





  • Hagglund, Hägglund & Söner - Sweden
  • HAI, Hellenic Aerospace Industry - Greece
  • Hainz, Franz Hainz - Germany
  • Halberstadt, Halberstädter Flugzeug-Werke GmbH - Germany
  • Hall, Cunningham-Hall Aircraft Corp. - United States
  • Halsted, Barry Halsted - United States
  • Hamilton, Hamilton Aircraft Company Inc - United States
  • Hamilton, Hamilton Aviation - United States
    • ハミルトン、ハミルトン・アビエーション
  • Handley Page, Handley Page (Reading) Ltd - United Kingdom
  • Handley Page, Handley Page Ltd - United Kingdom, (?-1970) > w:Scottish Aviation
  • w:Hannover, Hannover Waggonfabrik Aktien Gesellschaft - Germany
  • w:Hanriot, Aeroplanes Hanriot et Cie - France, (1914-1936) > w:SNCAC
    • アンリオ
  • w:Hansa-Brandenburg, Hansa-Brandenburg - Germany, > w:Heinkel
  • w:Hanseatische Flugzeugwerke, Hanseatische Flugzeugwerke - Germany, (Hansa)
  • HAPI, HAPI Engines Inc - United States
  • Harbin, Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation - China, (1952-?) (HAMC)
    • 哈爾浜(ハルビン)飛機製造集団有限公司
  • Harbin EMBRAER, Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Company Ltd - China
  • w:Harlow, Harlow Aircraft Co. - United States
  • Harmon (1), James B. Harmon - United States
  • Harmon (2), D & J Harmon Co Inc - United States
  • Harmon (2), Harmon Rocket LLC - United States
  • w:Harris & Sheldon, Harris & Sheldon Ltd - United Kingdom
  • HAT, Hellenic Aeronautical Technologies - Greece
  • Hatz, John D. Hatz - United States
  • Hawker, Hawker Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom, (1920-1961) > w:Hawker-Siddeley
  • Hawker De Havilland, Hawker De Havilland Australia Pty Ltd - Australia
  • Hawker De Havilland, Hawker De Havilland Ltd - Australia
    • ホーカー・デハビランド、ホーカー・デ・ハビランド
  • w:Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Hawker Pacific Aerospace - United Kingdom, (1980-present)
  • Hawker Siddeley, Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd - United Kingdom
  • w:Hawksley, A W Hawksley Ltd. - United Kingdom
    • ホークスリー
  • HB-Aircraft, HB-Aircraft Industries Luftfahrzeug AG - Austria
  • HB-Flugtechnik, HB-Flugtechnik GmbH - Austria
  • w:HBN, HBN Group - United Kingdom/France, (Hawker, Breguet and Nord-Aviation)
  • Heinkel, Ernst Heinkel AG - Germany, (?-1959) > w:FUS
  • Heintz, Christophe Heintz - France
  • Helibras, Helicópteros do Brasil SA - Brazil
  • w:Helikopter Services, Helikopter Services - Unknown
  • Helio, Helio Aircraft Company - United States
  • Helio, Helio Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Helio, Helio Aircraft Ltd - United States
  • Heliopolis, Heliopolis Air Works - Egypt
  • Helipro, Helipro Corporation International - United States
  • Heli-Sport, CH-7 Heli-Sport Srl. - Italy
  • Heli-Sport, Heli-Sport Srl - Italy
  • Helwan, Helwan Air Works - Egypt
  • Henderson, Henderson Aero Specialties Inc - United States
  • w:Henschel, Henschel & Son - Germany
    • ヘンシェル
  • w:HESA, IRan Aircraft Industries - Iran
  • w:Heston Aircraft, Heston Aircraft Co. Ltd. - United Kingdom
  • HFB, Hamburger Flugzeugbau GmbH - Germany, (?-1940) > w:Blohm + Voss
  • Highlander, Highlander Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Hillberg, Hillberg Helicopters - United States
  • Hiller, Hiller Aircraft Company Inc - United States
  • Hiller, Hiller Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Hiller, Hiller Aviation Inc - United States
  • Hiller, Hiller Helicopters - United States
  • Hiller, Hiller Helicopters Inc - United States
    • ヒラー
  • Hindustan, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd - India
  • Hindustan, Hindustan Aircraft Ltd - India
    • ヒンダスタン
  • w:Hiro Naval Arsenal, Hiro Naval Arsenal - Japan
    • 広海軍工廠
  • Hirth, Wolf Hirth GmbH - Germany
  • Hispano, La Hispano Aviacion SA - Spain, (?-1972) > w:CASA
  • w:Hispano-Suiza, Hispano-Suiza - France
    • イスパノ、イスパノ・スイザ
    • ヒスパノ、ヒスパノ・スイザ
  • Historical Aircraft, Historical Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • HK, HK Aircraft Technology AG - Germany
  • HOAC, HOAC Austria Flugzeugwerk Wiener Neustadt GmbH - Austria
  • Hoffmann, Hoffmann Aircraft Flugzeugproduktion und Entwicklung GmbH - Austria
  • Hoffmann, Hoffmann Flugzeugbau-Friesach GmbH - Austria
  • Hoffmann, Wolf Hoffmann Flugzeugbau KG - Germany
  • Holcomb, Jerry Holcomb - United States
  • Hollmann, Martin Hollmann - United States
  • Honda, Honda Motor Company Ltd - Japan
  • Honda-Mississippi, Honda & Mississippi State University - Japan/United States
  • Hongdu, Hongdu Aviation Industry Group - China
  • Hovey, Robert W. Hovey - United States
  • Howard (1), Howard Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Howard (2), Howard Aero Inc - United States
  • Howard (2), Howard Aero Manufacturing Division of Business Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Howard Hughes, Howard Hughes Engineering Pty Ltd - Australia
  • HPA, High Performance Aircraft GmbH & Co KG - Germany
  • w:Huff-Daland, Huff-Daland - United States, (1920-1933) (Ogdensburg Aeroway Corp.) > w:Huff-Daland Aero Corp. > w:Huff-Daland Aero Company > w:Keystone Aircraft Corporation
  • Hughes, Hughes Helicopters Division of Summa Corporation - United States
  • Hughes, Hughes Helicopters Inc - United States
  • Hughes, Hughes Tool Company, Aircraft Division - United States
    • ヒューズ
    • ヒューズ・エアクラフト、ヒューズ エアクラフト
    • ヒューズ・ヘリコプター、ヒューズ ヘリコプター
  • Hummel, J. Morry Hummel - United States
  • Hunting, Hunting Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom, (1957-1959) > w:British Aircraft Corporation
  • Hunting Percival, Hunting Percival Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom
  • Hurel-Dubois, Société de Construction des Avions Hurel-Dubois - France
  • Hydroplane, Gidroplan ooo - Russia
  • Hydroplane, Hydroplane Ltd - Russia
  • Hynes, Hynes Helicopter Inc - United States
  • Hyundai, Hyundai Precision Industry - South Korea, > w:Korea Aerospace Industries
    • ヒュンダイ
  • IAI, Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd - Israel
    • IAI
    • イスラエル・エアクラフト・インダストリーズ
  • Iannotta, Dott. Ing. Orlando Iannotta - Italy
  • IAR, SC IAR SA - Romania, (Industria Aeronautica Româna)
    • IARとされることが多いです。インダストリア・アエロナウティ(チ)カ・ロマーナ
  • IBIS, Ibis Aerospace Ltd - Czech Republic/Taiwan
  • ICA, Intreprinderea de Constructii Aeronautice - Romania
  • w:ICA-Braşov, ICA-Braşov - Romania, (Aircraft Construction Factory)
  • III, Iniziative Industriali Italiane SpA - Italy
  • Ikar, OOO Aviaklub Ikar - Ukraine
  • Ikarus, Ikarus Tvornica Aero i Hydroplana - Serbia and Montenegro
  • Ilyushin, Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Imeni S. V. Ilyushina OAO - Russia
  • Ilyushin, Ilyushin OKB - Russia
  • Ilyushin - see w:Aviation Association Ilyushin
  • w:IMAM, Industrie Meccaniche e Aeronautiche Meridionali - Italy
    • 日本でも普通IMAM
  • IMCO, Intermountain Manufacturing Company - United States, (1962-1966) > w:Rockwell
  • IMP, IMP Group Ltd - Canada
  • Impulse, Impulse Aircraft GmbH - Germany
  • Indaer Chile, Industria Aeronáutica de Chile - Chile
  • Indaer Peru, Industria Aeronautica del Peru SA - Peru
  • Indus, IndUS Aviation Inc - United States
  • w:Industrias Aeronauticas y Mecanicas, Industria Aeronáutica y Mecánica del Estado (IAME) - Argentina, (1953-1957) (Aeronautical and Mechanical Industries of the State) > w:DINFIA
  • Innovation, Innovation Engineering Inc - United States
  • Instituo Aerotecnico, Instituto Aerotécnica (Fabrica Militar de Aviones) - Argentina, (1943-1957) (IA) > w:DINFIA
  • Instytut Lotnictwa, Instytut Lotnictwa - Poland
  • Inter-Air, International Aircraft Manufacturing Inc - United States, (?-1967) > w:Bellanca
  • Interavia, Interavia Konstruktorskoye Buro AO - Russia
  • w:Interceptor Corporation, Interceptor Corporation - United States
  • International Helicopters, International Helicopters Inc - United States
  • Interstate, Interstate Engineering Corporation - United States
  • Intracom, Intracom General Machinery SA - Switzerland
  • IPAI, IPAI, Escola de Engenharia de Sâo Carlos - Brazil
  • IPT, Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas - Brazil
  • w:IPTN, PT. Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara - Indonesia
  • IRGC, Institute of Industrial Research and Development of the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps - Iran
  • IRIAF, Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force - Iran
  • Irkut, Irkutskoye Aviatsionnoye Proizvodstvennoye Obedinenie OAO - Russia
  • IRMA, Intreprinderea de Reparat Material Aeronautic - Romania
  • Isaacs, John O. Isaacs - United Kingdom
  • ISAE, Integrated Systems Aero Engineering Inc - United States
  • Island Aircraft, Island Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom
  • Israviation, Israviation Ltd - Israel
  • Issoire, Issoire Aviation SA - France
  • J & AS, J & AS Aero Design Sp z oo - Poland
  • Jabiru, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd - Australia
  • Jackaroo, Jackaroo Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom
  • Jag Helicopter, JAG Helicopter Group LLC - United States
  • James, James Aviation - New Zealand
  • Janowski, Jaroslaw Janowski - Poland
  • Javelin, Javelin Aircraft Company Inc - United States
  • Jeffair, Jeffair Corporation - United States
  • Jetcrafters, Jetcrafters Inc - United States
  • Jetprop, Jetprop LLC - United States
  • Jetstream, Jetstream Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom
  • Jodel, Avions Jodel SA - France
  • Jodel, Société des Avions Jodel - France
  • Johnson, Johnson Aircraft Inc - United States
  • Johnson, Johnston Aircraft Service - United States
  • Jordan Aerospace, Jordan Aerospace Industries - Jordan
  • Junkers, Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG - Germany
    • ユンカース
  • Junqua, Roger Junqua - France
  • Jurca, Marcel Jurca - France
  • K & S, K & S Aircraft - Canada
  • K & S, K & S Aircraft Supply - Canada
  • Kader, Kader Aircraft Factory - Egypt
  • Kaiser, Kaiser Flugzeugbau GmbH - Germany
  • Kalinauskas, Rolandas Kalinauskas - Lithuania
  • Kaman, Kaman Aerospace Corporation - United States
  • Kaman, Kaman Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Kaman, Kaman Corporation - United States
  • Kaminskas, Rim Kaminskas - United States
  • Kamov, Kamov OAO - Russia
  • Kamov, Kamov OKB - Russia
  • Kamov, Vertoletyi Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiy Kompleks Imeni N. I. Kamova - Russia
  • Kanpur, Indian Air Force, Aircraft Manufacturing Depot - India
  • KARI, Korea Aerospace Research Institute - South Korea
  • Kari-Keen, Kari-Keen Aircraft Inc - United States
  • w:Kawanishi Aircraft Company, Kawanishi Aircraft Company - Japan
  • Kawasaki, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd - Japan
  • Kawasaki, Kawasaki Jukogyo KK - Japan
  • Kawasaki, Kawasaki Kokuki Kogyo K. K. - Japan
  • w:Kayaba, Kayaba Industrial Co. - Japan
    • 萱場製作所
  • Kazan, Kazansky Vertoletnyi Zavod AO - Russia
  • KEA, Kratiko Ergostasio Aeroplanon - Greece (1925-present)
  • Keleher, James J. Keleher - United States
  • Kelly, Dudley R. Kelly - United States
  • Kelowna, Kelowna Flightcraft Group - Canada
  • Kestrel (1), Kestrel Aircraft Company - United States
  • Kestrel (2), Kestrel Sport Aviation - Canada
  • Keuthan, Keuthan Aircraft - United States, (?-1996) > w:Aero Adventure Aviation
  • w:Keystone Aircraft Corporation, Keystone Aircraft Corporation - United States, (1920-1933) (Ogdensburg Aeroway Corp.) > w:Kestone-Loening > w:Curtiss-Wright
  • Khrunichev, Gosudarstvennyi Kosmicheskii Nauchno-Proizvodstvennyi Tsentr Imeni M V Khrunicheva - Russia
  • Kieger, André Kieger - France
  • Killingsworth, Richard Killingsworth - United States
  • Kimball, Jim Kimball Enterprises Inc - United States
  • Kimball, Michael G. Kimbrel - United States
  • Kinetic, Kinetic Aviation Inc - United States
  • King's, The King's Engineering Fellowship - United States
  • Klemm, Hans Klemm Flugzeugbau - Germany, > w:Siebel
  • Klemm, Klemm Leichtflugzeugbau GmbH - Germany
  • Klemm, Klemm-Flugzeuge GmbH - Germany
  • KLS Composites, KLS Composites - United States
  • w:Kokusai, Kokusai - Japan
    • 国際航空工業。恐らく、日本国際航空工業と日本航空工業も込み。
  • Kolb, Kolb Aircraft Inc - United States
  • Kolb, Kolb Company Inc - United States
  • Kolb, The New Kolb Aircraft Company Inc - United States
  • w:Kondor, Kondor - Germany
  • w:Koolhoven, Koolhoven Aircraft - Netherlands
  • Korea Aerospace, Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd - South Korea, (KAI)
    • 韓国航空宇宙産業、コリアエアロスペース。
  • Korean Air, Korean Air Lines Company Ltd - South Korea
  • Kovach-Elmendorf, Alexander Kovach and Leonard Elmendorf - United States
  • Kovacs, Joseph Kovács - Brazil
  • Kreider-Reisner, Kreider-Reisner Aircraft Company Inc - United States
  • w:Kyūshū Aircraft Company, Kyūshū Aircraft Company - Japan
  • La France, Neil La France - United States
  • Laird, E. M. Laird Airplane Company - United States
  • Lake, A.E.R.O. Aircraft Services, LLC[1] - United States
  • Lake, Lake Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Lake, Lake Aircraft Division of w:Consolidated Aeronautics Inc. - United States
  • Lake, Lake Aircraft Inc. - United States
  • Lake, Lake Amphibian Inc. - United States
  • Lambert, Lambert Aircraft Engineering bvba - Belgium
  • Lammer Geyer, Lammer Geyer Aviation - South Africa
  • Lancair, Lancair Group Inc - United States
  • Lancair, Lancair International Inc - United States
  • Lancashire, Lancashire Aircraft Company Ltd - United Kingdom
  • w:Larkin Aircraft, Larkin Aircraft Supply Co. - Australia, (LASCO)
  • Laser, Laser Aerobatics - Australia
  • w:Latécoère, Société Industrielle d'Aviation Latécoère - France
    • ラテコエール
  • Laven, Joe Laven - United States
  • Laverda, Laverda SpA - Italy
  • LAVIASA, Latin Americana de Aviacion SA - Argentina
  • w:Lavochkin, Lavochkin (OKB-301) - Russia
  • Lear, Lear Inc - United States
  • Lear Jet, Bombardier Aerospace Learjet - United States
  • Lear Jet, Lear Jet Corporation - United States, (?-1990) > w:Bombardier Aerospace
  • Lear Jet, Lear Jet Industries Inc - United States
  • Lear Jet, Learjet Corporation - United States
  • Lear Jet, Learjet Inc - United States
  • Leavens, Leavens Brothers Ltd - Canada
  • Lederlin, François Lederlin - France
  • Legend, Legend Aircraft Inc - United States
  • Leger, Gilles Leger - Canada
  • w:LeO, Lioré et Olivier - France
    • リオレ・エ・オリビエ、リオレ・エ・オリヴィエ。LeOとして型式になる場合多。
  • Let, Let Národní Podnik - Czechoslovakia
  • Let, Let AS - Czech Republic
  • Letov, Letov - Czechoslovakia
    • レトフ
  • Levasseur, Pierre Levasseur - France
  • Levy, Constructions Aeronautiques J. Levy - France
  • Leza, Leza AirCam Corporation - United States
  • Leza-Lockwood, Leza-Lockwood Company - United States
  • Liberty (1), Liberty Aeronautical - United States
  • Liberty (2), Liberty Aerospace Inc - United States
  • Lichtwerk, NV Lichtwerk - Netherlands
  • Light Aero, Light Aero Inc - United States
  • Light Miniature, Light Miniature Aircraft Inc - United States
  • Light Wing, Light Wing AG - Switzerland
  • Lightning Bug, Lightning Bug Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Lilienthal, Otto Lilienthal - Germany
  • w:Linke-Hofman, Linke-Hofmann Werke A. G. - Germany
  • Lipnur, Lembaga Industri Penerbangan Nurtanio - Indonesia
  • Lisunov, Lisunov OKB - Russia
  • Little Wing, Little Wing Autogyros Inc - United States
  • Lmaasa, Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina SA - Argentina
  • Load Ranger, Load Ranger Inc - United States
  • Lockheed, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Lockheed, Lockheed Corporation - United States, (?-1996) > w:Lockheed Martin
    • ロッキード
  • Lockheed Martin, Lockheed Martin Corporation - United States, (1996-present)
    • ロッキード・マーチン、ロッキード-マーチン、ロッキードマーチン、ロッキード・マーティン、ロッキード-マーティン、ロッキードマーティン
  • Lockheed Martin-Boeing, see LOCKHEED MARTIN and BOEING - United States
  • Lockheed-Azcarate, Lockheed-Azcarate SA - Mexico, (LASA)
  • Lockheed-Boeing, see LOCKHEED and BOEING - United States
  • w:Lockheed-Kaiser, Avions Lockheed-Kaiser - Argentina
  • Lockwood, Lockwood Aviation Inc - United States
  • Loehle, Loehle Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Loening Aeronautical, Loening Aircraft Co. Inc. - United States, (Loening Aeronautical Engineering Corp. or Grover Loening Aircraft Co. Inc.)
  • w:Lohner, w:Vienna, Austria
  • Loire, Loire - France
    • ロワール
  • Lombardi, Aeronautica Lombardi - Italy
  • Lombardi, Francis Lombardi & Companie - Italy
  • Long, David Long - United States
  • Longren, Longren Aircraft Company Inc - United States
  • Lopresti, LoPresti Inc - United States
  • Loravia, Lorraine Aviation - France
  • LOT, Letecké Opravovne Trencin SP - Slovakia
  • Loving-Wayne, Neal V. Loving, Wayne Aircraft Company - United States
  • LTV, Ling-Temco-Vought Inc - United States
  • LTV, LTV Aerospace Corporation - United States
  • w:Lualdi-Tassotti, Lualdi-Tassotti - Italy
  • Lucas, Emile Lucas - France
  • Lunds Tekniske, Lunds Tekniske - Norway
  • Lundy, Brian Lundy - United States
  • Luscombe, Luscombe Aircraft Corporation - United States
  • Luscombe, Luscombe Airplane Corporation - United States
  • Luscombe, Luscombe Airplane Development Corporation - United States
  • Luton, Luton Aircraft Ltd - United Kingdom
  • LVG, Luft Verkehrs Gesellschaft - Germany
  • LWD, Lotnicze Warsztaty Doswiadczalne - Poland, (Experimental Aviation Workshops)
  • LWS, Lubelska Wytwórnia Samolotów - Poland, (Lublin Aircraft Factory)
  • Lyavin, Peter Lyavin - Russia