-- Add &minus; for negative point totals
		if points<0 then
			table.insert(t,'| style="font-weight: bold;'..bg_col..'" | &minus;'..-points..hth_string..'\n')
			table.insert(t,'| style="font-weight: bold;'..bg_col..'" | '..points..hth_string..'\n')
	elseif rank_perc then
		table.insert(t,'| style="font-weight: bold;'..bg_col..'" | '..point_perc..hth_string..'\n')
	if show_GB then
		table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..GB_text..'\n')  -- GB
	return {t=t, notes_exist=notes_exist, hth_id_list=hth_id_list}
function pp.status(Args)
	-- Declare status options
	-- ------------------------------------------------------------
	-- NOTE: If you add to status_code, also add to status_called and status_letters!!
	-- Or functionality will be compromised
	-- ------------------------------------------------------------
	local status_code, status_called = {}, {}
	status_code = {	A='上位ラウンド進出', C='優勝', D='失格', 
		E='敗退', H='開催地', O='プレーオフ勝利', P='昇格', Q='出場権獲得',
		R='降格', T='出場権獲得だが、出場ラウンドは未確定'}
	local status_letters = (Args['status_order'] or '') .. 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
	-- Status position (before or after read and default)
	local stat_pos_val = Args['status_pos'] or ''
	local status_position = 'after' 	-- Default location
	stat_pos_val = string.lower(stat_pos_val)
	if stat_pos_val=='before' then
		status_position = 'before'
	elseif stat_pos_val=='after' then
		status_position = 'after'
	-- Read in custom status options
	for l in mw.text.gsplit(status_letters, '') do
		status_called[l] = false
		status_code[l] = status_code[l] or '?'
		status_letters = mw.ustring.gsub(status_letters, '(' .. l ..'.-)' .. l, '%1')

		if Args['status_text_' .. l] then
			status_code[l] = Args['status_text_' .. l]
	return {code=status_code, called=status_called, letters=status_letters, position=status_position}

return pp