
モジュール:Infobox road/abbrev

local p = {}

local format = mw.ustring.format

local typesModule = require "Module:Infobox road/abbrev/defs"
Country = typesModule.Country
Type = typesModule.Type
Abbr = typesModule.Abbr

local abbrevs = {}
    function abbrevs:abbr(args)
        local countryArg = args.country
        local success, country = pcall(self.country, self, countryArg)
        if not(success) then
            return ''
            local success, abbr = pcall(country.abbr, country, args)
            if success then
                return abbr
            elseif abbr == 'Invalid type' then
                local page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
                local pagename = page.prefixedText
                local ns = page.namespace
                return (ns == 0) and format("[[Category:Infobox road transclusion errors|& %s]]", pagename) or error(abbr, 0)
                error(abbr, 0)
    function abbrevs:country(name)
        local abbr = self[name]
        if abbr then return abbr end
        local module = require(format("Module:Infobox road/abbrev/%s", name))
        return module.abbrs
    abbrevs.AUT = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["S"] = "S%s"} -- Austria
    abbrevs.BGD = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["N"] = "N%s", ["R"] = "R%s", ["Z"] = "Z%s"} -- Bangladesh
    abbrevs.CHE = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s"} -- Switzerland
    abbrevs.CHN = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{[{"G", "Ex", "Expwy"}] = "G%s", ["S"] = "S%s", ["X"] = "X%s"} -- China
    abbrevs.CYP = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["B"] = "B%s"} -- Cyprus
    abbrevs.CZE = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["D"] = "D%s", ["R"] = "R%s"} -- Czech Republic
    abbrevs.DEU = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A %s", ["B"] = "B %s"} -- Germany
    abbrevs.ESP = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A-%s", ["E"] = "E-%s", ["M"] = "M-%s", ["R"] = "R-%s"} -- Spain
    abbrevs.EUR = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["E"] = "E%s"} -- Europe
    abbrevs.GBR = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["M"] = "M%s"} -- United Kingdom
    abbrevs.GEO = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A %s", ["B"] = "B %s"} -- Georgia
    abbrevs.GRC = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["EO"] = "EO%s"} -- Greece
    abbrevs.HKG = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{[{"Route", "route"}] = "Route %s"} -- Hong Kong
    abbrevs.HRV = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["D"] = "D%s"} -- Croatia
    abbrevs.HUN = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["M"] = "M%s"} -- Hungary
    abbrevs.IDN = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{[{"N", "National", "National Highway"}] = "National Route %s"} -- Indonesia
    abbrevs.IND = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["NE"] = "NE %s", ["NH"] = "NH %s", ["SH"] = "SH %s"} -- India
    abbrevs.ITA = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s"} -- Italy
    abbrevs.JPN = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{[{"National", "Route"}] = "Route %s"} -- Japan
    abbrevs.KOR = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{[{"National", "NR"}] = "NR %s"} -- South Korea
    abbrevs.LKA = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["E"] = "E%s", ["A"] = "A%s", ["B"] = "B%s"} -- Sri Lanka
    abbrevs.LVA = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s"} -- Latvia
    abbrevs.MEX = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{[{"Federal Highway", "Hwy", "FH"}] = "Fed. %s", ["SH"] = "SH %s"} -- Mexico
    abbrevs.NLD = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["N"] = "N%s"} -- Netherlands
    abbrevs.NOR = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["National"] = "NR %s", [{"Fylkesvei", "fylkesvei", "Fv", "fv"}] = "Fv %s"} -- Norway
    abbrevs.NZL = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["SH"] = "SH %s"} -- New Zealand
    abbrevs.POL = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["S"] = "S%s"} -- Poland
    abbrevs.ROU = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["DN"] = "DN%s"} -- Romania
    abbrevs.RUS = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["M"] = "M%s"} -- Russia
    abbrevs.SVK = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["D"] = "D%s", ["R"] = "R%s"} -- Slovakia
    abbrevs.SVN = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["A"] = "A%s", ["H"] = "H%s"} -- Slovenia
    abbrevs.TUR = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{[{"otoyol", "O"}] = "O-%s", [{"state", "D"}] = "D.%s"} -- Turkey
    abbrevs.TWN = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["NH"] = "NH %s", ["PH"] = "PH %s"} -- Taiwan
    abbrevs.UKR = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["M"] = "Highway M%s", ["H"] = "Highway H%s"} -- Ukraine
    abbrevs.URY = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{[{"Route", "route"}] = "Route %s"} -- Uruguay
    abbrevs.ZAF = Country:newWithSimpleAbbrs{["N"] = "N%s", ["R"] = "R%s"} -- South Africa

p.abbreviations = abbrevs

function p._abbr(args)
    return abbrevs:abbr(args)

function p.abbr(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that transcludes the template
    local function emptyParam(param)
        local empty = {[''] = true, ['¬'] = true}
        if empty[param] then
            return nil
            return param
    local country = args.country or config.country
    local type = args.type or config.type
    local state = args.state or config.state
    state = emptyParam(state)
    local province = args.province or config.province
    province = emptyParam(province)
    local route = args.route or config.route
    local county = args.county or config.county
    local dab = args.dab or config.dab
    return p._abbr{country=country, type=type, state=state, province=province, route=route, county=county, dab=dab}

return p