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Transferência da soberania de Macau
日程 1999年12月20日 (25年前) (1999-12-20)
会場所在地 マカオ
参加者 中華人民共和国の旗 中国
ポルトガルの旗 ポルトガル
繁体字 澳門回歸
簡体字 澳门回归
漢語拼音Àomén Huíguī
粤拼ou3 mun4*2 wui4 gwai1
ポルトガル語Transferência da soberania de Macau


マカオには明朝時代の1557年にポルトガル商人が入植し、程度の差こそあれ、マカオは1999年までポルトガルの支配下にあった。ポルトガルによるマカオへの関与は清朝により1749年に正式に認められている。ポルトガルの総督João Maria Ferreira do Amaralは、アヘン戦争の勝利と南京条約の締結の勢いのままに、清朝の現地当局を追放してマカオを併合しようとしたが、暗殺された[1]アロー戦争の終結後、1887年にポルトガル政府は、イギリス代表とともに、中葡和好通商条約を締結し、アヘン密輸を終わらせるための取り組みに協力するという条件でポルトガルによるマカオの永続領有が認められた[1]








  • 第1回:1986年6月30日 - 7月1日
  • 第2回:1986年9月9日 - 10日
  • 第3回:1986年10月21日 - 22日
  • 第4回:1987年3月18日 - 23日



移行期間(1987年 - 1999年)






1999年12月19日、マカオ特別行政区の設立式典への前置きとして、ポルトガルの第127代マカオ総督ヴァスコ・ロシャ・ヴィエイラがマカオで旗を下ろした[10]。正式な主権移譲はCultural Centre of Macau Gardenで同日夜に行われ、式典は夜に始まり12月20日の未明に終わった。

12月19日の夜は龍舞と獅子舞で始まり、マカオの歴史的出来事と特色のスライドショーが続き、これには東西の宗教と人種の混合とマカオで生まれたポルトガル人の特有の社会が含まれた。最後のパフォーマンスでは、マカオでのポルトガルの歴史442年を代表し、442人の子どもが、国際的なスターとともに「Praise for Peace」の歌を披露した。




Individual Visit Scheme政策の導入により中国本土の観光客の往来が容易になり、2005年だけでも本土から観光客1000万人が訪れ、これはマカオへの観光客の60%に相当する。マカオのカジノの収入は56億USドルに上る[11]。2005年7月15日、マカオ歴史地区世界文化遺産に登録された。観光業の発展がマカオ経済の急速な発展の主な要因になっている。



変更されない(1999年12月20日以降) 変更された(1999年12月20日以降)
  1. Portuguese remains an official language.[13] per[14] Public signs are bilingual in Portuguese and Traditional Chinese, although signs may also include English.[15] However, many schools teach in Cantonese in parallel with Mandarin and Portuguese.
  2. The legal system remains separate from that of mainland China, broadly based on the Portuguese civil system, with some Portuguese judges continuing to serve.[16]
  3. Macau retained the pataca as its currency, which remained the responsibility of the Monetary Authority of Macau, and pegged to the Hong Kong dollar.[17] However, the Bank of China began issuing banknotes in 1995.[18]
  4. The border with the mainland, while now known as the boundary, continues to be patrolled as before, with separate immigration and customs controls.[19]
  5. Macau citizens are still required to apply for a Mainland Travel Permit, in order to visit mainland China.[20]
  6. Citizens of mainland China still do not have the right of abode in Macau, except if he/she was born in Macau (before or after the establishment of the SAR).[21] Instead, they had to apply for a permit to visit or settle in Macau from the PRC government.[22]
  7. Macau continues to operate as a separate customs territory from mainland China.[23]
  8. It remains an individual member of various international organizations, such as APEC and WTO.[24]
  9. Macau continued to negotiate and maintain its own aviation bilateral treaties with foreign countries and territories.[25] These include flights to Taiwan.[26]
  10. Macau remains an individual member of sporting organizations such as FIFA.[27] However, the Sports and Olympic Committee of Macau, China, while a member of the Olympic Council of Asia, is not a member of the International Olympic Committee.[28]
  11. It continues to drive on the left unlike Mainland China, all of which has driven on the right since 1946, or Portugal and most other Portuguese colonies, which switched to the right in 1928.[29] Vehicle registration plates continued to follow the old Portuguese format, with white characters on a black plate.[30] This had been discontinued in Portugal in 1992.[31]
  12. Macau-registered vehicles can travel to and from mainland China, but require special cross-border plates, similar to those of Guangdong.[32]
  13. Macau citizens continue to have easier access to many countries, including those in Europe and North America, with Macau SAR passport holders having visa-free access to 117 other countries and territories.[33]
  14. Foreign nationals, including Portuguese citizens, are allowed to hold high-level positions in the administration, except the office of Chief Executive; those who will apply for Chief Executive position will have to be naturalized as Chinese.[34] This was in contrast to Hong Kong, where such positions were restricted to citizens of the SAR.[35]
  15. Members of the existing Legislative Assembly, who had been elected in 1996, remained in office until 2001, although those who had been appointed by the Governor were replaced by those appointed by the incoming Chief Executive.[36]
  16. Foreign nationals, including Portuguese citizens, are still allowed to stand for directly elected seats in the Legislative Assembly.[37] This is in contrast to Hong Kong, where foreign nationals can only stand for indirectly elected seats in the Legislative Council.[38]
  17. Macau continues to have more political freedoms than mainland China, with the holding of demonstrations and annual memorials to commemorate the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 in Senado Square.[39] However, pro-democracy politicians and academics from Hong Kong were refused entry.[40]
  18. It continues to have more freedom of the press than mainland China despite the growing influence of Beijing and Hong Kong journalists being refused entry.[41]
  19. Macau continues to have its own civic groups participating in the political system.[42] These are separate from the Communist-led United Front on the mainland.[43]
  20. It also continues to have more religious freedoms, with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Macau remaining under the jurisdiction of the Holy See, instead of the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association on the mainland.[44] However, the Falun Gong spiritual practice has faced restrictions.[45]
  21. Macau retains a separate international dialling code (853) and telephone numbering plan from that of the mainland.[46] Calls between Macau and the mainland still require international dialling.[47]
  22. It retains different technical standards from mainland China, such as British-style electrical plugs.[48] However, Macau would later adopt the digital TV standard devised in mainland China, instead of DVB-T, replacing PAL-I for TV transmissions.[49]
  23. Macau retains a separate ISO 3166 code, MO.[50] It also retains a top-level domain, .mo.[51] However, the Chinese code CN-92 was also used.[52]
  24. It retains its own separate postal services, with Correios de Macau operating separately from China Post.[53] Macau was not made part of the Chinese postcode system, nor did it introduce a postcode system of its own.[54]
  25. Portuguese-influenced place names remain unchanged, although their unrelated Chinese equivalents are already in use; for example, Avenida Almeida Ribeiro is known as San Ma Lou or "new road".[55]
  26. Portuguese monuments remain, although the statue of former Governor João Maria Ferreira do Amaral was taken down in 1992.[56] The statue is now located at the Bairro da Encarnação, Lisbon, Portugal, where it was placed in December 1999.[57]
  27. The floor on the ground level continues to be officially referred to by the Portuguese abbreviation R/C (rés-do-chão).[58]
  1. The Chief Executive of Macau became the head of government, elected by a selection committee with 300 members, who mainly are elected from among professional sectors and business leaders in Macau.[59] The Governor was appointed by Portugal.[60]
  2. The former Governor's Palace is now known as the Government Headquarters.[61]
  3. The Court of Final Appeal became the highest court of appeal in Macau.[62] This replaced the Superior Court of Justice, established in April 1993.[63] Appeals to the Court of Appeal of the Judiciary District of Lisbon ceased in 1999.[64]
  4. All public offices now fly the flags of the PRC and the Macau SAR.[65] The Flag of Portugal now flies only outside the Portuguese Consulate-General and other Portuguese premises.[66]
  5. The People's Liberation Army established a garrison in Macau, the first military presence there since the Portuguese military garrison had been withdrawn following the Carnation Revolution in 1974.[67]
  6. The Central People's Government is now formally represented in Macau by a Liaison Office.[68] This has been established in 1987 as a branch of Xinhua News Agency, when Macau was under Portuguese administration.[69] Before 1987, it was informally represented by the Nanguang trading company.[70]
  7. The Macau SAR Government is now formally represented in Beijing by the Office of the Government of the Macau Special Administrative Region.[71]
  8. Elsewhere, the Macau SAR Government is now represented by Macau Economic and Trade Offices in Lisbon (Portugal), Brussels (European Union), Geneva (World Trade Organization) and Taipei (Taiwan).[72]
  9. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China is represented in Macau by a Commissioner.[73]
  10. The Municipalities of Macau and the Ilhas, which had been retained provisionally following the transfer of sovereignty, were abolished and replaced by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau with effect from 1 January 2002.[74]
  11. Portugal was now represented in Macau by the Portuguese Consulate-General, also accredited to Hong Kong.[75] This had responsibility for matters relating to Portuguese nationals. However, residents of Macau born after 3 October 1981 were no longer entitled to Portuguese nationality.[76][77]
  12. The Taipei Trade and Tourism Office, the de facto mission of Taiwan, was renamed the Taipei Trade and Cultural Office, and was allowed to issue visas in 2002.[78] It was later renamed the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Macau in 2011.[79]
  13. The words "República Portuguesa" no longer appear on postage stamps, which now display the words "Macau, China".[80] The Portuguese coat of arms had already been removed from Macanese pataca banknotes and coins issued since 1988.[81]
  14. The Macau Police badge now displays the Macau SAR emblem.[82]
  15. The Portuguese honours system was replaced by a local system, with the Grand Medal of Lotus Flower as the highest award.[83]
  16. Public holidays changed, with Macau SAR Establishment Day being introduced and Portuguese-inspired occasions, such as Republic Day and Freedom Day, being abolished.[84] PRC National Day had been made a public holiday in 1981.[85]
  17. Macau's aircraft registration prefix changed from Portugal's CS to B, as used by mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.[86][87]
  18. The Portuguese national anthem A Portuguesa, is no longer played after closedown on television stations. The Chinese national anthem, March of the Volunteers, is now played instead.
  19. A giant golden statue of a lotus, erected in a public space outside the Macau Forum named Lotus Square, was presented by the State Council of the People's Republic of China to commemorate the return of Macau to Chinese sovereignty.[88]
  20. The University of Macau was relocated to a new campus on Hengqin Island in 2009.[89] This was under the jurisdiction of the Macau SAR government, which had leased a plot of land for M$1.2 billion until 2049.[90]




  1. ^ a b Mayers, William Frederick (1902). Treaties Between the Empire of China and Foreign Powers (4th ed.). Shanghai: North-China Herald. pp. 156–157.
  2. ^ a b Naked Tropics: Essays on Empire and Other Rogues, Kenneth Maxwell, Psychology Press, 2003
  3. ^ 澳門回歸”. 中葡文化交流. 2022年10月閲覧。 “4月13日,中國國務院總理 趙紫陽葡萄牙總理 席爾瓦分別代表兩國政府在北京正式簽署《中華人民共和國政府和葡萄牙共和國政府關於澳門問題的聯合聲明》,確認中華人民共和國政府將於1999年12月20日對澳門恢復行使主權。”
  4. ^ 《澳門歷史的見證:中葡關於澳門問題聯合聲明簽署儀式圖輯》. 澳門日報出社. (January 2000). https://www.macaudata.com/macaubook/book222/html/02201.htm 
  5. ^ Sino-British Joint Liaison Group | South China Morning Post”. 6 March 2014時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。25 April 2019閲覧。
  6. ^ Cheng, Kris (27 November 2017). “Declassified: Portugal may have hoped for a 2004 Handover of Macau to China, instead of 1999”. Hong Kong Free Press. 2022年10月閲覧。
  7. ^ Portugal, China Sign Accord to Return Tiny Macao to Chinese Control in 1999, United Press International, Los Angeles Times, 14 April 1987
  8. ^ 关于澳门特别行政区基本法起草委员会名单(草案)的说明[リンク切れ],中国人大网,1988年08月29日
  9. ^ 澳門中華總商會:澳門主權交接祖國大事記 Archived 2005-01-13 at the Wayback Machine.
  10. ^ 澳督府降旗:澳門移交開始,BBC中文網1999年12月19日
  11. ^ Voice of America (Chinese): The gambling income in Macau is catching up with Las Vegas”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  12. ^ 港澳比較調查顯示:澳門市民比香港市民支持政府”. hkupop.hku.hk. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  13. ^ Portuguese makes comeback in Macau portuguese-makes-comeback-macau Portuguese makes comeback in Macau”. South China Morning Post. 17 July 2020閲覧。
  14. ^ Decreto-Lei n.º 455/91, p. 67 of BO N.º: 2/1992
  15. ^ Limited, Alamy. “Stock Photo - China, Macau, sign board of city street”. Alamy. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  16. ^ The Legal and Judiciary System of Macao,People's Daily, 15 December 2009
  17. ^ Currency in Circulation in Macao, Monetary Authority of Macau
  18. ^ Bank of China Authorized to Issue HKD and MOP (1987–1992), Bank of China
  19. ^ Police expects visitor increase with round-the-clock borders, Macau Daily Times, 17 December 2014
  20. ^ LCQ1: Immigration clearance and entry visas to the Mainland for non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents with foreign passports, Government Information Centre, 15 February 2012
  21. ^ Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Macao SAR, Identification Services Bureau
  22. ^ Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
  23. ^ EU Relations with Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), European External Action Service
  24. ^ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Direcção dos Serviços de Economia
  25. ^ Macao and Lao initialed new Air Services Agreement to liberalize the air transport market between the two places, Civil Aviation Authority of Macao SAR, 24 November 2010
  26. ^ Restrictions on Taiwan- Macau flights to be lifted, Taipei Times, 18 February 2014
  27. ^ Member Association - Macau”. FIFA. 17 April 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。 Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  28. ^ Sports Olympic Committee of Macau,China”. macauolympic.org. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  29. ^ Strolling in Macau: A Visitor's Guide to Macau, Taipa, and Coloane, Steven K. Bailey, ThingsAsian Press, 2007, page 177
  30. ^ Macau Cars Number Plates stock image. Image of number - 21973313”. Dreamstime. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  31. ^ Circular com matrículas antigas, E-Konomista
  32. ^ Blurring Boundary – Macao, Hengqin draw closer with 24-hour border crossing, Macauhub, 6 June 2015
  33. ^ The following countries/territories have agreed to grant visa-free access or visa-on-srrival to the holders of Macao (SAR) passport”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  34. ^ Hong Kong & Macau, Andrew Stone, Chung Wah Chow, Reggie Ho, Lonely Planet, 2008, page 309
  35. ^ Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 37, Longman, 1991
  36. ^ Europa World Year Book 2004, Taylor & Francis, 2004, pages 1179–80
  37. ^ Portuguese elected to Macao Parliament, The Portugal News, 1 October 2005
  38. ^ Lau in passport battle, The Independent, 16 December 1997
  39. ^ A quarter of a century: Remembering Tiananmen, Macau Business Daily, 5 June 2015
  40. ^ HK concern over Macau entry ban, BBC News Online, 4 March 2009
  41. ^ Macau threatens press freedom, South China Morning Post, 3 May 2012
  42. ^ Think tank says co-op between govt, civic groups 'important'. Macau News, 21 July 2014
  43. ^ Ms. Huang Ling, Member of Standing Committee of Xiamen Municipal Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department, and entourages visited CityU, City University of Macau, 24 November 2015
  44. ^ Pope appoints Hong Kong bishop to Macau, Vatican Radio, 16 January 2016
  45. ^ Religious Freedom in Asia, Edward P. Lipton Nova Publishers, 2002, page 101
  46. ^ Macao, China, International Telecommunication Union, 19 February 2013
  47. ^ China Law, Issues 1–6, 2008, page 50
  48. ^ Fast Facts in China, Frommer's
  49. ^ World Radio TV Handbook, WRTH Publications Ltd, 2008, page 642
  50. ^ ISO Online Browsing Platform: MO
  51. ^ MONIC.Mo”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  52. ^ ISO Online Browsing Platform: CN
  53. ^ About Us, Correios de Macau
  54. ^ Macao, China, Universal Postal Union
  55. ^ First Globalization: The Eurasian Exchange, 1500–1800, Geoffrey C. Gunn, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003, page 270
  56. ^ Controversial Macao statue pulled down, United Press International, 28 October 1992
  57. ^ João Ferreira do Amaral”. Sítio da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. Lisbon City Hall. 1 October 2017閲覧。 “A mudança da administração do território macaense implicou a transferência da estátua para Lisboa, que foi inaugurada no Bairro da Encarnação, em Dezembro de 1999.”
  58. ^ Household LPG – Macao Consumer Council,
  59. ^ Role of the Chief Executive Archived 5 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine. Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region
  60. ^ Political Handbook of the World 1997, Arthur S. Banks, Alan J. Day, Thomas C. Muller, Springer, 1997, page 687
  61. ^ Government Headquarters to open to the public during the weekend, Government Information Bureau, 15 October 2015
  62. ^ Commercial and Economic Law in Macau, Jianhong Fan, Alexandre Dias Pereira, Kluwer Law International, page 23
  63. ^ Trade Policy Review: Macau, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1994, page 15
  64. ^ Macao's judicial system being improved: court chief, China Daily, 10 December 2014
  65. ^ Limited, Alamy. “Stock Photo - China Macau Government Headquarters”. Alamy. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  66. ^ Limited, Alamy. “Stock Photo - The Portuguese consulate building in Macau, China”. Alamy. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  67. ^ Portugal's Last Days in Macao Marred by Chinese Troop Issue, The New York Times, 23 March 1999
  68. ^ Renamed Xinhua becomes a new force in Hong Kong's politics, Taipei Times, 21 January 2000
  69. ^ Asia Yearbook, Far Eastern Economic Review, 1988
  70. ^ Portuguese behavior towards the political transition and the regional integration of Macau in the Pearl River Region, Moisés Silva Fernandes, in Macau and Its Neighbours in Transition, Rufino Ramos, José Rocha Dinis, D.Y.Yuan, Rex Wilson, University of Macau, Macau Foundation, 1997, page 48
  71. ^ Macao SAR Government to Set up Office in Beijing, 26 July 2000
  72. ^ External Economic & Trade Relations > Trade Representative Offices, Macao Economic Services
  73. ^ Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in Macao Special Administrative Region”. fmcoprc.gov.mo. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  74. ^ Typical Architectures”. m.cityguide.gov.mo. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  75. ^ Consulado Geral de Portugal em Macau e Hong Kong”. cgportugal.org. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  76. ^ Official Journal of the European Communities: Information and notices, Volume 33, Issues 134–148, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1990, page 140
  77. ^ Wallace, Charles P. (21 July 1989). “Portugal Offers Citizenship to Many in Last Colonial Outpost : Macao, a 'Poor Relation,' Draws Envy of Hong Kong”. Los Angeles Times. http://articles.latimes.com/1989-07-21/news/mn-4240_1_hong-kong 3 October 2018閲覧。 
  78. ^ Macao allows Taipei office to issue visas to Chinese, Taipei Times, 7 January 2002
  79. ^ MAC minister launches renamed Taiwan office in Macau,Taiwan Today, 20 July 2011
  80. ^ Filatelia | Macau, selo a selo, Revista Macau, 13 April 2015
  81. ^ Macao Magazine, November 2012, page 31
  82. ^ Sobre o CPSP > História, Corpo de Polícia de Segurança Pública (CPSP) da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau
  83. ^ Decorations, Medals and Certificates of Merit List for 2014, Government Information Bureau, 11 November 2014
  84. ^ The Europa Year Book, Volume 2, Taylor & Francis, 1991, page 2219
  85. ^ China Perspectives, Issues 33–38, C.E.F.C., 2001, page 58
  86. ^ Jane's All the World's Aircraft, pages 48–49
  87. ^ Airlines of Asia: Since 1920, Putnam, 1997, page 277
  88. ^ Lotus Square, Macao Government Tourism Office
  89. ^ Achieving the unthinkable: University of Macau in Hengqin, China Daily, August 2013
  90. ^ University of Macau Moves Over the China Border, The New York Times, 14 July 2013



