

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
スポンサーAIAA, ASME, SAE International, and 米国ヘリコプター協会英語版

ダニエル・グッゲンハイム・メダルDaniel Guggenheim Medal)は、航空の安全性と実用性の向上に顕著な功績を挙げた個人を称えることを目的とした国際賞として創設され、航空工学の研究と教育、民間航空機と機器の開発、および国家の経済活動と社会活動への航空機の応用に対する貢献を表彰するものである[1]

ダニエル・グッゲンハイムハリー・グッゲンハイム英語版によって設立されたアメリカの工学賞であり、このメダルは航空工学における生涯の業績に対して贈られる最高の栄誉の一つとされている。 最初の受賞者はライト兄弟の弟の方であるオーヴィル・ライトであり、他の受賞者には、アメリカおよび国際的な航空企業、政府、学界の個人が含まれている。





表面: スピリットオブセントルイス号熱気球飛行船の機首が太陽の光と雲の中に浮かび上がるように描かれており、外周には浮き彫りの文字が刻まれている。

裏面: 様式化された3つの鳥の羽が浮き彫りの文字と刻まれたテキストを囲む。

寸法 (直径 x 厚さ): 6.4 × 0.5 cm (2 1/2 × 3/16 インチ)[3]




Year Name Award citation Reference
1929 オーヴィル・ライト For the design and construction, with his brother now deceased, of the first successful engine-propelled airplane. [4]
1930 ルートヴィヒ・プラントル For pioneer and creative work in the theory of dynamics. [5]
1931 フレデリック・ランチェスター For contributions to the fundamental theory of aerodynamics. [6]
1932 フアン・デ・ラ・シエルバ For development of the theory and practice of the autogiro. [7]
1933 Jerome Clarke Hunsaker英語版 For contributions to the science of aerodynamics, to the science and art of aircraft design, and to the practical construction and utilization of rigid airships. [8]
1934 ウィリアム・ボーイング For successful pioneering and achievement in aircraft manufacturing and air transport. [9]
1935 William F. Durand英語版 For notable achievement as pioneer in laboratory research and theory of aeronautics; distinguished contributions to the theory and development of aircraft propellers. [10]
1936 George W. Lewis英語版 For pioneer and creative work in the theory of dynamics. [11]
1937 フーゴー・エッケナー For notable contributions to transoceanic air transport and to international cooperation in aeronautics. [12]
1938 Alfred H. Fedden英語版 For contributions to the development of aircraft engine design and for the specific design of the sleeve-valve aircraft engine. [13]
1939 ドナルド・ウィルズ・ダグラス・シニア For outstanding contributions to the design and construction of transport airplanes. [14]
1940 グレン・L・マーティン For contributions to aeronautical development and the production of many types of aircraft of high performance. [15]
1941 ファン・トリップ For the development and successful operation of oceanic air transport. [16]
1942 ジミー・ドーリットル For notable achievements in the advancements of both the art and the science of aeronautics. [17]
1943 エドマンド・T・アレン For major contributions to aeronautics leading to important advances in airplane design, flight research, and airline operation; particularly for the presentation of new methods for operational control and for the development of scientific and systematic methods in the flight testing of aircraft for basic design and performance data. [18]
1944 ローレンス・ベル For achievement in design and construction of military air craft and for outstanding contributions to the methods of production. [19]
1945 Theodore P. Wright英語版 For outstanding contributions to the development of civil and military aircraft, and for notable achievement in assuring the success of our wartime aircraft production program. [20]
1946 フランク・ホイットル For pioneering the development of turbojet propulsion of aircraft. [21]
1947 Lester Durand Gardner For outstanding achievement in advancing aeronautics, particularly for his conception and organization of the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences. [22]
1948 リロイ・グラマン For outstanding achievement in successfully advancing aircraft design, both for Naval and peacetime use. [23]
1949 Edward Pearson Warner英語版 For pioneering in research and a continuous record of contributions to the art and science of aeronautics. [24]
1950 ヒュー・ドライデン For outstanding leadership in aeronautical research and fundamental contributions to aeronautical science. [25]
1951 イーゴリ・シコールスキイ For a lifetime of outstanding contributions to aeronautics, including pioneering with multi-engine airplanes, flying boats, amphibians and helicopters. [26]
1952 Geoffrey de Havilland英語版 For forty years of pioneering in military and commercial aircraft and the development of long-range jet transport. [27]
1953 チャールズ・リンドバーグ For pioneering achievements in flight and air navigation. [28]
1954 クラレンス・ハウ For initiating and organizing commercial air routes and services, promoting aeronautical research, development and production of aircraft and engines, and advancing the art of aeronautics. [29]
1955 セオドア・フォン・カルマン For long-continued leadership in the development of aerodynamic theory and its application to the practical problems of flight, in education in the aeronautical sciences, and in stimulating international cooperation in aeronautical research. [30]
1956 Frederick B. Rentschler英語版 For a wide range of major achievements throughout a lifetime devoted to aviation, with specific reference to his many notable contributions to the vital aircraft engine field [31]
1957 Arthur E. Raymondler英語版 For the development of a long line of successful civil and military aircraft and for notable contributions to aeronautics in public service. [32]
1958 William Littlewoodler英語版 For leadership and continuous personal participation over a quarter of a century in developing the equipment and operating techniques of air transport. [33]
1959 George Edwards英語版 For a lifetime devoted to the design of military and commercial aircraft, culminating in the successful introduction into worldwide commercial service of the first turbine-powered propeller-driven aircraft. [34]
1960 Grover Loening英語版 For a lifetime devoted to the development of aeronautics in America. [35]
1961 Jerome F. Lederer英語版 For his lifelong dedication to the cause of flight safety and his constant and untiring efforts to reduce the hazards of aviation. [36]
1962 James H. Kindelberger英語版 For technical and industrial leadership in producing excellent aircraft and space equipment, from early fighters to the X-15 space plane. [37]
1963 JcDonames S. Mnell英語版 For lifetime contribution of outstanding nature in the design and development of military aircraft, and for pioneer work in space technology. [38]
1964 ロバート・ゴダード For pioneering in rocket development and astronautics, including the first liquid-propelled rocket flight, and contributions toward aero-dynamically applicable reaction engines. [39]
1965 Sydney Camm英語版 For over fifty years of continuous dedication to the design of military aircraft, and pioneering of many new concepts and the creation of many successful aircraft representative of the best tradition of British design skills. [40]
1966 チャールズ・スターク・ドレイパー For contributions to aeronautical education and significant developments in new fields of aircraft instrumentation, in particular for pioneering inertial- guidance techniques making possible en route navigation independently of earth references; for over twenty-five years of leadership in the technology of control and guidance of flight vehicles, and with the training of a large number of engineers in this vital field of aeronautics and astronautics. [41]
1967 George S. Schairer英語版 For his many contributions to the achievement of outstanding progress in subsonic/light, and in the promise of supersonic flight, and in the equipment and methods for space exploration. [42]
1968 H. M. Horner For his lifelong dedication and significant contributions to the advancement of modern aviation through the development and production of an outstanding series of aircraft powerplants and spacecraft propulsion engines. [43]
1969 H. Julian Allen英語版 For outstanding courage, leadership and pioneering foresight that contributed outstandingly to civil and military aviation, including the evolution of the jet transport; and for his broad counsel and support to government and industry during a distinguished career. [44]
1970 Jakob Ackeret英語版 For original and outstanding contributions to aerodynamics, aviation and engineering education. [45]
1971 Archibald Russell英語版 For his personal devotion and many contributions to aircraft engineering and design and particularly for his outstanding leadership of the Bristol team in the development of the Anglo-French Concorde Supersonic Transport Aircraft. [46]
1972 William C. Mentzer英語版 For manifold accomplishments in airline engineering, maintenance and economic disciplines, which accomplishments contributed significantly to the achievement of today’s civil air transportation systems. [47]
1973 William M. Allen英語版 For outstanding courage, leadership and pioneering foresight that contributed outstandingly to civil and military aviation, including the evolution of the jet transport; and for his broad counsel and support to government and industry during a distinguished career. [48]
1974 Floyd L. Thompson For farsighted development of men and facilities and for decisive leadership of research that provided technological foundations for manned flight beyond the speed of sound, safe re-entry of spacecraft, and successful exploration of space. [49]
1975 Dwane L. Wallace英語版 For his many engineering, management and leadership contributions in the development of general aviation from a novelty forty years ago to a key part of the world’s transportation system today. [50]
1976 マルセル・ダッソー For notable achievement in development, production and marketing of many types of aircraft of high performance and outstanding leadership in world aviation. [51]
1977 Cyrus R. Smith英語版 For lifetime contribution of outstanding nature in the design and development of military aircraft, and for pioneer work in space technology. [52]
1978 エド・ハイネマン For outstanding achievement in the innovative design of military airplanes which are noted for longevity of service, versatility of tasks, simplicity of design, high performance and elegance of line. [53]
1979 Gerhard Neumann英語版 For the development of highly efficient aircraft engines for commercial and military purposes, including creation of one of the first successful turbofan engines which contributed significantly to the efficiency and success of the airline industry. [54]
1980 Gerhard Neumann英語版 For his outstanding contributions to the management concepts for the development of complex aerospace systems, and for his significant personal accomplishments in the design and production of a long line of the world’s most famous commercial and military aircraft. [55]
1981 クラレンス・ケリー・ジョンソン For his brilliant design of a wide range of pace-setting, commercial, combat and reconnaissance aircraft, and for his innovative management techniques which developed these aircraft in record time at minimum cost. [56]
1982 David S. Lewis Jr.英語版 For his long-standing contributions to aviation and national defense, and his untiring efforts toward the development of superior aircraft. [57]
1983 Nicholas J. Hoff英語版 For a lifetime of significant contributions to the theory and practice of aeronautical structures design as an outstanding engineering scholar and educator. [58]
1984 Thomas H. Davis For outstanding achievements in the development of an airline, of unique general aviation services; and of personnel training techniques, accomplished continuously during a period of more than 40 years. [59]
1985 ソーントン・ウィルソン For a lifetime contribution to the successful development of commercial and military aircraft and for his outstanding leadership and management skills. [60]
1986 Hans W. Liepmann英語版 For outstanding leadership in fluid mechanics research and education. His influence contributed significantly to the development of a generation of outstanding leaders in the field. [61]
1987 ポール・マクレディ For his combination of high-flying gossamer vision and down-to-earth engineering skill which made the ancient dream of human powered flight come true, and for his contemporary imagination in recreating the ancient pterodactyl, Quetzalcoatl’s Northropi. [62]
1988 ジャハンギール・ラタンジ・ダーダーバーイ・タタ For a lifetime of significant contributions to aviation, for his pioneering work in developing commercial air travel in India and Asia, and for his leadership in establishing Air India as a major international link between Asia and the rest of the world. [63]
1989 Fred E. Weick英語版 For development of the NACA cowl and the steerable tricycle landing gear which resulted in significant improvement in practical aircraft design and performance. [64]
1990 Joseph F. Sutter英語版 For outstanding engineering achievement, management and leadership in the innovative development of three generations of commercial jet aircraft — in particular the 747 — and his contribution to the enhancement of safety in air and space. [65]
1991 ハンス・フォン・オハイン For pioneering the development of turbojet propulsion resulting in the first flight of a jet-powered aircraft in 1939 and his lifetime achievements in aeronautical propulsion dynamics. [66]
1992 Bernard L. Koff For continuing leadership in the aircraft gas turbine industry producing many innovative and technological breakthroughs in material and design. [67]
1993 Ludwig Boelkow英語版 For visionary leadership and innovation in the design of rotorcraft, light aircraft, missiles and space systems. [68]
1994 Helmut H. Korst For a legacy of developments in aeronautics where none previously existed; for mentoring a cascade of students and colleagues dedicated to the art and science of fluid mechanics and for a lifetime of inspiration and leadership to the international engineering community. [69]
1995 ロバート・シーマンズ・ジュニア For lifelong technical contributions and technical leadership in academia, industry and government as NASA Deputy Administrator during the Apollo program and in several other government positions. [70]
1996 William R. Sears英語版 For lifelong contributions to aeronautics in industry and academia from the aerodynamics of the flying wing to the invention of the adaptive wind tunnel. [71]
1997 Abe Silverstein英語版 For technical contributions and visionary leadership in advancing the technology of aircraft and propulsion performance, and for the foresight in establishing the Mercury and Gemini manned space flight activities. [72]
1998 Richard Coar英語版 For outstanding leadership and innovative contributions in providing advanced aeronautical and space propulsion systems. [73]
1999 Frank E. Marble英語版 For major fundamental theoretical and experimental contributions to the field of internal aerodynamics, combustion and propulsion especially with respect to gas turbines and rockets, and educating generations of leaders in industry and academia. [74]
2000 ウイリアム・ヘイワード・ピカリング For a distinguished career that pioneered and shaped the exploration of our solar system and for extraordinary contribution to engineering and science. [75]
2001 Richard T. Whitcomb英語版 For seminal contributions in aeronautics, including the development of the Area rule, Supercritical airfoil英語版, and Winglet concept, which are the basis for modern aerodynamic design. [76]
2002 John G. Borger For significant pioneering contributions to aircraft and the airline industry from flying boats to jet aircraft. [77]
2003 Holt Ashley英語版 For pioneering contributions to research, education and engineering in aeroelasticity, unsteady aerodynamics and aircraft design. [78]
2004 Courtland Perkins For outstanding contributions to aeronautics in research and teaching in stability and control, and superlative leadership at the national and international levels. [79]
2005 Eugene E. Covert英語版 For exemplary leadership in aeronautics teaching and research, development of significant state-of-the-art aerodynamic testing techniques, and outstanding contributions to public service. [80]
2006 Robert Loewy英語版 For pioneering contributions to rotary-wing aeroelasticity and unsteady aerodynamics which had an enormous influence on rotary-wing technology and his contributions to education and public service in aeronautics. [81]
2007 Alexander H. Flax英語版 For outstanding contributions to aerospace engineering in aeroelasticity, unsteady aerodynamics and flight mechanics, and for exceptional leadership of engineering organizations including service to the U.S. Department of Defense. [82]
2008 Earl Dowell For pioneering contributions to nonlinear aeroelasticity, structural dynamics and unsteady aerodynamics which had a significant influence on aeronautics and for contributions to education and public service in aerospace engineering. [83]
2009 Arthur E. Bryson英語版 For a lifetime of seminal contributions to real systems, creating and applying practical optimal control and estimation techniques to airplanes, rotorcraft, and missiles. [84]
2010 Robert H. Liebeck英語版 For distinguished engineering as evidenced by the conception and development of Liebeck airfoils and Blended Wing Body aircraft. [85]
2011 バート・ルータン For a distinguished career of highly innovative and successful flight vehicles ranging from home-built designed to Voyager and SpaceShipOne.
2012 Frank D. Robinson英語版 For conception, design, and manufacture of a family of quiet, affordable, reliable, and versatile helicopters.
2013 Abraham Karem英語版 For a lifetime of innovative fixed and rotary wing unmanned vehicle designs.
2014 アラン・ムラーリー For leadership in the creation, design, development, and manufacture of commercial airplanes, exemplified by the Boeing 777.
2015 Antony Jameson英語版 For exceptional contributions to algorithmic innovation and the development of computational fluid dynamic codes that have made important contributions to aircraft design. [86]
2016 Walter Vincenti英語版 For seminal pioneering supersonic wind tunnel research, education in high temperature gas dynamics, and exceptional contributions to the history of engineering technology. [87]
2017 Paul Bevilaqua英語版 For the conception and demonstration of the multi-cycle propulsion system and other technologies enabling the production of the F-35 supersonic V/STOL Strike Fighters. [87]
2018 Irvin Glassman In recognition of his profound impact on the application of combustion science and engineering to propulsion research and the successful development of propulsion systems. [87]
2019 Sheila E Widnall英語版 In recognition of her outstanding contributions to aerodynamics through research, such as the identification of the Widnall Instability, as well as through education and public service including serving as Secretary of the U.S. Air Force. [87]
2020 Ozires Silva英語版 For his leadership in the conception, production, and promotion of commercial aircraft, for founding Embraer S.A., and for his important roles in government and academia. [88]
2021 Alan C. Brown For Innovation and Technical Leadership of the Design and Production of the F-117, the First Stealth Fighter/Bomber Aircraft. [89]
2023 Wayne Johnson For landmark contributions to vertical flight aeronautics and resulting computational codes enabling the design of the first tiltrotor aircraft, eVTOL aircraft, and the Mars Helicopter. [89]
2024 藤野道格 For technical innovation and leadership in conceiving, designing, and bringing HondaJet to a leading position in the business jet market. [90]






  1. ^ Guggenheim Medal”. AIAA. 2024年8月17日閲覧。
  2. ^ Guggenheim award Archived 2005-04-24 at the Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ Medal, Daniel Guggenheim Medal”. National Air and Space Museum. Smithsonian Institution. 28 February 2023閲覧。
  4. ^ Orville Wright - 1929 Medalist
  5. ^ Ludwig Prandtl - 1930 Medalist
  6. ^ Frederick W. Lanchester - 1931 Medalist
  7. ^ Juan de la Cierva - 1932 Medalist
  8. ^ Jerome C. Hunsaker - 1933 Medalist
  9. ^ William E. Boeing - 1934 Medalist
  10. ^ William F. Durand - 1935 Medalist
  11. ^ George W. Lewis - 1936 Medalist
  12. ^ Hugo Eckener - 1937 Medalist
  13. ^ Alfred Fedden - 1938 Medalist
  14. ^ Donald W. Douglas - 1939 Medalist
  15. ^ Glenn L. Martin - 1940 Medalist
  16. ^ Juan T. Trippe - 1941 Medalist
  17. ^ James H. Doolittle - 1942 Medalist
  18. ^ Edmund T. Allen - 1943 Medalist
  19. ^ Lawrence D. Bell - 1944 Medalist
  20. ^ Theodore P. Wright - 1945 Medalist
  21. ^ Frank Whittle - 1946 Medalist
  22. ^ Lester D. Gardner - 1947 Medalist
  23. ^ Leroy R. Grumman - 1948 Medalist
  24. ^ Edward P. Warner - 1949 Medalist
  25. ^ Hugh L. Dryden - 1950 Medalist
  26. ^ Igor I. Sikorsky - 1951 Medalist
  27. ^ Geoffrey de Havilland - 1952 Medalist
  28. ^ Charles Lindbergh - 1953 Medalist
  29. ^ Clarence D. Howe - 1954 Medalist
  30. ^ Theodore von Karman - 1955 Medalist
  31. ^ Frederick B. Rentschler - 1956 Medalist
  32. ^ Arthur E. Raymond - 1957 Medalist
  33. ^ William Littlewood - 1958 Medalist
  34. ^ George Edwards - 1959 Medalist
  35. ^ Grover Loening - 1960 Medalist
  36. ^ Jerome F. Lederer - 1961 Medalist
  37. ^ James H. Kindelberger - 1962 Medalist
  38. ^ James S. McDonnell - 1963 Medalist
  39. ^ Robert H. Goddard - 1964 Medalist
  40. ^ Sydney Camm - 1965 Medalist
  41. ^ Charles S. Draper - 1966 Medalist
  42. ^ George S. Schairer - 1967 Medalist
  43. ^ H. M. Horner - 1968 Medalist
  44. ^ H. Julian Allen - 1969 Medalist
  45. ^ Jakob Ackeret - 1970 Medalist
  46. ^ Archibald E. Russell - 1971 Medalist
  47. ^ William C. Mentzer - 1972 Medalist
  48. ^ William M. Allen - 1973 Medalist
  49. ^ Floyd L. Thompson - 1974 Medalist
  50. ^ Duane L. Wallace - 1975 Medalist
  51. ^ Marcel Dassault - 1976 Medalist
  52. ^ Cyrus R. Smith - 1977 Medalist
  53. ^ Edward H. Heinemann - 1978 Medalist
  54. ^ Gerhard Neumann - 1979 Medalist
  55. ^ Edward Wells - 1980 Medalist
  56. ^ Clarence Johnson - 1981 Medalist
  57. ^ David S. Lewis - 1982 Medalist
  58. ^ Nicholas J. Hoff - 1983 Medalist
  59. ^ Thomas H. Davis - 1984 Medalist
  60. ^ Thornton A. Wilson - 1985 Medalist
  61. ^ Hans W. Liepmann - 1986 Medalist
  62. ^ Paul B. MacCready - 1987 Medalist
  63. ^ J. R. D. Tata - 1988 Medalist
  64. ^ Fred E. Weick - 1989 Medalist
  65. ^ Joseph F. Sutter - 1990 Medalist
  66. ^ Hans P. von Ohain - 1991 Medalist
  67. ^ Bernard L. Koff - 1992 Medalist
  68. ^ Ludwig Boelkow - 1993 Medalist
  69. ^ Helmut H. Korst - 1994 Medalist
  70. ^ Robert C. Seamans - 1995 Medalist
  71. ^ William R. Sears - 1996 Medalist
  72. ^ Abe Silverstein - 1997 Medalist
  73. ^ Richard Coar - 1998 Medalist
  74. ^ Frank E. Marble - 1999 Medalist
  75. ^ William H. Pickering - 2000 Medalist
  76. ^ Richard T. Whitcomb - 2001 Medalist
  77. ^ John G. Borger - 2002 Medalist
  78. ^ Holt Ashley - 2003 Medalist
  79. ^ Courtland Perkins - 2004 Medalist
  80. ^ Eugene E. Covert - 2005 Medalist
  81. ^ Robert Loewy - 2006 Medalist
  82. ^ Alexander Flax - 2007 Medalist
  83. ^ Earl Dowell - 2008 Medalist”. 2011年10月8日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年3月3日閲覧。
  84. ^ Arthur E. Bryson - 2009 Medalist”. 2010年5月4日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年3月3日閲覧。
  85. ^ Liebeck to receive Guggenheim Medal
  86. ^ Antony Jameson - 2015 Medalist”. 2016年4月26日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2016年4月18日閲覧。
  87. ^ a b c d AIAA Guggenheim Medal”. www.guggenheimmedal.org. 2019年10月22日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2019年1月5日閲覧。
  88. ^ Medal Recipients” (英語). www. 2021年2月21日閲覧。
  89. ^ a b Guggenheim Medal Recipients”. AIAA. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 25 February 2023閲覧。
  90. ^ Medal Recipients”. AIAA. 2024年8月16日閲覧。