![]() | これはモジュール:Citation/CS-ja/Configuration (差分)のモジュール・サンドボックスページです。 |
- 翻訳用の表。この表には出典に使われる文字列のほとんどが含まれており、必要に応じてローカライズ(現地語化)することができます。
- エラーのリスト。エラー毎に表示する文字列、追跡カテゴリ、ヘルプページへの節リンクを指定できます。
- 識別子のリスト。識別子毎にその表示を指定できます。
モジュール | サンドボックス | 差分 | 説明 | |
モジュール:Citation/CS-ja | モジュール:Citation/CS-ja/sandbox | [編集] | 差分 | レンダリングとサポート用関数 |
モジュール:Citation/CS-ja/Configuration | モジュール:Citation/CS-ja/Configuration/sandbox | [編集] | 差分 | 翻訳用の表、エラーと識別子の関連設定 |
モジュール:Citation/CS-ja/Whitelist | モジュール:Citation/CS-ja/Whitelist/sandbox | [編集] | 差分 | CS-jaテンプレートの引数一覧(非推奨と廃止された引数を含む) |
モジュール:Citation/CS1/Date validation | モジュール:Citation/CS1/Date validation/sandbox | [編集] | 差分 | 日付の書式検証用関数 |
モジュール:Citation/CS1/Identifiers | モジュール:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/sandbox | [編集] | 差分 | 識別子(ISBN、DOI、PMIDなど)用のサポート関数 |
モジュール:Citation/CS1/Utilities | モジュール:Citation/CS1/Utilities/sandbox | [編集] | 差分 | ユーティリティ関数と表 |
モジュール:Citation/CS1/COinS | モジュール:Citation/CS1/COinS/sandbox | [編集] | 差分 | CS-jaテンプレートのメタデータを出力する関数 |
モジュール:Citation/CS1/styles.css | モジュール:Citation/CS1/sandbox/styles.css | [編集] | 差分 | CS-jaテンプレートに適用されるCSSスタイル |
モジュール:Citation/CS1/Suggestions | モジュール:Citation/CS1/Suggestions/sandbox | [編集] | 差分 | よく使われる間違った引数名とそれに対応する正しい引数名の一覧 |
local lang_obj = mw.language.getContentLanguage(); -- make a language object for the local language; used here for languages and dates
--[[--------------------------< S E T T I N G S >--------------------------------------------------------------
boolean settings used to control various things. these setting located here to make them easy to find
-- these settings local to this module only
local local_digits_from_mediawiki = false; -- for i18n; when true, module fills date_names['local_digits'] from MediaWiki; manual fill required else; always false at en.wiki
local local_date_names_from_mediawiki = false; -- for i18n; when true, module fills date_names['local']['long'] and date_names['local']['short'] from MediaWiki;
-- manual translation required else; ; always false at en.wiki
-- these settings exported to other modules
local use_identifier_redirects = true; -- when true use redirect name for identifier label links; always true at en.wiki
local local_lang_cat_enable = false; -- when true categorizes pages where |language=<local wiki's language>; always false at en.wiki
local date_name_auto_xlate_enable = false; -- when true translates English month-names to the local-wiki's language month names; always false at en.wiki
local date_digit_auto_xlate_enable = false; -- when true translates Western date digit to the local-wiki's language digits (date_names['local_digits']); always false at en.wiki
local enable_sort_keys = false; -- when true module adds namespace sort keys to error and maintenance category links
--[[--------------------------< U N C A T E G O R I Z E D _ N A M E S P A C E S >------------------------------
List of namespaces identifiers for namespaces that will not be included in citation error categories.
Same as setting notracking = true by default.
For wikis that have a current version of Module:cs1 documentation support, this #invoke will return an unordered
list of namespace names and their associated identifiers:
{{#invoke:cs1 documentation support|uncategorized_namespace_lister|all=<anything>}}
local uncategorized_namespaces_t = {[2]=true}; -- init with user namespace id
for k, _ in pairs (mw.site.talkNamespaces) do -- add all talk namespace ids
uncategorized_namespaces_t[k] = true;
local uncategorized_subpages = {'/[Ss]andbox', '/[Tt]estcases', '/[^/]*[Ll]og', '/[Aa]rchive', '/過去ログ', '/ログ'}; -- list of Lua patterns found in page names of pages we should not categorize
at en.wiki Greek characters are used as sort keys for certain items in a category so that those items are
placed at the end of a category page. See Wikipedia:Categorization#Sort_keys. That works well for en.wiki
because English is written using the Latn script. This may not work well for other languages. At en.wiki it
is desireable to place content from certain namespaces at the end of a category listing so the module adds sort
keys to error and maintenance category links when rendering a cs1|2 template on a page in that namespace.
i18n: if this does not work well for your language, set <enable_sort_keys> to false.
local name_space_sort_keys = { -- sort keys to be used with these namespaces:
[4] = 'ω', -- wikipedia; omega
[10] = 'τ', -- template; tau
[118] = 'Δ', -- draft; delta
['other'] = 'ο', -- all other non-talk namespaces except main (article); omicron
--[[--------------------------< M E S S A G E S >--------------------------------------------------------------
Translation table
The following contains fixed text that may be output as part of a citation.
This is separated from the main body to aid in future translations of this
local messages = {
['agency'] = '$1 $2', -- $1 is sepc, $2 is agency
['archived-dead'] = '$2時点の$1よりアーカイブ',
['archived-live'] = '$2時点のオリジナルより$1',
['archived-unfit'] = '時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ',
['archived'] = 'アーカイブ',
['author'] = '(著)', -- CS-ja独自: 編者や訳者がいる場合に、著者リストの後ろに表示
['by'] = 'By', -- contributions to authored works: introduction, foreword, afterword
['cartography'] = 'Cartography by $1',
['editor'] = '(編)',
['editors'] = '(編)',
['edition'] = '($1版)',
['episode'] = '第$1話',
['et al'] = 'ほか',
['in'] = '。', -- edited works
['inactive'] = '(リンク切れ、$1確認)', -- $1はdoiのリンク切れを確認した日付(プレースホルダーは日本語版独自)
['inset'] = '$1 inset',
['interview'] = '(インタビュアー:$1)',
['mismatch'] = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>と<code class="cs1-code">|$2=</code>', -- $1 is year param name; $2 is date param name
['newsgroup'] = '[[ニュースグループ]]:$1',
['notitle'] = 'タイトルなし', -- for |title=(()) and (in the future) |title=none
['origdate'] = '($1)',
['original'] = 'オリジナル',
['published'] = '($1発行)',
['retrieved'] = '$1閲覧',
['season'] = 'シーズン$1',
['section'] = '§ $1',
['sections'] = '§§ $1',
['series'] = '〈$2〉', -- $1 is sepc, $2 is series
['seriesnum'] = '第$1シリーズ',
['translated'] = '$1(訳)',
['type'] = '($1)', -- for titletype
['written'] = '$1にて',
['vol'] = '$1$2', -- $1 is sepc; bold journal style volume is in presentation{}
['vol-no'] = '$1$2($3号)', -- sepc, volume, issue (alternatively insert $1 after $2, but then we'd also have to change capitalization)
['issue'] = '$1$2号', -- $1 is sepc
['art'] = '$1 Art. $2', -- $1 is sepc; for {{cite conference}} only
['vol-art'] = '$1 Vol. $2, art. $3', -- sepc, volume, article-number; for {{cite conference}} only
['j-vol'] = '$1第$2巻', -- sepc, volume; bold journal volume is in presentation{}
['j-issue'] = '第$1号',
['j-article-num'] = ' $1', -- TODO: any punctuation here? static text?
['nopp'] = '$1$2'; -- page(s) without prefix; $1 is sepc
['page(s)'] = "$1$2頁", -- CS-ja独自名称; $1 is sepc
['news-page(s)'] = "$1$2面", -- CS-ja独自名称; $1 is sepc
['j-page(s)'] = ': $1', -- same for page and pages
['sheet'] = '$1 Sheet $2', -- $1 is sepc
['sheets'] = '$1 Sheets $2', -- $1 is sepc
['j-sheet'] = ': Sheet $1',
['j-sheets'] = ': Sheets $1',
['language'] = '($1)',
['via'] = "$1より",
['event'] = '該当時間:',
['minutes'] = '開始$1分時点', -- プレースホルダーはCS-ja独自
-- Determines the location of the help page
['help page link'] = 'Help:CS1テンプレートエラー',
['help page label'] = '説明',
-- Categories
['cat wikilink'] = '[[Category:$1]]', -- $1 is the category name
['cat wikilink sk'] = '[[Category:$1|$2]]', -- $1 is the category name; $2 is namespace sort key
[':cat wikilink'] = '[[:Category:$1|カテゴリ]]', -- category name as maintenance message wikilink; $1 is the category name
-- Internal errors (should only occur if configuration is bad)
['undefined_error'] = 'Called with an undefined error condition',
['unknown_ID_key'] = 'Unrecognized ID key: ', -- an ID key in id_handlers not found in ~/Identifiers func_map{}
['unknown_ID_access'] = 'Unrecognized ID access keyword: ', -- an ID access keyword in id_handlers not found in keywords_lists['id-access']{}
['unknown_argument_map'] = 'この変数に対して定義されていない引数',
['bare_url_no_origin'] = 'Bare URL found but origin indicator is nil or empty',
['warning_msg_e'] = '<span style="color:#d33"><code style="color: inherit; background: inherit; border: none; padding: inherit;">{{$1}}</code>テンプレートにエラーがあります</span>。エラーメッセージが非表示になっている可能性があります([[Help:CS1テンプレートエラー#エラーメッセージの表示変更|説明]])。'; -- $1 is template link
['warning_msg_m'] = '<span style="color:#3a3"><code style="color: inherit; background: inherit; border: none; padding: inherit;">{{$1}}</code>テンプレートにメンテナンス用メッセージがあります</span>。メッセージが非表示になっている可能性があります([[Help:CS1テンプレートエラー#エラーメッセージの表示変更|説明]])。'; -- $1 is template link
--[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N _ C L A S S _ M A P >------------------------------------------
this table maps the value assigned to |CitationClass= in the cs1|2 templates to the canonical template name when
the value assigned to |CitationClass= is different from the canonical template name. |CitationClass= values are
used as class attributes in the <cite> tag that encloses the citation so these names may not contain spaces while
the canonical template name may. These names are used in warning_msg_e and warning_msg_m to create links to the
template's documentation when an article is displayed in preview mode.
Most cs1|2 template |CitationClass= values at en.wiki match their canonical template names so are not listed here.
local citation_class_map_t = { -- TODO: if kept, these and all other config.CitationClass 'names' require some sort of i18n
['arxiv'] = 'arXiv',
['audio-visual'] = 'AV media',
['AV-media-notes'] = 'AV media notes',
['biorxiv'] = 'bioRxiv',
['citeseerx'] = 'CiteSeerX',
['encyclopaedia'] = 'encyclopedia',
['mailinglist'] = 'mailing list',
['medrxiv'] = 'medRxiv',
['pressrelease'] = 'press release',
['ssrn'] = 'SSRN',
['techreport'] = 'tech report',
--[=[-------------------------< E T _ A L _ P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------------------
This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "et al" and variants in name text
(author, editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the 'etal' message.
local et_al_patterns = {
"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][%.;,\"']*$", -- variations on the 'et al' theme
"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][Ii][AaIi][Ee]?[%.;,\"']*$", -- variations on the 'et alia', 'et alii' and 'et aliae' themes (false positive 'et aliie' unlikely to match)
"[;,]? *%f[%a]and [Oo]thers", -- an alternative to et al.
"%[%[ *[Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll]%.? *%]%]", -- a wikilinked form
"%(%( *[Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll]%.? *%)%)", -- a double-bracketed form (to counter partial removal of ((...)) syntax)
"[%(%[] *[Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll]%.? *[%)%]]", -- a bracketed form
--[[--------------------------< P R E S E N T A T I O N >------------------------
Fixed presentation markup. Originally part of citation_config.messages it has
been moved into its own, more semantically correct place.
local presentation =
-- .citation-comment class is specified at Help:CS1_errors#Controlling_error_message_display
['hidden-error'] = '<span class="cs1-hidden-error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['visible-error'] = '<span class="cs1-visible-error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['hidden-maint'] = '<span class="cs1-maint citation-comment">$1</span>',
['accessdate'] = '<span class="reference-accessdate">$1$2</span>', -- to allow editors to hide accessdate using personal CSS
['bdi'] = '<bdi$1>$2</bdi>', -- bidirectional isolation used with |script-title= and the like
['cite'] = '<cite class="$1">$2</cite>'; -- for use when citation does not have a namelist and |ref= not set so no id="..." attribute
['cite-id'] = '<cite id="$1" class="$2">$3</cite>'; -- for use when when |ref= is set or when citation has a namelist
['format'] = ' <span class="cs1-format">($1)</span>', -- for |format=, |chapter-format=, etc.
['interwiki'] = ' <span class="cs1-format">[$1版]</span>', -- for interwiki-language-linked author, editor, etc
['interproj'] = ' <span class="cs1-format">[$1]</span>', -- for interwiki-project-linked author, editor, etc (:d: and :s: supported; :w: ignored)
-- various access levels, for |access=, |doi-access=, |arxiv=, ...
-- narrow no-break space   may work better than nowrap CSS. Or not? Browser support?
['ext-link-access-signal'] = '<span class="$1" title="$2">$3</span>', -- external link with appropriate lock icon
['free'] = {class='id-lock-free', title='無料閲覧可'}, -- classes defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css
['registration'] = {class='id-lock-registration', title='要無料登録'},
['limited'] = {class='id-lock-limited', title='無料閲覧は回数限定で可能、以降は有料購読が必要'},
['subscription'] = {class='id-lock-subscription', title='要有料購読'},
['interwiki-icon'] = '<span class="$1" title="$2">$3</span>',
['class-wikisource'] = 'cs1-ws-icon',
['italic-title'] = "''$1''", -- white-bracketed-titleへの移行が完了したら除去する
['kern-left'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-left"></span>$1', -- spacing to use when title contains leading single or double quote mark
['kern-right'] = '$1<span class="cs1-kern-right"></span>', -- spacing to use when title contains trailing single or double quote mark
['nowrap1'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span>', -- for nowrapping an item: <span ...>yyyy-mm-dd</span>
['nowrap2'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span> $2', -- for nowrapping portions of an item: <span ...>dd mmmm</span> yyyy (note white space)
['ocins'] = '<span title="$1" class="Z3988"></span>',
['parameter'] = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>',
['ps_ja'] = '。'; -- CS-ja独自名称
['quoted-text'] = '<q>$1</q>', -- for wrapping |quote= content
['quoted-title'] = '「$1」', -- bracketed-titleへの移行が完了したら除去する
['bracketed-title'] = '「$1」', -- CS-ja独自名称: CS1モジュールのquoted-titleに相当
['white-bracketed-title'] = '『$1』', -- CS-ja独自名称: CS1モジュールのitalic-titleに相当
['sep_ja'] = '、', -- CS-ja独自名称
['sep_id'] = '。', -- CS-ja独自名称
['sep_nl'] = '、', -- CS1|2 style name-list separator between names is a semicolon
['sep_nl_and'] = '、', -- used as last nl sep when |name-list-style=and and list has 2 items
['sep_nl_end'] = '、', -- used as last nl sep when |name-list-style=and and list has 3+ names
['sep_name'] = ', ', -- CS1|2 style last/first separator is <comma><space>
['sep_nl_vanc'] = ',', -- Vancouver style name-list separator between authors is a comma
['sep_name_vanc'] = ' ', -- Vancouver style last/first separator is a space
['sep_list'] = '、', -- used for |language= when list has 3+ items except for last sep which uses sep_list_end
['sep_list_pair'] = '、', -- used for |language= when list has 2 items
['sep_list_end'] = '、', -- used as last list sep for |language= when list has 3+ items
['trans-title'] = "[$1]", -- CS-ja独自名称: CS1モジュールのtrans-italic-titleとtrans-quoted-titleに相当
['trans-italic-title'] = "[''$1'']", -- trans-titleへの移行が完了したら除去する
['trans-quoted-title'] = "[$1]", -- trans-titleへの移行が完了したら除去する
['vol-bold'] = '$1 <b>$2</b>', -- sepc, volume; for bold journal cites; for other cites ['vol'] in messages{}
--[[--------------------------< A L I A S E S >---------------------------------
Aliases table for commonly passed parameters.
Parameter names on the right side in the assignments in this table must have been
defined in the Whitelist before they will be recognized as valid parameter names
local aliases = {
['AccessDate'] = {'access-date', 'accessdate'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Agency'] = 'agency',
['ArchiveDate'] = {'archive-date', 'archivedate'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['ArchiveFormat'] = 'archive-format',
['ArchiveURL'] = {'archive-url', 'archiveurl'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['ArticleNumber'] = 'article-number',
['ASINTLD'] = 'asin-tld',
['At'] = 'at', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Authors'] = {'authors', 'people', 'credits'},
['BookTitle'] = {'book-title', 'booktitle'},
['Cartography'] = 'cartography',
['Chapter'] = {'chapter', 'contribution', 'entry', 'article', 'section'},
['ChapterFormat'] = {'chapter-format', 'contribution-format', 'entry-format',
'article-format', 'section-format'};
['ChapterURL'] = {'chapter-url', 'contribution-url', 'entry-url', 'article-url',
'section-url', 'chapterurl', 'contributionurl', 'sectionurl'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['ChapterUrlAccess'] = {'chapter-url-access', 'contribution-url-access',
'entry-url-access', 'article-url-access', 'section-url-access'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Class'] = 'class', -- cite arxiv and arxiv identifier
['Coauthors'] = {'coauthors', 'coauthor'}, --暫定対応
['Collaboration'] = 'collaboration',
['Conference'] = {'conference', 'event'},
['ConferenceFormat'] = 'conference-format',
['ConferenceURL'] = {'conference-url', 'conferenceurl'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Date'] = {'date', 'air-date', 'airdate'}, -- air-date and airdate for cite episode and cite serial only
['Degree'] = 'degree',
['DF'] = 'df',
['DisplayAuthors'] = {'display-authors', 'display-subjects'},
['DisplayContributors'] = 'display-contributors',
['DisplayEditors'] = 'display-editors',
['DisplayInterviewers'] = 'display-interviewers',
['DisplayTranslators'] = 'display-translators',
['Docket'] = 'docket',
['DoiBroken'] = 'doi-broken-date',
['Edition'] = 'edition',
['Editors'] = 'editors', --暫定対応
['Embargo'] = 'pmc-embargo-date',
['Encyclopedia'] = {'encyclopedia', 'encyclopaedia', 'dictionary'}, -- cite encyclopedia only
['Episode'] = 'episode', -- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode?
['Format'] = 'format',
['ID'] = {'id', 'ID'},
['Inset'] = 'inset',
['Issue'] = {'issue', 'number'},
['Language'] = {'language', 'lang'},
['MailingList'] = {'mailing-list', 'mailinglist'}, -- cite mailing list only
['Major'] = 'major', -- CS-ja独自: thesisで使用
['Map'] = 'map', -- cite map only
['MapFormat'] = 'map-format', -- cite map only
['MapURL'] = {'map-url', 'mapurl'}, -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['MapUrlAccess'] = 'map-url-access', -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Minutes'] = 'minutes',
['Mode'] = 'mode',
['NameListStyle'] = 'name-list-style',
['Network'] = 'network',
['Newsgroup'] = 'newsgroup', -- cite newsgroup only
['NoPP'] = {'no-pp', 'nopp'},
['NoTracking'] = {'no-tracking', 'template-doc-demo'},
['Number'] = 'number', -- this case only for cite techreport
['OrigDate'] = {'orig-date', 'origdate', 'orig-year', 'origyear'},
['Others'] = 'others',
['Page'] = {'page', 'p'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Pages'] = {'pages', 'pp'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Periodical'] = {'journal', 'magazine', 'newspaper', 'periodical', 'website', 'work'},
['Place'] = {'place', 'location'},
['PostScript'] = 'postscript',
['PublicationDate'] = {'publication-date', 'publicationdate'},
['PublicationPlace'] = {'publication-place', 'publicationplace'},
['PublisherName'] = {'publisher', 'institution'},
['Quote'] = {'quote', 'quotation'},
['QuotePage'] = 'quote-page',
['QuotePages'] = 'quote-pages',
['Ref'] = 'ref',
['RequireAccessDate'] = 'require-access-date',
['Scale'] = 'scale',
['ScriptChapter'] = {'script-chapter', 'script-contribution', 'script-entry',
'script-article', 'script-section'},
['ScriptEncyclopedia'] = {'script-encyclopedia', 'script-encyclopaedia'}, -- cite encyclopedia only
['ScriptMap'] = 'script-map',
['ScriptPeriodical'] = {'script-journal', 'script-magazine', 'script-newspaper',
'script-periodical', 'script-website', 'script-work'},
['ScriptQuote'] = 'script-quote',
['ScriptTitle'] = 'script-title', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Season'] = 'season',
['Sections'] = 'sections', -- cite map only
['Series'] = {'series', 'version'},
['SeriesLink'] = {'series-link', 'serieslink'},
['SeriesNumber'] = {'series-number', 'series-no', 'seriesno'},
['Sheet'] = 'sheet', -- cite map only
['Sheets'] = 'sheets', -- cite map only
['Station'] = 'station',
['Time'] = 'time',
['TimeCaption'] = {'time-caption', 'timecaption'},
['Title'] = 'title', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['TitleLink'] = {'title-link', 'episode-link', 'titlelink', 'episodelink'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['TitleNote'] = {'title-note', 'department'},
['TitleType'] = {'type', 'medium'},
['TransChapter'] = {'trans-article', 'trans-chapter', 'trans-contribution',
'trans-entry', 'trans-section'},
['Transcript'] = 'transcript',
['TranscriptFormat'] = 'transcript-format',
['TranscriptURL'] = {'transcript-url', 'transcripturl'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['TransEncyclopedia'] = {'trans-encyclopedia', 'trans-encyclopaedia'}, -- cite encyclopedia only
['TransMap'] = 'trans-map', -- cite map only
['TransPeriodical'] = {'trans-journal', 'trans-magazine', 'trans-newspaper',
'trans-periodical', 'trans-website', 'trans-work'},
['TransQuote'] = 'trans-quote',
['TransTitle'] = 'trans-title', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['URL'] = {'url', 'URL'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlAccess'] = 'url-access', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlStatus'] = 'url-status', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlStatusDate'] = 'url-status-date',
['Vauthors'] = 'vauthors',
['Veditors'] = 'veditors',
['Via'] = 'via',
['Volume'] = 'volume',
['VolumeTitle'] = 'volume-title', --暫定対応
['Year'] = 'year',
['AuthorList-First'] = {"first#", "author-first#", "author#-first", "author-given#", "author#-given",
"subject-first#", "subject#-first", "subject-given#", "subject#-given",
['AuthorList-Last'] = {"last#", "author-last#", "author#-last", "author-surname#", "author#-surname",
"subject-last#", "subject#-last", "subject-surname#", "subject#-surname",
"author#", 'host#', "subject#", "surname#"},
['AuthorList-Link'] = {"author-link#", "author#-link", "subject-link#",
"subject#-link", "authorlink#", "author#link"},
['AuthorList-Mask'] = {"author-mask#", "author#-mask", "subject-mask#", "subject#-mask"},
['ContributorList-First'] = {'contributor-first#', 'contributor#-first',
'contributor-given#', 'contributor#-given'},
['ContributorList-Last'] = {'contributor-last#', 'contributor#-last',
'contributor-surname#', 'contributor#-surname', 'contributor#'},
['ContributorList-Link'] = {'contributor-link#', 'contributor#-link'},
['ContributorList-Mask'] = {'contributor-mask#', 'contributor#-mask'},
['EditorList-First'] = {"editor-first#", "editor#-first", "editor-given#", "editor#-given"},
['EditorList-Last'] = {"editor-last#", "editor#-last", "editor-surname#",
"editor#-surname", "editor#"},
['EditorList-Link'] = {"editor-link#", "editor#-link"},
['EditorList-Mask'] = {"editor-mask#", "editor#-mask"},
['InterviewerList-First'] = {'interviewer-first#', 'interviewer#-first',
'interviewer-given#', 'interviewer#-given'},
['InterviewerList-Last'] = {'interviewer-last#', 'interviewer#-last',
'interviewer-surname#', 'interviewer#-surname', 'interviewer#'},
['InterviewerList-Link'] = {'interviewer-link#', 'interviewer#-link'},
['InterviewerList-Mask'] = {'interviewer-mask#', 'interviewer#-mask'},
['TranslatorList-First'] = {'translator-first#', 'translator#-first',
'translator-given#', 'translator#-given'},
['TranslatorList-Last'] = {'translator-last#', 'translator#-last',
'translator-surname#', 'translator#-surname', 'translator#'},
['TranslatorList-Link'] = {'translator-link#', 'translator#-link'},
['TranslatorList-Mask'] = {'translator-mask#', 'translator#-mask'},
--[[--------------------------< P U N C T _ S K I P >---------------------------
builds a table of parameter names that the extraneous terminal punctuation check should not check.
local punct_meta_params = { -- table of aliases[] keys (meta parameters); each key has a table of parameter names for a value
'BookTitle', 'Chapter', 'ScriptChapter', 'ScriptTitle', 'Title', 'TransChapter', 'Transcript', 'TransMap', 'TransTitle', -- title-holding parameters
'AuthorList-Mask', 'ContributorList-Mask', 'EditorList-Mask', 'InterviewerList-Mask', 'TranslatorList-Mask', -- name-list mask may have name separators
'PostScript', 'Quote', 'ScriptQuote', 'TransQuote', 'Ref', -- miscellaneous
'ArchiveURL', 'ChapterURL', 'ConferenceURL', 'MapURL', 'TranscriptURL', 'URL', -- URL-holding parameters
local url_meta_params = { -- table of aliases[] keys (meta parameters); each key has a table of parameter names for a value
'ArchiveURL', 'ChapterURL', 'ConferenceURL', 'ID', 'MapURL', 'TranscriptURL', 'URL', -- parameters allowed to hold urls
'Page', 'Pages', 'At', 'QuotePage', 'QuotePages', -- insource locators allowed to hold urls
local function build_skip_table (skip_t, meta_params)
for _, meta_param in ipairs (meta_params) do -- for each meta parameter key
local params = aliases[meta_param]; -- get the parameter or the table of parameters associated with the meta parameter name
if 'string' == type (params) then
skip_t[params] = 1; -- just a single parameter
for _, param in ipairs (params) do -- get the parameter name
skip_t[param] = 1; -- add the parameter name to the skip table
local count;
param, count = param:gsub ('#', ''); -- remove enumerator marker from enumerated parameters
if 0 ~= count then -- if removed
skip_t[param] = 1; -- add param name without enumerator marker
return skip_t;
local punct_skip = {};
local url_skip = {};
--[[--------------------------< S I N G L E - L E T T E R S E C O N D - L E V E L D O M A I N S >----------
this is a list of tlds that are known to have single-letter second-level domain names. This list does not include
ccTLDs which are accepted in is_domain_name().
local single_letter_2nd_lvl_domains_t = {'cash', 'company', 'foundation', 'media', 'org', 'today'};
--[[-----------< S P E C I A L C A S E T R A N S L A T I O N S >------------
This table is primarily here to support internationalization. Translations in
this table are used, for example, when an error message, category name, etc.,
is extracted from the English alias key. There may be other cases where
this translation table may be useful.
local is_Latn = 'A-Za-z\195\128-\195\150\195\152-\195\182\195\184-\198\191\199\132-\201\143\225\184\128-\225\187\191';
local special_case_translation = {
['AuthorList'] = 'authors list', -- used to assemble maintenance category names
['ContributorList'] = 'contributors list', -- translation of these names plus translation of the base maintenance category names in maint_cats{} table below
['EditorList'] = 'editors list', -- must match the names of the actual categories
['InterviewerList'] = 'interviewers list', -- this group or translations used by name_has_ed_markup() and name_has_mult_names()
['TranslatorList'] = 'translators list',
-- Lua patterns to match pseudo-titles used by InternetArchiveBot and others as placeholder for unknown |title= value
['archived_copy'] = { -- used with CS1 maint: Archive[d] copy as title
['en'] = '^archived?%s+copy$', -- for English; translators: keep this because templates imported from en.wiki
['local'] = '^アーカイブコピー$', -- translators: replace ['local'] = nil with lowercase translation only when bots or tools create generic titles in your language
-- Lua patterns to match generic titles; usually created by bots or reference filling tools
-- translators: replace ['local'] = nil with lowercase translation only when bots or tools create generic titles in your language
-- generic titles and patterns in this table should be lowercase only
-- leave ['local'] nil except when there is a matching generic title in your language
-- boolean 'true' for plain-text searches; 'false' for pattern searches
['generic_titles'] = {
['accept'] = {
['reject'] = {
{['en'] = {'^wayback%s+machine$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'are you a robot', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'hugedomains', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[%(%[{<]?no +title[>}%]%)]?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'page not found', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'subscribe to read', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[%(%[{<]?unknown[>}%]%)]?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'website is for sale', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^404', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'error[ %-]404', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'internet archive wayback machine', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'log into facebook', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'login • instagram', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'redirecting...', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'usurped title', true}, ['local'] = nil}, -- added by a GreenC bot
{['en'] = {'webcite query result', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'wikiwix\'s cache', true}, ['local'] = nil},
-- boolean 'true' for plain-text searches, search string must be lowercase only
-- boolean 'false' for pattern searches
-- leave ['local'] nil except when there is a matching generic name in your language
['generic_names'] = {
['accept'] = {
{['en'] = {'%[%[[^|]*%(author%) *|[^%]]*%]%]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
['reject'] = {
{['en'] = {'about us', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Aa]dvisor%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'allmusic', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Aa]uthor%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[Bb]ureau$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'business', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'cnn', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'collaborator', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[Cc]ompany$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'contributor', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'contact us', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'correspondent', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[Dd]esk$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'directory', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*eds?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'[,%.%s]%f[e]eds?%.?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^eds?[%.,;]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Ee]dited%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Ee]ditors?%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f[%a][Ee]mail%f[%A]', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'facebook', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'google', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[Gg]roup$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'home page', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[Ii]nc%.?$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'instagram', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'interviewer', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[Ll]imited$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'linkedIn', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'^[Nn]ews$', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'[Nn]ews[ %-]?[Rr]oom', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'pinterest', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'policy', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'privacy', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'reuters', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'translator', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'tumblr', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'twitter', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'site name', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'statement', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'submitted', true}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'super.?user', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'%f['..is_Latn..'][Uu]ser%f[^'..is_Latn..']', false}, ['local'] = nil},
{['en'] = {'verfasser', true}, ['local'] = nil},
--[[--------------------------< D A T E _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------------
This table of tables lists local language date names and fallback English date names.
The code in Date_validation will look first in the local table for valid date names.
If date names are not found in the local table, the code will look in the English table.
Because citations can be copied to the local wiki from en.wiki, the English is
required when the date-name translation function date_name_xlate() is used.
In these tables, season numbering is defined by
Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF) Specification (https://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/)
which became part of ISO 8601 in 2019. See '§Sub-year groupings'. The standard
defines various divisions using numbers 21-41. CS1|2 only supports generic seasons.
EDTF does support the distinction between north and south hemisphere seasons
but CS1|2 has no way to make that distinction.
33-36 = Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4 (3 months each)
The standard does not address 'named' dates so, for the purposes of CS1|2,
Easter and Christmas are defined here as 98 and 99, which should be out of the
ISO 8601 (EDTF) range of uses for a while.
local_date_names_from_mediawiki is a boolean. When set to:
true – module will fetch local month names from MediaWiki for both date_names['local']['long'] and date_names['local']['short']; this will unconditionally overwrite manual translations
false – module will *not* fetch local month names from MediaWiki
Caveat lector: There is no guarantee that MediaWiki will provide short month names. At your wiki you can test
the results of the MediaWiki fetch in the debug console with this command (the result is alpha sorted):
=mw.dumpObject (p.date_names['local'])
While the module can fetch month names from MediaWiki, it cannot fetch the quarter, season, and named date names
from MediaWiki. Those must be translated manually.
local local_date_names_from_mediawiki = false; -- when false, manual translation required for date_names['local']['long'] and date_names['local']['short']; overwrites manual translations
-- when true, module fetches long and short month names from MediaWiki
local date_names = {
['en'] = { -- English
['long'] = {['January'] = 1, ['February'] = 2, ['March'] = 3, ['April'] = 4, ['May'] = 5, ['June'] = 6, ['July'] = 7, ['August'] = 8, ['September'] = 9, ['October'] = 10, ['November'] = 11, ['December'] = 12},
['short'] = {['Jan'] = 1, ['Feb'] = 2, ['Mar'] = 3, ['Apr'] = 4, ['May'] = 5, ['Jun'] = 6, ['Jul'] = 7, ['Aug'] = 8, ['Sep'] = 9, ['Oct'] = 10, ['Nov'] = 11, ['Dec'] = 12},
['quarter'] = {['First Quarter'] = 33, ['Second Quarter'] = 34, ['Third Quarter'] = 35, ['Fourth Quarter'] = 36},
['season'] = {['Winter'] = 24, ['Spring'] = 21, ['Summer'] = 22, ['Fall'] = 23, ['Autumn'] = 23},
['named'] = {['Easter'] = 98, ['Christmas'] = 99},
-- when local_date_names_from_mediawiki = false
['local'] = { -- replace these English date names with the local language equivalents
['long'] = {['1月'] = 1, ['2月'] = 2, ['3月'] = 3, ['4月'] = 4, ['5月'] = 5, ['6月'] = 6, ['7月'] = 7, ['8月'] = 8, ['9月'] = 9, ['10月'] = 10, ['11月'] = 11, ['12月'] = 12},
['short'] = {['1月'] = 1, ['2月'] = 2, ['3月'] = 3, ['4月'] = 4, ['5月'] = 5, ['6月'] = 6, ['7月'] = 7, ['8月'] = 8, ['9月'] = 9, ['10月'] = 10, ['11月'] = 11, ['12月'] = 12},
['quarter'] = {['第1四半期'] = 33, ['第2四半期'] = 34, ['第3四半期'] = 35, ['第4四半期'] = 36},
['season'] = {['冬'] = 24, ['春'] = 21, ['夏'] = 22, ['秋'] = 23},
['named'] = {['イースター'] = 98, ['クリスマス'] = 99},
['inv_en_long'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting; copy of date_names['en'].long where k/v are inverted: [1]='<en name>' etc.
['inv_en_short'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting; copy of date_names['en'].short where k/v are inverted: [1]='<en name>' etc.
['inv_local_long'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting & translation; copy of date_names['local'].long where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['inv_local_short'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting & translation; copy of date_names['local'].short where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['inv_local_quarter'] = {}, -- used in date translation; copy of date_names['local'].quarter where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['inv_local_season'] = {}, -- used in date translation; copy of date_names['local'].season where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['inv_local_named'] = {}, -- used in date translation; copy of date_names['local'].named where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc.
['local_digits'] = {['0'] = '0', ['1'] = '1', ['2'] = '2', ['3'] = '3', ['4'] = '4', ['5'] = '5', ['6'] = '6', ['7'] = '7', ['8'] = '8', ['9'] = '9'}, -- used to convert local language digits to Western 0-9
['xlate_digits'] = {},
if local_date_names_from_mediawiki then -- if fetching local month names from MediaWiki is enabled
local long_t = {};
local short_t = {};
for i=1, 12 do -- loop 12x and
local name = lang_obj:formatDate('F', '2022-' .. i .. '-1'); -- get long month name for each i
long_t[name] = i; -- save it
name = lang_obj:formatDate('M', '2022-' .. i .. '-1'); -- get short month name for each i
short_t[name] = i; -- save it
date_names['local']['long'] = long_t; -- write the long table – overwrites manual translation
date_names['local']['short'] = short_t; -- write the short table – overwrites manual translation
-- create inverted date-name tables for reformatting and/or translation
for _, invert_t in pairs {{'long', 'inv_local_long'}, {'short', 'inv_local_short'}, {'quarter', 'inv_local_quarter'}, {'season', 'inv_local_season'}, {'named', 'inv_local_named'}} do
for name, i in pairs (date_names['local'][invert_t[1]]) do -- this table is ['name'] = i
date_names[invert_t[2]][i] = name; -- invert to get [i] = 'name' for conversions from ymd
for _, invert_t in pairs {{'long', 'inv_en_long'}, {'short', 'inv_en_short'}} do
for name, i in pairs (date_names['en'][invert_t[1]]) do -- this table is ['name'] = i
date_names[invert_t[2]][i] = name; -- invert to get [i] = 'name' for conversions from ymd
if local_digits_from_mediawiki then -- if fetching local digits from MediaWiki is enabled
local digits_t = {};
for i=0, 9 do -- loop 10x and
digits_t [lang_obj:formatNum (i)] = tostring (i); -- format the loop indexer as local lang table index and assign loop indexer (a string) as the value
date_names['local_digits'] = digits_t;
for ld, ed in pairs (date_names.local_digits) do -- make a digit translation table for simple date translation from en to local language using local_digits table
date_names.xlate_digits [ed] = ld; -- en digit becomes index with local digit as the value
-- 英語版の {{Use dmy dates}} や {{Use mdy dates}} に関連する処理は移入しない
--[[-----------------< V O L U M E , I S S U E , P A G E S >------------------
These tables hold cite class values (from the template invocation) and identify those templates that support
|volume=, |issue=, and |page(s)= parameters. Cite conference and cite map require further qualification which
is handled in the main module.
local templates_using_volume = {'citation', 'audio-visual', 'book', 'conference', 'encyclopaedia', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'map', 'news', 'report', 'techreport', 'thesis'}
local templates_using_issue = {'citation', 'conference', 'episode', 'interview', 'journal', 'magazine', 'map', 'news', 'podcast'}
local templates_not_using_page = {'audio-visual', 'episode', 'mailinglist', 'newsgroup', 'podcast', 'serial', 'sign', 'speech'}
These tables control when it is appropriate for {{citation}} to render |volume= and/or |issue=. The parameter
names in the tables constrain {{citation}} so that its renderings match the renderings of the equivalent cs1
templates. For example, {{cite web}} does not support |volume= so the equivalent {{citation |website=...}} must
not support |volume=.
local citation_no_volume_t = { -- {{citation}} does not render |volume= when these parameters are used
'website', 'mailinglist', 'script-website',
local citation_issue_t = { -- {{citation}} may render |issue= when these parameters are used
'journal', 'magazine', 'newspaper', 'periodical', 'work',
'script-journal', 'script-magazine', 'script-newspaper', 'script-periodical', 'script-work',
Patterns for finding extra text in |volume=, |issue=, |page=, |pages=
local vol_iss_pg_patterns = {
good_ppattern = '^P[^%.PpGg]', -- OK to begin with uppercase P: P7 (page 7 of section P), but not p123 (page 123); TODO: this allows 'Pages' which it should not
bad_ppatterns = { -- patterns for |page= and |pages=
'^[Pp][PpGg]?%.?[ %d]',
'^[Pp][Pp]?%. ', -- from {{p.}} and {{pp.}} templates
vi_patterns_t = { -- combined to catch volume-like text in |issue= and issue-like text in |volume=
'^volumes?', -- volume-like text
'^issues?', --issue-like text
'^nos?%A', -- don't match 'november' or 'nostradamus'
'^n[%.:= ]', -- might be a valid issue without separator (space char is sep char here)
'^n°', -- 'n' with degree sign (U+00B0)
'^№', -- precomposed unicode numero character (U+2116)
--[[--------------------------< K E Y W O R D S >-------------------------------
These tables hold keywords for those parameters that have defined sets of acceptable keywords.
--[[-------------------< K E Y W O R D S T A B L E >--------------------------
this is a list of keywords; each key in the list is associated with a table of
synonymous keywords possibly from different languages.
for I18N: add local-language keywords to value table; do not change the key.
For example, adding the German keyword 'ja':
['affirmative'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'ja'},
Because CS1|2 templates from en.wiki articles are often copied to other local wikis,
it is recommended that the English keywords remain in these tables.
local keywords = {
['amp'] = {'&', 'amp', 'ampersand'}, -- |name-list-style=
['and'] = {'and', 'serial'}, -- |name-list-style=
['affirmative'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y'}, -- |no-tracking=, |no-pp= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['afterword'] = {'afterword'}, -- |contribution=
['bot: unknown'] = {'bot: unknown'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['cs1'] = {'cs1'}, -- |mode=
['cs2'] = {'cs2'}, -- |mode=
['cs-ja1'] = {'cs-ja1', 'ja1'}, -- CS-ja独自: |mode=
['cs-ja2'] = {'cs-ja2', 'ja2'}, -- CS-ja独自: |mode=
['dead'] = {'dead', 'deviated'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['dmy'] = {'dmy'}, -- |df=
['dmy-all'] = {'dmy-all'}, -- |df=
['foreword'] = {'foreword'}, -- |contribution=
['free'] = {'free'}, -- |<id>-access= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['harv'] = {'harv'}, -- |ref=; this no longer supported; is_valid_parameter_value() called with <invert> = true
['introduction'] = {'introduction'}, -- |contribution=
['ja'] = {'ja'}, -- |df=
['limited'] = {'limited'}, -- |url-access= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['live'] = {'live'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['mdy'] = {'mdy'}, -- |df=
['mdy-all'] = {'mdy-all'}, -- |df=
['none'] = {'none'}, -- |postscript=, |ref=, |title=, |type= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['off'] = {'off'}, -- |title= (potentially also: |title-link=, |postscript=, |ref=, |type=)
['preface'] = {'preface'}, -- |contribution=
['registration'] = {'registration'}, -- |url-access= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['subscription'] = {'subscription'}, -- |url-access= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['unfit'] = {'unfit'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['usurped'] = {'usurped'}, -- |url-status= -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['vanc'] = {'vanc'}, -- |name-list-style=
['ymd'] = {'ymd'}, -- |df=
['ymd-all'] = {'ymd-all'}, -- |df=
-- ['yMd'] = {'yMd'}, -- |df=; not supported at en.wiki
-- ['yMd-all'] = {'yMd-all'}, -- |df=; not supported at en.wiki
--[[------------------------< X L A T E _ K E Y W O R D S >---------------------
this function builds a list, keywords_xlate{}, of the keywords found in keywords{} where the values from keywords{}
become the keys in keywords_xlate{} and the keys from keywords{} become the values in keywords_xlate{}:
['affirmative'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y'}, -- in keywords{}
['yes'] = 'affirmative', -- in keywords_xlate{}
['true'] = 'affirmative',
['y'] = 'affirmative',
the purpose of this function is to act as a translator between a non-English keyword and its English equivalent
that may be used in other modules of this suite
local function xlate_keywords ()
local out_table = {}; -- output goes here
for k, keywords_t in pairs (keywords) do -- spin through the keywords table
for _, keyword in ipairs (keywords_t) do -- for each keyword
out_table[keyword] = k; -- create an entry in the output table where keyword is the key
return out_table;
local keywords_xlate = xlate_keywords (); -- the list of translated keywords
--[[----------------< M A K E _ K E Y W O R D S _ L I S T >---------------------
this function assembles, for parameter-value validation, the list of keywords appropriate to that parameter.
keywords_lists{}, is a table of tables from keywords{}
local function make_keywords_list (keywords_lists)
local out_table = {}; -- output goes here
for _, keyword_list in ipairs (keywords_lists) do -- spin through keywords_lists{} and get a table of keywords
for _, keyword in ipairs (keyword_list) do -- spin through keyword_list{} and add each keyword, ...
table.insert (out_table, keyword); -- ... as plain text, to the output list
return out_table;
--[[----------------< K E Y W O R D S _ L I S T S >-----------------------------
this is a list of lists of valid keywords for the various parameters in [key].
Generally the keys in this table are the canonical en.wiki parameter names though
some are contrived because of use in multiple differently named parameters:
['yes_true_y'], ['id-access'].
The function make_keywords_list() extracts the individual keywords from the
appropriate list in keywords{}.
The lists in this table are used to validate the keyword assignment for the
parameters named in this table's keys.
local keywords_lists = {
['yes_true_y'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.affirmative}),
['contribution'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.afterword, keywords.foreword, keywords.introduction, keywords.preface}),
['df'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.dmy, keywords['dmy-all'], keywords.ja, keywords.mdy, keywords['mdy-all'], keywords.ymd, keywords['ymd-all']}),
-- ['df'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.dmy, keywords['dmy-all'], keywords.mdy, keywords['mdy-all'], keywords.ymd, keywords['ymd-all'], keywords.yMd, keywords['yMd-all']}), -- not supported at en.wiki
['mode'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords['cs-ja1'], keywords['cs-ja2']}),
['name-list-style'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.amp, keywords['and'], keywords.vanc}),
['ref'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.harv}), -- inverted check; |ref=harv no longer supported
['url-access'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.subscription, keywords.limited, keywords.registration}),
['url-status'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.dead, keywords.live, keywords.unfit, keywords.usurped, keywords['bot: unknown']}),
['id-access'] = make_keywords_list ({keywords.free}),
--[[--------------------------< C S 1 _ C O N F I G _ G E T >--------------------------------------------------
fetch and validate values from {{cs1 config}} template to fill <global_cs1_config_t>
no error messages; when errors are detected, the parameter value from {{cs1 config}} is blanked.
Supports all parameters and aliases associated with the metaparameters: DisplayAuthors, DisplayContributors,
DisplayEditors, DisplayInterviewers, DisplayTranslators, NameListStyle, and Mode. The DisplayWhatever metaparameters
accept numeric values only (|display-authors=etal and the like is not supported).
local global_cs1_config_t = {}; -- TODO: add value returned from get_date_format() to this table?
local function get_cs1_config ()
return nil; -- 日本語版独自:Template:Cs1 config未導入
-- if not content then -- nil content when we're in template
-- return nil; -- auto-formatting does not work in Template space so don't set global_df
-- end
-- local start = content:find('{{ *[Cc][Ss]1 config *[|}]'); -- <start> is offset into <content> when {{cs1 config}} found; nil else
-- if start then
-- local cs1_config_template = content:match ('%b{}', start); -- get the whole template
-- if not cs1_config_template then
-- return nil;
-- end
-- local params_t = mw.text.split (cs1_config_template:gsub ('^{{%s*', ''):gsub ('%s*}}$', ''), '%s*|%s*'); -- remove '{{' and '}}'; make a sequence of parameter/value pairs (split on the pipe)
-- table.remove (params_t, 1); -- remove the template name because it isn't a parameter/value pair
-- local config_meta_params_t = {'DisplayAuthors', 'DisplayContributors', 'DisplayEditors', 'DisplayInterviewers', 'DisplayTranslators', 'NameListStyle', 'Mode'};
-- local meta_param_map_t = {}; -- list of accepted parameter names usable in {{cs1 config}} goes here
-- for _, meta_param in ipairs (config_meta_params_t) do -- for i18n using <config_meta_params_t>, map template parameter names to their metaparameter equivalents
-- if 'table' == type (aliases[meta_param]) then -- if <meta_param> is a sequence,
-- for _, param in ipairs (aliases[meta_param]) do -- extract its contents
-- meta_param_map_t[param] = meta_param; -- and add to <meta_param_map_t>
-- end
-- else
-- meta_param_map_t[aliases[meta_param]] = meta_param; -- not a sequence so just add the parameter to <meta_param_map_t>
-- end
-- end
-- local keywords_t = {}; -- map valid keywords to their associate metaparameter; reverse form of <keyword_lists[key] for these metaparameters
-- for _, metaparam_t in ipairs ({{'NameListStyle', 'name-list-style'}, {'Mode', 'mode'}}) do -- only these metaparameter / keywords_lists key pairs
-- for _, keyword in ipairs (keywords_lists[metaparam_t[2]]) do -- spin through the list of keywords
-- keywords_t[keyword] = metaparam_t[1]; -- add [keyword] = metaparameter to the map
-- end
-- end
-- for _, param in ipairs (params_t) do -- spin through the {{cs1 config}} parameters and fill <global_cs1_config_t>
-- local k, v = param:match ('([^=]-)%s*=%s*(.+)'); -- <k> is the parameter name; <v> is parameter's assigned value
-- if k then
-- if k:find ('^display') then -- if <k> is one of the |display-<namelist>= parameters
-- if v:match ('%d+') then -- the assigned value must be digits; doesn't accept 'etal'
-- global_cs1_config_t[meta_param_map_t[k]]=v; -- add the display param and its value to globals table
-- end
-- else
-- if keywords_t[v] == meta_param_map_t[k] then -- keywords_t[v] returns nil or the metaparam name; these must be the same
-- global_cs1_config_t[meta_param_map_t[k]]=v; -- add the parameter and its value to globals table
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
get_cs1_config (); -- fill <global_cs1_config_t>
--[[---------------------< S T R I P M A R K E R S >----------------------------
Common pattern definition location for stripmarkers so that we don't have to go
hunting for them if (when) MediaWiki changes their form.
local stripmarkers = {
['any'] = '\127[^\127]*UNIQ%-%-(%a+)%-[%a%d]+%-QINU[^\127]*\127', -- capture returns name of stripmarker
['math'] = '\127[^\127]*UNIQ%-%-math%-[%a%d]+%-QINU[^\127]*\127' -- math stripmarkers used in coins_cleanup() and coins_replace_math_stripmarker()
--[[------------< I N V I S I B L E _ C H A R A C T E R S >---------------------
This table holds non-printing or invisible characters indexed either by name or
by Unicode group. Values are decimal representations of UTF-8 codes. The table
is organized as a table of tables because the Lua pairs keyword returns table
data in an arbitrary order. Here, we want to process the table from top to bottom
because the entries at the top of the table are also found in the ranges specified
by the entries at the bottom of the table.
Also here is a pattern that recognizes stripmarkers that begin and end with the
delete characters. The nowiki stripmarker is not an error but some others are
because the parameter values that include them become part of the template's
metadata before stripmarker replacement.
local invisible_defs = {
del = '\127', -- used to distinguish between stripmarker and del char
zwj = '\226\128\141', -- used with capture because zwj may be allowed
local invisible_chars = {
{'置換文字', '\239\191\189'}, -- U+FFFD, EF BF BD
{'ゼロ幅接合子', '('.. invisible_defs.zwj .. ')'}, -- U+200D, E2 80 8D; capture because zwj may be allowed
{'ゼロ幅スペース', '\226\128\139'}, -- U+200B, E2 80 8B
{'極細スペース', '\226\128\138'}, -- U+200A, E2 80 8A
{'ソフトハイフン', '\194\173'}, -- U+00AD, C2 AD
{'水平タブ', '\009'}, -- U+0009 (HT), 09
{'改行', '\010'}, -- U+000A (LF), 0A
{'ノーブレークスペース', '\194\160'}, -- U+00A0 (NBSP), C2 A0
{'復帰', '\013'}, -- U+000D (CR), 0D
{'', stripmarkers.any}, -- stripmarker; may or may not be an error; capture returns the stripmaker type
{'削除文字', '('.. invisible_defs.del .. ')'}, -- U+007F (DEL), 7F; must be done after stripmarker test; capture to distinguish isolated del chars not part of stripmarker
{'C0制御文字', '[\000-\008\011\012\014-\031]'}, -- U+0000–U+001F (NULL–US), 00–1F (except HT, LF, CR (09, 0A, 0D))
{'C1制御文字', '[\194\128-\194\159]'}, -- U+0080–U+009F (XXX–APC), C2 80 – C2 9F
-- {'特殊記号', '[\239\191\185-\239\191\191]'}, -- U+FFF9-U+FFFF, EF BF B9 – EF BF BF
-- {'私用領域', '[\238\128\128-\239\163\191]'}, -- U+E000–U+F8FF, EE 80 80 – EF A3 BF
-- {'補助私用領域A', '[\243\176\128\128-\243\191\191\189]'}, -- U+F0000–U+FFFFD, F3 B0 80 80 – F3 BF BF BD
-- {'補助私用領域B', '[\244\128\128\128-\244\143\191\189]'}, -- U+100000–U+10FFFD, F4 80 80 80 – F4 8F BF BD
Indic script makes use of zero width joiner as a character modifier so zwj
characters must be left in. This pattern covers all of the unicode characters
for these languages:
Devanagari 0900–097F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0900.pdf
Devanagari extended A8E0–A8FF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UA8E0.pdf
Bengali 0980–09FF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0980.pdf
Gurmukhi 0A00–0A7F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0A00.pdf
Gujarati 0A80–0AFF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0A80.pdf
Oriya 0B00–0B7F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0B00.pdf
Tamil 0B80–0BFF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0B80.pdf
Telugu 0C00–0C7F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0C00.pdf
Kannada 0C80–0CFF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0C80.pdf
Malayalam 0D00–0D7F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0D00.pdf
plus the not-necessarily Indic scripts for Sinhala and Burmese:
Sinhala 0D80-0DFF - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0D80.pdf
Myanmar 1000-109F - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1000.pdf
Myanmar extended A AA60-AA7F - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UAA60.pdf
Myanmar extended B A9E0-A9FF - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UA9E0.pdf
the pattern is used by has_invisible_chars() and coins_cleanup()
local indic_script = '[\224\164\128-\224\181\191\224\163\160-\224\183\191\225\128\128-\225\130\159\234\167\160-\234\167\191\234\169\160-\234\169\191]';
-- list of emoji that use a zwj character (U+200D) to combine with another emoji
-- from: https://unicode.org/Public/emoji/16.0/emoji-zwj-sequences.txt; version: 16.0; 2024-08-14
-- table created by: [[:en:Module:Make emoji zwj table]]
local emoji_t = { -- indexes are decimal forms of the hex values in U+xxxx
[8596] = true, -- U+2194 ↔ left right arrow
[8597] = true, -- U+2195 ↕ up down arrow
[9760] = true, -- U+2620 ☠ skull and crossbones
[9792] = true, -- U+2640 ♀ female sign
[9794] = true, -- U+2642 ♂ male sign
[9877] = true, -- U+2695 ⚕ staff of aesculapius
[9878] = true, -- U+2696 ⚖ scales
[9895] = true, -- U+26A7 ⚧ male with stroke and male and female sign
[9992] = true, -- U+2708 ✈ airplane
[10052] = true, -- U+2744 ❄ snowflake
[10084] = true, -- U+2764 ❤ heavy black heart
[10145] = true, -- U+27A1 ➡ black rightwards arrow
[11035] = true, -- U+2B1B ⬛ black large square
[127752] = true, -- U+1F308 🌈 rainbow
[127787] = true, -- U+1F32B 🌫 fog
[127806] = true, -- U+1F33E 🌾 ear of rice
[127859] = true, -- U+1F373 🍳 cooking
[127868] = true, -- U+1F37C 🍼 baby bottle
[127876] = true, -- U+1F384 🎄 christmas tree
[127891] = true, -- U+1F393 🎓 graduation cap
[127908] = true, -- U+1F3A4 🎤 microphone
[127912] = true, -- U+1F3A8 🎨 artist palette
[127979] = true, -- U+1F3EB 🏫 school
[127981] = true, -- U+1F3ED 🏭 factory
[128102] = true, -- U+1F466 👦 boy
[128103] = true, -- U+1F467 👧 girl
[128104] = true, -- U+1F468 👨 man
[128105] = true, -- U+1F469 👩 woman
[128139] = true, -- U+1F48B 💋 kiss mark
[128165] = true, -- U+1F4A5 💥 collision symbol
[128168] = true, -- U+1F4A8 💨 dash symbol
[128171] = true, -- U+1F4AB 💫 dizzy symbol
[128187] = true, -- U+1F4BB 💻 personal computer
[128188] = true, -- U+1F4BC 💼 brief case
[128293] = true, -- U+1F525 🔥 fire
[128295] = true, -- U+1F527 🔧 wrench
[128300] = true, -- U+1F52C 🔬 microscope
[128488] = true, -- U+1F5E8 🗨 left speech bubble
[128640] = true, -- U+1F680 🚀 rocket
[128658] = true, -- U+1F692 🚒 fire engine
[129001] = true, -- U+1F7E9 🟩 large green square
[129003] = true, -- U+1F7EB 🟫 large brown square
[129309] = true, -- U+1F91D 🤝 handshake
[129455] = true, -- U+1F9AF 🦯 probing cane
[129456] = true, -- U+1F9B0 🦰 emoji component red hair
[129457] = true, -- U+1F9B1 🦱 emoji component curly hair
[129458] = true, -- U+1F9B2 🦲 emoji component bald
[129459] = true, -- U+1F9B3 🦳 emoji component white hair
[129466] = true, -- U+1F9BA 🦺 safety vest
[129468] = true, -- U+1F9BC 🦼 motorized wheelchair
[129469] = true, -- U+1F9BD 🦽 manual wheelchair
[129489] = true, -- U+1F9D1 🧑 adult
[129490] = true, -- U+1F9D2 🧒 child
[129657] = true, -- U+1FA79 🩹 adhesive bandage
[129778] = true, -- U+1FAF2 🫲 leftwards hand
--[[----------------------< L A N G U A G E S U P P O R T >-------------------
These tables and constants support various language-specific functionality.
--local this_wiki_code = mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(); -- get this wiki's language code
local this_wiki_code = lang_obj:getCode(); -- get this wiki's language code
if string.match (mw.site.server, 'wikidata') then
this_wiki_code = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('int', {'lang'}); -- on Wikidata so use interface language setting instead
local mw_languages_by_tag_t = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames (this_wiki_code, 'all'); -- get a table of language tag/name pairs known to Wikimedia; used for interwiki tests
local mw_languages_by_name_t = {};
-- 日本語版独自: mw_languages_by_name_tのキーは日本語名に対応させず、英語名のみとする
for k, v in pairs (mw.language.fetchLanguageNames ('en', 'all')) do -- build a 'reversed' table name/tag language pairs know to MediaWiki; used for |language=
v = mw.ustring.lower (v); -- lowercase for tag fetch; get name's proper case from mw_languages_by_tag_t[<tag>]
if mw_languages_by_name_t[v] then -- when name already in the table
if 2 == #k or 3 == #k then -- if tag does not have subtags
mw_languages_by_name_t[v] = k; -- prefer the shortest tag for this name
else -- here when name not in the table
mw_languages_by_name_t[v] = k; -- so add name and matching tag
local inter_wiki_map = {}; -- map of interwiki prefixes that are language-code prefixes
for k, v in pairs (mw.site.interwikiMap ('local')) do -- spin through the base interwiki map (limited to local)
if mw_languages_by_tag_t[v["prefix"]] then -- if the prefix matches a known language tag
inter_wiki_map[v["prefix"]] = true; -- add it to our local map
--[[--------------------< S C R I P T _ L A N G _ C O D E S >-------------------
This table is used to hold ISO 639-1 two-character and ISO 639-3 three-character
language codes that apply only to |script-title= and |script-chapter=
local script_lang_codes = {
'ab', 'am', 'ar', 'az', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'bo', 'bs', 'ce', 'chr', 'dv', 'dz',
'el', 'fa', 'grc', 'gu', 'he', 'hi', 'hy', 'ja', 'ka', 'kk', 'km', 'kn', 'ko',
'ku', 'ky', 'lo', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mni', 'mr', 'my', 'ne', 'or', 'ota',
'pa', 'ps', 'ru', 'sd', 'si', 'sr', 'syc', 'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tt',
'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'yi', 'yue', 'zh', 'zgh'
--[[---------------< L A N G U A G E R E M A P P I N G >----------------------
These tables hold language information that is different (correct) from MediaWiki's definitions
For each ['<tag>'] = 'language name' in lang_code_remap{} there must be a matching ['language name'] = {'language name', '<tag>'} in lang_name_remap{}
key is always lowercase ISO 639-1, -2, -3 language tag or a valid lowercase IETF language tag
value is properly spelled and capitalized language name associated with <tag>
only one language name per <tag>;
key/value pair must have matching entry in lang_name_remap{}
key is always lowercase language name
value is a table the holds correctly spelled and capitalized language name [1] and associated tag [2] (tag must match a tag key in lang_tag_remap{})
may have multiple keys referring to a common preferred name and tag; For example:
['kolsch'] and ['kölsch'] both refer to 'Kölsch' and 'ksh'
local lang_tag_remap = { -- used for |language= and |script-title= / |script-chapter=
['abq'] = 'アバザ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Abaza」
['ae'] = 'アヴェスター語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「アヴェスタ語」
['aeb'] = 'アラビア語チュニジア方言', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「チュニジア・アラビア語」
['afh'] = 'アフリヒリ', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「アフリヒリ語」
['alq'] = 'アルゴンキン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Algonquin」
['als'] = 'トスク・アルバニア語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「アレマン語」
['ami'] = 'アミ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Amis」
['arc'] = '帝国アラム語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「アラム語」
['arq'] = 'アラビア語アルジェリア方言', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「アルジェリア・アラビア語」
['ary'] = 'アラビア語モロッコ方言', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「モロッコ・アラビア語」
['arz'] = 'アラビア語エジプト方言', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「エジプト・アラビア語」
['azb'] = '南アゼルバイジャン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「South Azerbaijani」
['bal'] = 'バローチー語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「バルーチー語」
['bbc'] = 'バタク・トバ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「トバ・バタク語」
['bcl'] = '中央ビコール語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ビコール語」
['bh'] = 'ビハール語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Bhojpuri」
['bik'] = 'ビコール語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ビコル語」
['bin'] = 'エド語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ビニ語」
['bla'] = 'ブラックフット語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「シクシカ語」
['bra'] = 'ブラジュ・バーシャー語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ブラジ語」
['brh'] = 'ブラーフーイー語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ブラフイ語」
['bto'] = 'イリガ・ビコール語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Iriga Bicolano」
['bug'] = 'ブギス語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ブギ語」
['bxr'] = 'ロシアブリヤート語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ブリヤート語」
['ca'] = 'カタルーニャ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「カタロニア語」
['ca-valencia'] = 'バレンシア語', -- IETF variant of Catalan
['cgg'] = 'キガ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「チガ語」
['chn'] = 'チヌーク・ジャーゴン', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「チヌーク混成語」
['ckb'] = 'ソラニー', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「中央クルド語」
['cnr'] = 'モンテネグロ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Montenegrin」
['cu'] = '教会スラヴ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「教会スラブ語」
['dag'] = 'ダバニ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Dagbani」
['diq'] = 'ディムリ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ザザキ語」
['dty'] = 'ドテリ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Doteli」
['dum'] = '中期オランダ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「中世オランダ語」
['egy'] = 'エジプト語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「古代エジプト語」
['el'] = 'ギリシア語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ギリシャ語」
['eo'] = 'エスペラント', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「エスペラント語」
['fan'] = 'ファン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ファング語」
['fat'] = 'ファンティ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ファンティー語」
['ff'] = 'フラニ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「フラ語」
['fil'] = 'フィリピン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「フィリピノ語」
['fit'] = 'メアンキエリ', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「トルネダール・フィンランド語」
['fkv'] = 'クヴェン語', -- ISO 639-3で定義されているが、MediawikiのCLDRには存在しない
['frm'] = '中世フランス語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「中期フランス語」
['frs'] = 'オストフリース語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「東フリジア語」
['gbz'] = 'ダリー語(ゾロアスター教)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ダリー語(ゾロアスター教)」
['gcr'] = 'フランス領ギアナ・クレオール語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Guianan Creole」
['gom-deva'] = 'ゴア・コンカニ語(デーバナーガリー文字)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ゴア・コンカニ語(デーバナーガリー文字)」
['gom-latn'] = 'ゴア・コンカニ語(ラテン文字)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ゴア・コンカニ語(ラテン文字)」
['grc'] = '古代ギリシア語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「古代ギリシャ語」
['guw'] = 'グン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Gun」
['hmn'] = 'ミャオ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「フモン語」
['ht'] = 'ハイチ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ハイチ・クレオール語」
['hup'] = 'フーパ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「フパ語」
['hyw'] = '西アルメニア語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Western Armenian」
['ii'] = '四川彝語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「四川イ語」
['iu'] = 'イヌクティトゥット語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「イヌクティトット語」
['jbo'] = 'ロジバン', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ロジバン語」
['jpr'] = 'ジーディ', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ユダヤ・ペルシア語」
['jrb'] = 'ユダヤ・アラビア語群', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ユダヤ・アラビア語」
['jut'] = 'ユトランド方言', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ユトランド語」
['ka'] = 'グルジア語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ジョージア語」
['kac'] = 'ジンポー語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「カチン語」
['kbp'] = 'カビエ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Kabiye」
['kfo'] = 'コロ語(コートジボワール)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「コロ語」
['knn'] = 'マハーラーシュトリアン・コンカニ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「マラーティーコンカニ語」
['ko'] = '朝鮮語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「韓国語」
['ksh-x-colog'] = 'ケルン語', -- 英語版でKölschとColognianを区別するために追加されたもの
['ksw'] = 'スゴー・カレン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「S'gaw Karen」
['lad'] = 'ラディーノ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ラディノ語」
['lld'] = 'ラディン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Ladin」
['lo'] = 'ラーオ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ラオ語」
['lua'] = 'ルバ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ルバ・ルルア語」
['man'] = 'マンディング諸語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「マンディンゴ語」
['mhr'] = '牧地マリ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「東部マリ語」
['mis'] = 'その他の言語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「unsupported language」
['mis-x-ripuar'] = 'リプアーリ語', -- override MediaWiki ksh; no IANA/ISO 639 code for Ripuarian; IETF private code created at Module:Lang/data
['mnc'] = '満洲語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「満州語」
['mnw'] = 'モン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Mon」
['mo'] = 'モルドバ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Moldovan」
['moh'] = 'モホーク語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「モーホーク語」
['mus'] = 'マスコギ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「クリーク語」
['mvi'] = '宮古語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Miyako」
['my'] = 'ビルマ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ミャンマー語」
['nah'] = 'ナワ語群', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Nāhuatl」
['nan-tw'] = '台湾語', -- make room for MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639 nan: Min Nan Chinese and support en.wiki preferred name
['nb'] = 'ノルウェー語(ブークモール)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ノルウェー語(ブークモール)」
['new'] = 'ネパール・バサ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ネワール語」
['niu'] = 'ニウエ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ニウーエイ語」
['nn'] = 'ノルウェー語(ニーノシュク)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ノルウェー語(ニーノシュク)」
['nrm'] = 'ナロム語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ノルマン語」
['nso'] = '北ソト語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「北部ソト語」
['nwc'] = '古典ネパール・バサ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「古典ネワール語」
['ny'] = 'チェワ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ニャンジャ語」
['olo'] = 'リッヴィ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Livvi-Karelian」
['or'] = 'オリヤー語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「オディア語」
['osx'] = '古ザクセン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Old Saxon」
['ota'] = 'オスマン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「オスマントルコ語」
['pa'] = 'パンジャーブ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「パンジャブ語」
['pdc'] = 'ペンシルベニアドイツ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ペンシルベニア・ドイツ語」
['pih'] = 'ピトケアン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ノーフォーク語・ピトケアン語」
['pnb'] = '西パンジャーブ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Western Punjabi」
['pnt'] = 'ギリシア語ポントス方言', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ポントス・ギリシャ語」
['pro'] = '古プロヴァンス語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「古期プロバンス語」
['ps'] = 'パシュトー語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「パシュトゥー語」
['pwn'] = 'パイワン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Paiwan」
['rap'] = 'ラパ・ヌイ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ラパヌイ語」
['rmy'] = 'ヴラックス・ロマ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ロマ語」
['rom'] = 'ロマ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ロマーニー語」
['ruq'] = 'メグレノ・ルーマニア語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Megleno-Romanian」
['rw'] = 'ルワンダ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「キニアルワンダ語」
['rys'] = '八重山語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Yaeyama」
['ryu'] = '沖縄語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Okinawan」
['sa'] = 'サンスクリット', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「サンスクリット語」
['sat'] = 'サンタル語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「サンターリー語」
['se'] = '北部サーミ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「北サーミ語」
['sh'] = 'セルビア・クロアチア語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「セルボ・クロアチア語」
['shi'] = 'シルハ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「タシルハイト語」
['shu'] = 'アラビア語チャド方言', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「チャド・アラビア語」
['skr'] = 'サライキ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Saraiki」
['sma'] = '南部サーミ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「南サーミ語」
['sr-cyrl'] = 'セルビア語(キリル文字)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Serbian (Cyrillic script)」
['sr-ec'] = 'セルビア語(キリル文字)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Serbian (Cyrillic script)」
['sr-el'] = 'セルビア語(ラテン文字)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Serbian (Latin script)」
['sr-latn'] = 'セルビア語(ラテン文字)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Serbian (Latin script)」
['srn'] = 'スラナン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「スリナム語」
['srr'] = 'セレール語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「セレル語」
['st'] = 'ソト語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「南部ソト語」
['stq'] = '東フリジア語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ザーターフリジア語」
['swb'] = 'マオレ・コモロ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「コモロ語」
['syr'] = 'シリア語(マクロランゲージ)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「シリア語」
['szy'] = 'サキザヤ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Sakizaya」
['tay'] = 'タイヤル語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Tayal」
['ti'] = 'ティグリニャ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ティグリニア語」
['tiv'] = 'ティヴ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ティブ語」
['tmh'] = 'トゥアレグ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「タマシェク語」
['to'] = 'トンガ語(ポリネシア)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「トンガ語」
['tog'] = 'トンガ語(ニアサ)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「トンガ語(ニアサ)」
['tpi'] = 'トク・ピシン', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「トク・ピシン語」
['trv'] = 'セデック語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「タロコ語」
['tsi'] = 'ツィムシアン語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「チムシュ語」
['ttt'] = 'ムスリム・タート語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ムスリム・タタール語」
['tyv'] = 'トゥバ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「トゥヴァ語」
['uga'] = 'ウガリット語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ウガリト語」
['und'] = '不明言語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「言語不明」
['ve'] = 'ヴェンダ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ベンダ語」
['vo'] = 'ヴォラピュク', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ヴォラピュク語」
['yao'] = 'ヤオ語(バントゥー)', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ヤオ語」
['yoi'] = '与那国語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Yonaguni」
['yox'] = '与論島方言', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「Yoron」
['yue'] = '粤語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「広東語」
['zap'] = 'サポテク語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「サポテカ語」
['zea'] = 'ゼーランド語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ゼーラント語」
['zgh'] = '標準モロッコ・タマジクト語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「標準モロッコ タマジクト語」
['zza'] = 'ザザキ語', -- MediawikiのCLDRでは「ザザ語」
local lang_name_remap_ja = { -- 日本語版独自:日本語名から言語コードへの逆変換
['セルビア語(キリル文字)'] = {'セルビア語(キリル文字)', 'sr-cyrl'},
['セルビア語(ラテン文字)'] = {'セルビア語(ラテン文字)', 'sr-latn'},
local lang_name_remap = { -- used for |language=; names require proper capitalization; tags must be lowercase
['alemannic'] = {'スイスドイツ語', 'gsw'}, -- ISO 639-2, -3 alternate for Swiss German; MediaWiki mediawiki returns Alemannic for gsw; en.wiki preferred name
['alemannisch'] = {'スイスドイツ語', 'gsw'}, -- not an ISO or IANA language name; MediaWiki uses 'als' as a subdomain name for Alemannic Wikipedia: als.wikipedia.org
--['bangla'] = {'ベンガル語', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki returns Bangla (the endonym) but we want Bengali (the exonym); here we remap
['bengali'] = {'ベンガル語', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki doesn't use exonym so here we provide correct language name and 639-1 code
['bhojpuri'] = {'ボージュプリー語', 'bho'}, -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri Wikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org
['bihari'] = {'ビハール語', 'bh'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Bihari' with 'Bhojpuri' so 'Bihari' cannot be found
['blackfoot'] = {'ブラックフット語', 'bla'}, -- MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639: Siksika; use en.wiki preferred name
['colognian'] = {'ケルン語', 'ksh-x-colog'}, -- MediaWiki preferred name for ksh
['ilocano'] = {'イロカノ語', 'ilo'}, -- MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639: Iloko; use en.wiki preferred name
['kolsch'] = {'ケルン語', 'ksh'}, -- use IANA/ISO 639 preferred name (use non-diacritical o instead of umlaut ö)
['kölsch'] = {'ケルン語', 'ksh'}, -- use IANA/ISO 639 preferred name
['kven'] = {'クヴェン語', 'fkv'}, -- Unicode CLDR have decided not to support English language name for these two...
['kvensk'] = {'クヴェン語', 'fkv'}, -- ...they say to refer to IANA registry for English names
['ripuarian'] = {'リプアーリ語', 'mis-x-ripuar'}, -- group of dialects; no code in MediaWiki or in IANA/ISO 639
['serbian (cyrillic script)'] = {'セルビア語(キリル文字)', 'sr-cyrl'}, -- special case to get correct tag when |language=sr-ec
['serbian (latin script)'] = {'セルビア語(ラテン文字)', 'sr-latn'}, -- special case to get correct tag when |language=sr-el
['swiss german'] = {'スイスドイツ語', 'gsw'},
['taiwanese hokkien'] = {'台湾語', 'nan-tw'}, -- make room for MediaWiki/IANA/ISO 639 nan: Min Nan Chinese
['tosk albanian'] = {'トスク・アルバニア語', 'als'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Tosk Albanian' with 'Alemannisch' so 'Tosk Albanian' cannot be found
['valencian'] = {'バレンシア語', 'ca-valencia'}, -- variant of Catalan; categorizes as Valencian
--[[---------------< P R O P E R T I E S _ C A T E G O R I E S >----------------
Properties categories. These are used for investigating qualities of citations.
local prop_cats = {
['asin'] = 'CS1テンプレート: ASIN', -- 日本語版独自: |asin= と |asin-tld= の両方が指定されているページを収集
--['foreign-lang-source'] = 'CS1 $1-language sources ($2)', -- |language= categories; $1 is foreign-language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
--['foreign-lang-source-2'] = 'CS1 foreign language sources (ISO 639-2)|$1', -- |language= category; a cat for ISO639-2 languages; $1 is the ISO 639-2 code used as a sort key
--['interproj-linked-name'] = 'CS1 interproject-linked names|$1', -- any author, editor, etc that has an interproject link; $1 is interproject tag used as a sort key
--['interwiki-linked-name'] = 'CS1 interwiki-linked names|$1', -- any author, editor, etc that has an interwiki link; $1 is interwiki tag used as a sort key; yeilds to interproject
--['local-lang-source'] = 'CS1 $1-language sources ($2)', -- |language= categories; $1 is local-language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code; not emitted when local_lang_cat_enable is false
--['location-test'] = 'CS1 location test',
--['long-vol'] = 'CS1: long volume value', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |volume= values longer than 4 characters
['naid'] = 'CS1テンプレート: NAID', -- 日本語版独自: 旧CiNii Articlesへのリンクを追跡
--['script'] = 'CS1 uses $1-language script ($2)', -- |script-title=xx: has matching category; $1 is language name, $2 is language tag
--['tracked-param'] = 'CS1 tracked parameter: $1', -- $1 is base (enumerators removed) parameter name
--['unfit'] = 'CS1: unfit URL', -- |url-status=unfit or |url-status=usurped; used to be a maint cat
--['year-range-abbreviated'] = 'CS1: abbreviated year range', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |date=, |year= values using YYYY–YY form
--[[-------------------< T I T L E _ T Y P E S >--------------------------------
Here we map a template's CitationClass to TitleType (default values for |type= parameter)
local title_types = {
['AV-media-notes'] = 'ライナーノーツ',
['document'] = 'ドキュメント',
['conference'] = '議事録', -- CS-ja独自
['interview'] = 'インタビュー',
['mailinglist'] = 'メーリングリスト',
['map'] = '地図',
['podcast'] = 'ポッドキャスト',
['pressrelease'] = 'プレスリリース',
['report'] = 'レポート',
['speech'] = 'スピーチ',
['techreport'] = '技術レポート',
['thesis'] = '論文',
--[[--------------------------< B U I L D _ K N O W N _ F R E E _ D O I _ R E G I S T R A N T S _ T A B L E >--
build a table of doi registrants known to be free-to-read In a doi, the registrant ID is the series of digits
between the '10.' and the first '/': in doi 10.1100/sommat, 1100 is the registrant ID
see §3.2.2 DOI prefix of the Doi Handbook p. 43
local function build_free_doi_registrants_table()
local registrants_t = {};
for _, v in ipairs ({
'1045', '1074', '1096', '1100', '1155', '1186', '1194', '1371', '1629', '1989', '1999', '2147', '2196', '3285', '3389', '3390',
'3748', '3814', '3847', '3897', '4061', '4089', '4103', '4172', '4175', '4230', '4236', '4239', '4240', '4249', '4251',
'4252', '4253', '4254', '4291', '4292', '4329', '4330', '4331', '5194', '5210', '5306', '5312', '5313', '5314',
'5315', '5316', '5317', '5318', '5319', '5320', '5321', '5334', '5402', '5409', '5410', '5411', '5412',
'5492', '5493', '5494', '5495', '5496', '5497', '5498', '5499', '5500', '5501', '5527', '5528', '5662',
'6064', '6219', '7167', '7217', '7287', '7482', '7490', '7554', '7717', '7759', '7766', '11131', '11569', '11647',
'11648', '12688', '12703', '12715', '12942', '12998', '13105', '14256', '14293', '14303', '15215', '15347', '15412', '15560', '16995',
'17645', '18637', '19080', '19173', '20944', '21037', '21468', '21767', '22261', '22323', '22459', '24105', '24196', '24966',
'26775', '30845', '32545', '35711', '35712', '35713', '35995', '36648', '37126', '37532', '37871', '47128',
'47622', '47959', '52437', '52975', '53288', '54081', '54947', '55667', '55914', '57009', '58647', '59081',
}) do
registrants_t[v] = true; -- build a k/v table of known free-to-read doi registrants
return registrants_t;
local extended_registrants_t = { -- known free registrants identifiable by the doi suffix incipit
['1016'] = {'j.heliyon', 'j.proche'}, -- Heliyon, Procedia Chemistry
['1046'] = {'j.1365-8711', 'j.1365-246x'}, -- MNRAS, GJI
['1093'] = {'mnras', 'mnrasl', 'gji', 'rasti'}, -- MNRAS, MNRAS Letters, GJI, RASTI
['1099'] = {'acmi', 'mic', '00221287', 'mgen'}, -- Access Microbiology, Microbiology, Journal of General Microbiology, Microbial Genomics
['1111'] = {'j.1365-2966', 'j.1745-3933', 'j.1365-246X'}, -- MNRAS, MNRAS Letters, GJI
['1210'] = {'jendso','jcemcr'}, -- Journal of the Endocrine Society, JCEM Case Reports
--[[===================<< E R R O R M E S S A G I N G >>======================
--[[----------< E R R O R M E S S A G E S U P P L I M E N T S >-------------
i18n for those messages that are supplimented with additional specific text that
describes the reason for the error
TODO: merge this with special_case_translations{}?
local err_msg_supl = {
['char'] = '文字', -- |isbn=, |sbn=
['check'] = 'チェックディジット', -- |isbn=, |sbn=
['flag'] = 'フラグ', -- |archive-url=
['form'] = 'Xの位置', -- |isbn=, |sbn=
['group'] = 'グループ', -- |isbn=
['initials'] = 'イニシャル', -- Vancouver
['invalid language code'] = '不正な言語コード', -- |script-<param>=
['journal'] = '学術誌', -- |bibcode=
['length'] = '長さ', -- |isbn=, |bibcode=, |sbn=
['liveweb'] = 'livewebドメイン', -- |archive-url=
['missing comma'] = 'コンマ', -- Vancouver
['missing prefix'] = '先頭の言語コード', -- |script-<param>=
['missing title part'] = 'タイトル未入力', -- |script-<param>=
['name'] = 'name', -- Vancouver
['non-Latin char'] = 'ラテン文字以外の文字', -- Vancouver
['path'] = 'パス', -- |archive-url=
['prefix'] = '接頭辞', -- |isbn=
['punctuation'] = '約物', -- Vancouver
['save'] = 'saveコマンド', -- |archive-url=
['suffix'] = '接尾辞', -- Vancouver
['timestamp'] = 'タイムスタンプ', -- |archive-url=
['unknown language code'] = '不明な言語コード', -- |script-<param>=
['value'] = '値', -- |bibcode=
['year'] = '出版年', -- |bibcode=
--[[--------------< E R R O R _ C O N D I T I O N S >---------------------------
Error condition table. This table has two sections: errors at the top, maintenance
at the bottom. Maint 'messaging' does not have a 'message' (message=nil)
The following contains a list of IDs for various error conditions defined in the
code. For each ID, we specify a text message to display, an error category to
include, and whether the error message should be wrapped as a hidden comment.
Anchor changes require identical changes to matching anchor in Help:CS1 errors
TODO: rename error_conditions{} to something more generic; create separate error
and maint tables inside that?
local error_conditions = {
err_accessdate_missing_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|access-date=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|url=</code>も指定してください。',
anchor = 'accessdate_missing_url',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/accessdate関連',
hidden = false
err_apostrophe_markup = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>では太字とイタリック体は使えません。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'apostrophe_markup',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/マークアップ',
hidden = false
err_archive_date_missing_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|archive-date=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|archive-url=</code>も指定してください。',
anchor = 'archive_date_missing_url',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/archiveurl関連',
hidden = false
err_archive_date_url_ts_mismatch = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|archive-date=</code>と<code class="cs1-code">|archive-url=</code>の日付が異なります。(もしかして:$1)',
anchor = 'archive_date_url_ts_mismatch',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/archiveurl関連',
hidden = false
err_archive_missing_date = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|archive-url=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|archive-date=</code>も指定してください。',
anchor = 'archive_missing_date',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/archiveurl関連',
hidden = false
err_archive_missing_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|archive-url=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|url=</code>も指定してください。',
anchor = 'archive_missing_url',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/archiveurl関連',
hidden = false
err_archive_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|archive-url=</code>の書式が不正です。理由:$1', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'archive_url',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/archiveurl関連',
hidden = false
err_asintld_missing_asin = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|asin=</code>も指定してください。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'asintld_missing_asin',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/ASIN',
hideen = false
err_arxiv_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|arxiv=</code>は必須です。',
anchor = 'arxiv_missing',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/arXiv', -- same as bad arxiv
hidden = false
err_bad_arxiv = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|arxiv=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_arxiv',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/arXiv',
hidden = false
err_bad_asin = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|asin=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_asin',
category ='テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/ASIN',
hidden = false
err_bad_asin_tld = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|asin-tld=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_asin_tld',
category ='テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/ASIN',
hidden = false
err_bad_bibcode = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|bibcode=</code>の値が不正です。理由:$1', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'bad_bibcode',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/bibcode',
hidden = false
err_bad_biorxiv = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|biorxiv=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_biorxiv',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/bioRxiv',
hidden = false
err_bad_citeseerx = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|citeseerx=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_citeseerx',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/citeseerx',
hidden = false
err_bad_crid = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|crid=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_crid',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/CRID',
hidden = false
err_bad_date = {
message = '$1の日付が不正です。', -- $1 is a parameter name list
anchor = 'bad_date',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/日付関連',
hidden = false
err_bad_doi = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|doi=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_doi',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/DOI',
hidden = false
err_bad_hdl = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|hdl=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_hdl',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/HDL',
hidden = false
err_bad_isbn = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|isbn=</code>の値が不正です。理由:$1', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'bad_isbn',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/ISBN',
hidden = false
err_bad_ismn = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|ismn=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_ismn',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/ISMN',
hidden = false
err_bad_issn = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1issn=</code>の値が不正です。', -- $1 is 'e' or '' for eissn or issn
anchor = 'bad_issn',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/ISSN',
hidden = false
err_bad_jfm = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|jfm=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_jfm',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/JFM',
hidden = false
err_bad_jstor = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|jstor=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_jstor',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/JSTOR',
hidden = false
err_bad_lccn = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|lccn=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_lccn',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/LCCN',
hidden = false
err_bad_medrxiv = {
message = 'Check <code class="cs1-code">|medrxiv=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_medrxiv',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/medRxiv',
hidden = false
err_bad_mr = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|mr=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_mr',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/MR',
hidden = false
err_bad_naid = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|naid=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_naid',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/NAID',
hidden = false
err_bad_ncid = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|ncid=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_ncid',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/NCID',
hidden = false
err_bad_oclc = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|oclc=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_oclc',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/OCLC',
hidden = false
err_bad_ol = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|ol=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_ol',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/OL',
hidden = false
err_bad_osti = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|osti=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_osti',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/OSTI',
hidden = false
err_bad_paramlink = { -- for |title-link=, |author/editor/translator-link=, |series-link=, |episode-link=
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>の値が不正です。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'bad_paramlink',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/内部リンク',
hidden = false
err_bad_pmc = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|pmc=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_pmc',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/PMC',
hidden = false
err_bad_pmid = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|pmid=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_pmid',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/PMID',
hidden = false
err_bad_rfc = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|rfc=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_rfc',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/RFC',
hidden = false
err_bad_s2cid = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|s2cid=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_s2cid',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/S2CID',
hidden = false
err_bad_sbn = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|sbn=</code>の値が不正です。理由:$1', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'bad_sbn',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/SBN',
hidden = false
err_bad_ssrn = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|ssrn=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_ssrn',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/SSRN',
hidden = false
err_bad_url = {
message = '$1の値が不正です。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'bad_url',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/URL',
hidden = false
err_bad_usenet_id = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|message-id=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_message_id',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/message-id',
hidden = false
err_bad_zbl = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|zbl=</code>の値が不正です。',
anchor = 'bad_zbl',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/ZBL',
hidden = false
err_bare_url_missing_title = {
message = '$1に対応するタイトル引数を入力してください。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'bare_url_missing_title',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/URL',
hidden = false
err_biorxiv_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|biorxiv=</code>は必須です。',
anchor = 'biorxiv_missing',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/bioRxiv', -- same as bad bioRxiv
hidden = false
err_chapter_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>引数は無視されます。',-- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'chapter_ignored',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/chapter',
hidden = false
err_citation_missing_title = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>は必須です。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'citation_missing_title',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/title',
hidden = false
err_citeseerx_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|citeseerx=</code>は必須です。',
anchor = 'citeseerx_missing',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/citeseerx', -- same as bad citeseerx
hidden = false
err_cite_web_url = { -- this error applies to cite web and to cite podcast
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|url=</code>は必須です。',
anchor = 'cite_web_url',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/URL',
hidden = false
err_class_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|class=</code>は無視されます。',
anchor = 'class_ignored',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/class',
hidden = false
err_contributor_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|contributor=</code>は無視されます。',
anchor = 'contributor_ignored',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/contributor',
hidden = false
err_contributor_missing_required_param = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|contributor=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>も指定してください。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'contributor_missing_required_param',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/contributor',
hidden = false
err_deprecated_params = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>引数は非推奨です。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'deprecated_params',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/非推奨引数',
hidden = false
err_disp_name = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|display-$1=$2</code>の値が不正です。', -- $1 is parameter name; $2 is the assigned value
anchor = 'disp_name',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/display-names',
hidden = false,
err_doibroken_missing_doi = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|doi=</code>も指定してください。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'doibroken_missing_doi',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/DOI',
hidden = false
err_embargo_missing_pmc = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|pmc=</code>も指定してください。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'embargo_missing_pmc',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/PMC',
hidden = false
err_empty_citation = {
message = '出典が入力されていません。',
anchor = 'empty_citation',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/未入力',
hidden = false
err_etal = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>でet al.をそのまま入力しないでください。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'explicit_et_al',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/不正な引数',
hidden = false
err_extra_text_edition = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|edition=</code>にed.など余分の文字が入力されています。',
anchor = 'extra_text_edition',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/edition',
hidden = false,
err_extra_text_issue = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>に余分の文字が入力されています。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'extra_text_issue',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/issue',
hidden = false,
err_extra_text_pages = { -- TODO make message dependent on triggering parameter i.e. p/pp/page/pages?
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|page(s)=</code>にp.など余分の文字が入力されています。',
anchor = 'extra_text_pages',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/pages',
hidden = false,
err_extra_text_volume = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>にvol.など余分の文字が入力されています。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'extra_text_volume',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/volume',
hidden = false,
err_first_missing_last = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|$2=</code>も指定してください。', -- $1 is first alias, $2 is matching last alias
anchor = 'first_missing_last',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/authorとeditor関連', -- author, contributor, editor, interviewer, translator
hidden = false
err_format_missing_url = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|$2=</code>も指定してください。', -- $1 is format parameter $2 is url parameter
anchor = 'format_missing_url',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/URL',
hidden = false
err_generic_name = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>に無意味な名前が入力されています。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'generic_name',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/authorとeditor関連',
hidden = false,
err_generic_title = {
message = '出典には意味のあるタイトルを入力してください。',
anchor = 'generic_title',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/title',
hidden = false,
err_invalid_param_val = {
message = '引数<code class="cs1-code">|$1=$2</code>は不正です。', -- $1 is parameter name $2 is paramter value
anchor = 'invalid_param_val',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/不正な引数',
hidden = false
err_invisible_char = {
message = '$2の$3文字目に$1が入力されています。', -- $1 is invisible char $2 is parameter name $3 is position number
anchor = 'invisible_char',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/非表示の文字',
hidden = false
err_medrxiv_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|medrxiv=</code>は必須です。',
anchor = 'medrxiv_missing',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/medRxiv', -- same as bad medRxiv
hidden = false
err_missing_accessdate = {
message = 'Cite webテンプレートでは<code class="cs1-code">|access-date=</code>引数が必須です。', -- 日本語版独自のエラー
anchor = 'missing_accessdate',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/accessdate関連',
hidden = false
err_missing_name = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1$2=</code>が未入力です。', -- $1 is modified NameList; $2 is enumerator
anchor = 'missing_name',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/authorとeditor関連', -- author, contributor, editor, interviewer, translator
hidden = false
err_missing_periodical = {
message = 'Cite $1テンプレートでは<code class="cs1-code">|$2=</code>引数は必須です。', -- $1 is cs1 template name; $2 is canonical periodical parameter name for cite $1
anchor = 'missing_periodical',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/periodical',
hidden = false
err_missing_pipe = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>でパイプ(|)が欠落しています。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'missing_pipe',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/パイプ',
hidden = false
err_missing_publisher = {
message = 'Cite $1では<code class="cs1-code">|$2=</code>が必須です。', -- $1 is cs1 template name; $2 is canonical publisher parameter name for cite $1
anchor = 'missing_publisher',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/publisher',
hidden = false
err_numeric_names = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>に数値が入力されています。', -- $1 is parameter name',
anchor = 'numeric_names',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/authorとeditor関連',
hidden = false,
err_param_access_requires_param = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1-access=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>も指定してください。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'param_access_requires_param',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/param-access',
hidden = false
err_param_has_ext_link = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">$1</code>で外部リンクを指定しないでください', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'param_has_ext_link',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/外部リンク',
hidden = false
err_param_unknown_empty = {
message = '不明な引数$1が空白で指定されています。', -- 日本語版独自仕様: プレースホルダーは1個だけ用いる
anchor = 'param_unknown_empty',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/不明な引数',
hidden = false
err_parameter_ignored = {
message = '不明な引数<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>は無視されます。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'parameter_ignored',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/不明な引数',
hidden = false
err_parameter_ignored_suggest = {
message = '不明な引数<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>は無視されます。(もしかして:<code class="cs1-code">|$2=</code>)', -- $1 is unknown parameter $2 is suggested parameter name
anchor = 'parameter_ignored_suggest',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/不明な引数',
hidden = false
err_periodical_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>は無視されます。', -- $1 is parameter name
anchor = 'periodical_ignored',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/work',
hidden = false
err_redundant_parameters = {
message = '$1引数が重複しています。', -- $1 is error message detail
anchor = 'redundant_parameters',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/重複引数',
hidden = false
err_script_parameter = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>の値は不正です。理由:$2', -- $1 is parameter name $2 is script language code or error detail
anchor = 'script_parameter',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/script',
hidden = false
err_ssrn_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|ssrn=</code>引数は必須です。',
anchor = 'ssrn_missing',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/SSRN',
hidden = false
err_text_ignored = {
message = '名無し引数「$1」は無視されます。', -- $1 is ignored text
anchor = 'text_ignored',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/不明な引数',
hidden = false
err_trans_missing_title = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|trans-$1=</code>を指定する場合、<code class="cs1-code">|$1=</code>または<code class="cs1-code">|script-$1=</code>も指定してください。', -- $1 is base parameter name
anchor = 'trans_missing_title',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/trans-title',
hidden = false
err_vancouver = {
message = 'バンクーバー方式のエラー:$1(位置:$2)', -- $1 is error detail, $2 is the nth name
anchor = 'vancouver',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/バンクーバー方式',
hidden = false
err_volume_title_ignored = { -- CS-ja独自
message = '<code class="cs1-code">|volume-title=</code>引数は無視されます。',
anchor = 'volume_title_ignored',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/volume-title',
hidden = false
err_wikilink_in_url = {
message = 'URLを指定する場合、タイトルに内部リンクを含めないでください。',
anchor = 'wikilink_in_url',
category = 'テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/CS1/URL',
hidden = false
--[[--------------------------< M A I N T >-------------------------------------
maint messages do not have a message (message = nil); otherwise the structure
is the same as error messages
maint_ambiguous_date_format = { -- 日本語版独自: 2002-03のように区切り文字にハイフンマイナスを使用し、年月とも年の範囲とも解釈可能な日付を指定した場合に付与する
message = nil,
anchor = 'ambiguous_date_format',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: 曖昧な日付のフォーマット',
hidden = true,
maint_archived_copy = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'archived_copy',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: archived copy as title',
hidden = true,
maint_asin_without_tld = { -- 日本語版独自: |asin-tld= 省略時の動作で混乱を招く可能性がある
message = nil,
anchor = 'asin_without_tld',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: ドメインが未指定のASIN',
hidden = true,
maint_authors = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'authors',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: uses authors parameter',
hidden = true,
maint_bibcode = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'bibcode',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: bibcode',
hidden = true,
maint_location_no_publisher = { -- cite book, conference, encyclopedia; citation as book cite or encyclopedia cite
message = nil,
anchor = 'location_no_publisher',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: location missing publisher',
hidden = true,
maint_bot_unknown = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'bot:_unknown',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: bot: original URL status unknown',
hidden = true,
maint_date_auto_xlated = { -- date auto-translation not supported by en.wiki
message = nil,
anchor = 'date_auto_xlated',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: date auto-translated',
hidden = true,
maint_date_format = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'date_format',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: date format',
hidden = true,
maint_date_year = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'date_year',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: date and year',
hidden = true,
maint_doi_ignore = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'doi_ignore',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: ignored DOI errors',
hidden = true,
maint_doi_inactive = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'doi_inactive',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: DOI inactive',
hidden = true,
maint_doi_inactive_dated = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'doi_inactive_dated',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: DOI inactive as of $2$3$1', -- $1 is year, $2 is month-name or empty string, $3 is space or empty string
hidden = true,
maint_doi_unflagged_free = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'doi_unflagged_free',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: unflagged free DOI',
hidden = true,
maint_extra_punct = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'extra_punct',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: extra punctuation',
hidden = true,
maint_id_limit_load_fail = { -- applies to all cs1|2 templates on a page;
message = nil, -- maint message (category link) never emitted
anchor = 'id_limit_load_fail',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: ID limit load fail',
hidden = true,
maint_isbn_ignore = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'ignore_isbn_err',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: ignored ISBN errors',
hidden = true,
maint_issn_ignore = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'ignore_issn',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: ignored ISSN errors',
hidden = true,
maint_jfm_format = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'jfm_format',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: JFM format',
hidden = true,
maint_location = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'location',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: location',
hidden = true,
maint_mr_format = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'mr_format',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: MR format',
hidden = true,
maint_mult_names = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'mult_names',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: multiple names: $1', -- $1 is '<name>s list'; gets value from special_case_translation table
hidden = true,
maint_numeric_names = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'numeric_names',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: numeric names: $1', -- $1 is '<name>s list'; gets value from special_case_translation table
hidden = true,
maint_omitted_zero_in_ymd_date = { -- 日本語版独自: 英語版ではymd形式の日付で先頭の0を省略できない
message = nil,
anchor = 'omitted_zero_in_ymd_date',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: 先頭の0を省略したymd形式の日付',
hidden = true,
maint_others = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'others',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: others',
hidden = true,
maint_others_avm = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'others_avm',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: others in cite AV media (notes)',
hidden = true,
maint_overridden_setting = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'overridden',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: overridden setting',
hidden = true,
maint_pmc_embargo = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'embargo',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: PMC embargo expired',
hidden = true,
maint_pmc_format = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'pmc_format',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: PMC format',
hidden = true,
maint_postscript = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'postscript',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: postscript',
hidden = true,
maint_ref_duplicates_default = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'ref_default',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: ref duplicates default',
hidden = true,
maint_ref_harv = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'ref_harv',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: ref=harv',
hidden = true,
maint_unknown_lang = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'unknown_lang',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: unrecognized language',
hidden = true,
maint_untitled = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'untitled',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: untitled periodical',
hidden = true,
maint_url_status = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'url_status',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: url-status',
hidden = true,
maint_year= {
message = nil,
anchor = 'year',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: year',
hidden = true,
maint_zbl = {
message = nil,
anchor = 'zbl',
category = 'CS1メンテナンス: Zbl',
hidden = true,
--[[--------------------------< I D _ L I M I T S _ D A T A _ T >----------------------------------------------
fetch id limits for certain identifiers from c:Data:CS1/Identifier limits.tab. This source is a json tabular
data file maintained at wikipedia commons. Convert the json format to a table of k/v pairs.
The values from <id_limits_data_t> are used to set handle.id_limit.
local load_fail_limit = 99999999999; -- very high number to avoid error messages on load failure
local id_limits_data_t = {['OCLC'] = load_fail_limit, ['OSTI'] = load_fail_limit, ['PMC'] = load_fail_limit, ['PMID'] = load_fail_limit, ['RFC'] = load_fail_limit, ['SSRN'] = load_fail_limit, ['S2CID'] = load_fail_limit};
local id_limits_data_load_fail = false; -- flag; assume that we will be successful when loading json id limit tabular data
local tab_data_t = mw.ext.data.get ('CS1/Identifier limits.tab').data; -- attempt to load the json limit data from commons into <tab_data_t>
if false == tab_data_t then -- undocumented 'feature': mw.ext.data.get() sometimes returns false
id_limits_data_load_fail = true; -- set the flag so that Module:Citation/CS1 can create an unannotated maint category
for _, limit_t in ipairs (tab_data_t) do -- overwrite default <load_fail_limit> values
id_limits_data_t[limit_t[1]] = limit_t[2]; -- <limit[1]> is identifier; <limit[2]> is upper limit for that identifier
--[[--------------------------< I D _ H A N D L E R S >--------------------------------------------------------
The following contains a list of values for various defined identifiers. For each
identifier we specify a variety of information necessary to properly render the
identifier in the citation.
parameters: a list of parameter aliases for this identifier; first in the list is the canonical form
link: Wikipedia article name
redirect: a local redirect to a local Wikipedia article name; at en.wiki, 'ISBN (identifier)' is a redirect to 'International Standard Book Number'
q: Wikidata q number for the identifier
label: the label preceding the identifier; label is linked to a Wikipedia article (in this order):
redirect from id_handlers['<id>'].redirect when use_identifier_redirects is true
Wikidata-supplied article name for the local wiki from id_handlers['<id>'].q
local article name from id_handlers['<id>'].link
prefix: the first part of a URL that will be concatenated with a second part which usually contains the identifier
suffix: optional third part to be added after the identifier
encode: true if URI should be percent-encoded; otherwise false
COinS: identifier link or keyword for use in COinS:
for identifiers registered at info-uri.info use: info:.... where '...' is the appropriate identifier label
for identifiers that have COinS keywords, use the keyword: rft.isbn, rft.issn, rft.eissn
for |asin= and |ol=, which require assembly, use the keyword: url
for others make a URL using the value in prefix/suffix and #label, use the keyword: pre (not checked; any text other than 'info', 'rft', or 'url' works here)
set to nil to leave the identifier out of the COinS
separator: character or text between label and the identifier in the rendered citation
id_limit: for those identifiers with established limits, this property holds the upper limit
access: use this parameter to set the access level for all instances of this identifier.
the value must be a valid access level for an identifier (see ['id-access'] in this file).
custom_access: to enable custom access level for an identifier, set this parameter
to the parameter that should control it (normally 'id-access')
local id_handlers = {
['ARXIV'] = {
parameters = {'arxiv', 'eprint'},
link = 'arXiv#投稿論文の識別子',
redirect = 'arXiv (識別子)',
q = 'Q118398',
label = 'arXiv',
prefix = 'https://arxiv.org/abs/',
encode = false,
COinS = 'info:arxiv',
separator = ':',
access = 'free', -- free to read
['ASIN'] = {
parameters = {'asin', 'ASIN'},
link = 'Amazon.com#ASIN',
redirect = 'ASIN (識別子)',
q = 'Q1753278',
label = 'ASIN',
prefix = 'https://www.amazon.',
COinS = 'url',
separator = ' ',
encode = false;
['BIBCODE'] = {
parameters = {'bibcode'},
link = 'Bibcode',
redirect = 'Bibcode (識別子)',
q = 'Q25754',
label = 'Bibcode',
prefix = 'https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/',
encode = false,
COinS = 'info:bibcode',
separator = ':',
custom_access = 'bibcode-access',
['BIORXIV'] = {
parameters = {'biorxiv'},
link = 'bioRxiv',
redirect = 'bioRxiv (識別子)',
q = 'Q19835482',
label = 'bioRxiv',
prefix = 'https://doi.org/',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
access = 'free', -- free to read
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
parameters = {'citeseerx'},
link = 'CiteSeerX',
redirect = 'CiteSeerX (識別子)',
q = 'Q2715061',
label = 'CiteSeerX',
prefix = 'https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
access = 'free', -- free to read
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
['CRID'] = {
parameters = {'crid', 'CRID'},
link = 'CiNii',
redirect = 'CRID (識別子)',
q = 'Q121689807',
label = 'CRID',
prefix = 'https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
['DOI'] = { -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
parameters = {'doi', 'DOI'},
link = 'デジタルオブジェクト識別子',
redirect = 'doi (識別子)',
q = 'Q25670',
label = 'doi',
prefix = 'https://doi.org/',
COinS = 'info:doi',
separator = ':',
encode = true,
custom_access = 'doi-access',
['EISSN'] = {
parameters = {'eissn', 'EISSN'},
link = 'ISSN#Electronic ISSN',
redirect = 'eISSN (識別子)',
q = 'Q46339674',
label = 'eISSN',
prefix = 'https://search.worldcat.org/issn/',
COinS = 'rft.eissn',
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
['HDL'] = {
parameters = {'hdl', 'HDL'},
link = 'ハンドルシステム',
redirect = 'hdl (識別子)',
q = 'Q3126718',
label = 'hdl',
prefix = 'https://hdl.handle.net/',
COinS = 'info:hdl',
separator = ':',
encode = true,
custom_access = 'hdl-access',
['ISBN'] = { -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
parameters = {'isbn', 'ISBN'},
link = 'ISBN',
redirect = 'ISBN (識別子)',
q = 'Q33057',
label = 'ISBN',
prefix = 'Special:BookSources/',
COinS = 'rft.isbn',
separator = ' ',
['ISMN'] = {
parameters = {'ismn', 'ISMN'},
link = '国際標準楽譜番号',
redirect = 'ISMN (識別子)',
q = 'Q1666938',
label = 'ISMN',
prefix = '', -- not currently used;
COinS = nil, -- nil because we can't use pre or rft or info:
separator = ' ',
['ISSN'] = {
parameters = {'issn', 'ISSN'},
link = 'ISSN',
redirect = 'ISSN (識別子)',
q = 'Q131276',
label = 'ISSN',
prefix = 'https://search.worldcat.org/issn/',
COinS = 'rft.issn',
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
['JFM'] = {
parameters = {'jfm', 'JFM'},
link = 'ZbMATH',
redirect = 'JFM (識別子)',
q = '',
label = 'JFM',
prefix = 'https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
['JSTOR'] = {
parameters = {'jstor', 'JSTOR'},
link = 'JSTOR',
redirect = 'JSTOR (識別子)',
q = 'Q1420342',
label = 'JSTOR',
prefix = 'https://www.jstor.org/stable/',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
custom_access = 'jstor-access',
['LCCN'] = {
parameters = {'lccn', 'LCCN'},
link = 'アメリカ議会図書館管理番号',
redirect = 'LCCN (識別子)',
q = 'Q620946',
label = 'LCCN',
prefix = 'https://lccn.loc.gov/',
COinS = 'info:lccn',
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
['MEDRXIV'] = {
parameters = {'medrxiv'},
link = 'medRxiv',
redirect = 'medRxiv (識別子)',
q = 'Q58465838',
label = 'medRxiv',
prefix = 'https://www.medrxiv.org/content/',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
access = 'free', -- free to read
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
['MR'] = {
parameters = {'mr', 'MR'},
link = 'MathSciNet',
redirect = 'MR (識別子)',
q = 'Q211172',
label = 'MR',
prefix = 'https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
['NAID'] = {
parameters = {'naid', 'NAID'},
link = 'CiNii',
redirect = 'NAID (識別子)',
q = 'Q118976435',
label = 'NAID',
prefix = 'https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
['NCID'] = {
parameters = {'ncid', 'NCID'},
link = 'CiNii',
redirect = 'NCID (識別子)',
q = 'Q117190912',
label = 'NCID',
prefix = 'https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/',
COinS = 'info:ncid', -- https://oclc-research.github.io/infoURI-Frozen/info-uri.info/ListRecords.html を参照
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
['OCLC'] = {
parameters = {'oclc', 'OCLC'},
link = 'Online Computer Library Center',
redirect = 'OCLC (識別子)',
q = 'Q190593',
label = 'OCLC',
prefix = 'https://search.worldcat.org/oclc/',
COinS = 'info:oclcnum',
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
id_limit = id_limits_data_t.OCLC or 0,
['OL'] = {
parameters = {'ol', 'OL'},
link = 'Open Library',
redirect = 'OL (識別子)',
q = 'Q1201876',
label = 'OL',
prefix = 'https://openlibrary.org/',
COinS = 'url',
separator = ' ',
encode = true,
custom_access = 'ol-access',
['OSTI'] = {
parameters = {'osti', 'OSTI'},
link = '科学技術情報局',
redirect = 'OSTI (識別子)',
q = 'Q2015776',
label = 'OSTI',
prefix = 'https://www.osti.gov/biblio/',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
id_limit = id_limits_data_t.OSTI or 0,
custom_access = 'osti-access',
['PMC'] = {
parameters = {'pmc', 'PMC'},
link = 'PMC (アーカイブ)',
redirect = 'PMC (識別子)',
q = 'Q229883',
label = 'PMC',
prefix = 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC',
suffix = '',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
id_limit = id_limits_data_t.PMC or 0,
access = 'free', -- free to read
['PMID'] = {
parameters = {'pmid', 'PMID'},
link = 'PubMed#PMID',
redirect = 'PMID (識別子)',
q = 'Q2082879',
label = 'PMID',
prefix = 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/',
COinS = 'info:pmid',
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
id_limit = id_limits_data_t.PMID or 0,
['RFC'] = {
parameters = {'rfc', 'RFC'},
link = 'Request for Comments',
redirect = 'RFC (識別子)',
q = 'Q212971',
label = 'RFC',
prefix = 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
id_limit = id_limits_data_t.RFC or 0,
access = 'free', -- free to read
['SBN'] = {
parameters = {'sbn', 'SBN'},
link = 'ISBN#歴史',
redirect = 'SBN (識別子)',
label = 'SBN',
prefix = 'Special:BookSources/0-', -- prefix has leading zero necessary to make 9-digit sbn a 10-digit isbn
COinS = nil, -- nil because we can't use pre or rft or info:
separator = ' ',
['SSRN'] = {
parameters = {'ssrn', 'SSRN'},
link = 'Social Science Research Network',
redirect = 'SSRN (識別子)',
q = 'Q7550801',
label = 'SSRN',
prefix = 'https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
id_limit = id_limits_data_t.SSRN or 0,
custom_access = 'ssrn-access',
['S2CID'] = {
parameters = {'s2cid', 'S2CID'},
link = 'Semantic Scholar',
redirect = 'S2CID (識別子)',
q = 'Q22908627',
label = 'S2CID',
prefix = 'https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = false,
separator = ' ',
id_limit = id_limits_data_t.S2CID or 0,
custom_access = 's2cid-access',
['USENETID'] = {
parameters = {'message-id'},
link = 'ネットニュース',
redirect = 'Usenet (識別子)',
q = 'Q193162',
label = 'Usenet:',
prefix = 'news:',
encode = false,
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
separator = ' ',
['ZBL'] = {
parameters = {'zbl', 'ZBL'},
link = 'zbMATH',
redirect = 'Zbl (識別子)',
q = 'Q190269',
label = 'Zbl',
prefix = 'https://zbmath.org/?format=complete&q=an:',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
separator = ' ',
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T S >---------------------------------
return {
use_identifier_redirects = use_identifier_redirects, -- booleans defined in the settings at the top of this module
local_lang_cat_enable = local_lang_cat_enable,
date_name_auto_xlate_enable = date_name_auto_xlate_enable,
date_digit_auto_xlate_enable = date_digit_auto_xlate_enable,
enable_sort_keys = enable_sort_keys,
-- tables and variables created when this module is loaded
global_cs1_config_t = global_cs1_config_t, -- global settings from {{cs1 config}}
punct_skip = build_skip_table (punct_skip, punct_meta_params),
url_skip = build_skip_table (url_skip, url_meta_params),
known_free_doi_registrants_t = build_free_doi_registrants_table(),
id_limits_data_load_fail = id_limits_data_load_fail, -- true when commons tabular identifier-limit data fails to load
name_space_sort_keys = name_space_sort_keys,
aliases = aliases,
special_case_translation = special_case_translation,
date_names = date_names,
err_msg_supl = err_msg_supl,
error_conditions = error_conditions,
editor_markup_patterns = editor_markup_patterns,
et_al_patterns = et_al_patterns,
extended_registrants_t = extended_registrants_t,
id_handlers = id_handlers,
keywords_lists = keywords_lists,
keywords_xlate = keywords_xlate,
stripmarkers = stripmarkers,
invisible_chars = invisible_chars,
invisible_defs = invisible_defs,
indic_script = indic_script,
emoji_t = emoji_t,
maint_cats = maint_cats,
messages = messages,
presentation = presentation,
prop_cats = prop_cats,
script_lang_codes = script_lang_codes,
lang_tag_remap = lang_tag_remap,
lang_name_remap = lang_name_remap,
lang_name_remap_ja = lang_name_remap_ja,
this_wiki_code = this_wiki_code,
title_types = title_types,
uncategorized_namespaces = uncategorized_namespaces_t,
uncategorized_subpages = uncategorized_subpages,
templates_using_volume = templates_using_volume,
templates_using_issue = templates_using_issue,
templates_not_using_page = templates_not_using_page,
vol_iss_pg_patterns = vol_iss_pg_patterns,
single_letter_2nd_lvl_domains_t = single_letter_2nd_lvl_domains_t,
inter_wiki_map = inter_wiki_map,
mw_languages_by_tag_t = mw_languages_by_tag_t,
mw_languages_by_name_t = mw_languages_by_name_t,
citation_class_map_t = citation_class_map_t,
citation_issue_t = citation_issue_t,
citation_no_volume_t = citation_no_volume_t,