コルネリス(キース)・フラク(Cornelis (Kees) Vlak, 1938年9月30日 - 2014年12月5日)は、オランダの作曲家。アムステルダム出身。活動の分野によって、"Robert Allmend"、 "Llano"、"Luigi di Ghisallo"、"Alfred Bösendorfer"、"Dick Ravenal"などの別名義を用いている。
[編集]- 1966 Paso Cabaio
- Paso-doble
- Calypso - Bolero
- Bayon
- 1968 Western Rhapsody
- 1969 De Bovenwindse Eilanden
- St. Eustachius
- Saba
- St. Maarten
- 1970 Antiliaanse Suite
- Aruba
- Bonaire
- Curacao
- 1971 Persons in Brittain
- Theme Introduction
- Variation I "The Guards"
- Variation II "Irish Lady"
- Variation III "Teddyboys"
- Variation IV "The Bagpipers"
- Coda
- 1971 Rivierencyclus (「マランド」の別名義で作品を発表しているアリー・マースランドとの共作)
- Rio Negro
- Orinoco
- Chubut
- 1972 Music for a Movie Picture
- 1972-1973 Happy sound selections nr. 1,2 und 3.
- 1972 Yong ones partita
- 1973 Danzas Folkloristicas
- 1973 Uncle Jack's special
- 1974 El Paso moro Gitano
- Pasa-calle
- Dos canciones
- Paso-doble
- 1975 Two Russian Folksongs
- 1975 Fryske Fantasie
- 1975 The prizze
- 1977 The electric seven
- 1977 Western pictures
- 1977 A Strange Party
- 1978 Berber Suite
- Appeal to all Berbers
- Song of the River
- Song of the magic-flute
- Dancing-tune
- 1979 Five for the blues
- 1979 Limburg fantasie
- 1979 Profiles Symphonique
- 1979 El Paso Montanesa
- Paso-doble
- Montanesa
- Zortzico
- Fandango
- 1980 Brabant fantasie
- 1980 Introduction the Band
- 1981 Fantasy on french Christmas-Songs
- 1981 Impressions Rhapsodique - De Markerwaard (ファンファーレ・オーケストラのための)
- 1981-1984 The Four Seasons
- Spring
- Ouverture
- Morning Hymn
- Butterflies
- A New Family
- Birds
- Summer
- Intrada
- The warm Breeze
- Rain and Thunder
- The Rainbow
- Ritual Dance
- Autumn
- Pastorale
- Autumn-leaves
- Rural-dance
- Fare-well song
- Winter
- King Winter
- Freezing-cold
- Skating
- Christmas
- The last-sleighride
- Spring
- 1981 Military Suite
- 1982 Concerto for Bass-Clarinet
- Allegro
- Andantino
- Allegro assai e Scherzando
- 1982 Coexistence
- 1984 Polderstad für Chor und Blasorchester
- 1984 A new dress for the emperor ハンス・クリスチャン・アンデルセンの童話「裸の王様」による、話し役と吹奏楽のための
- 1986 Cordilleras de los Andes (アリー・マースランドとの共作)
- Cotopaxi
- Illimani
- Coropuna
- 1986 Amsterdam Pictures
- 1986 The Highlands
- 1986 Tapas de Cocina
- 1987 Simple Symphony
- 1987 Sculptures of an exhibition
- 1988 Liberation
- 1988 Carribean Concerto
- The New Village Fantasy for Band
- La Citadella
- Celebration Ouvertüre
- African Wildlife
- 虹の戦士 Rainbow Warrior
- Return to Ithaca (Greek tone poem on the Odyssey of Homer)
- West Coast Concerto ピアノと吹奏楽のための
- Mount Everest
- Villa Wertha
- Battlestar
- Tumaco
- Two Movements
- Song
- Temptation
- Springtime in Berlin
- Fanfare 2000
- Concert Fanfare
- Three Fanfares: Euro, Alpine, Royal
- Concerto Italiano ファゴットと吹奏楽のための
- Concerto for Clarinet
- Allegro con spirito
- Romanza
- Rondo
- Euro Swing
- The Castle of Bray
- The Titanic Story
- キルケニー狂詩曲 Kilkenny Rhapsody on Irish Airs
- Das Land der Pharaonen
- Cinderella (Das Aschenbrödel)
- Spider-Rag
- La Citadella
- Las Playas de Rio
- Trocadero Playa
- Ipanema Playa
- Copacabana Playa
- Kumbayah Variations
- New York Overture (幻想曲)
- First view over Manhattan
- Battery Park: Early in the morning
- 5th Avenue
- St. Patrick's Cathedral
- Sunday afternoon in Central Park
- The Parkguard: a little horse-ride
- Return to Down Town
- On Broadway
- Roseland Dance-City: Puertorican Dance
- New York Bay and The Statue of Liberty
- Kleine Ungarische Rhapsodie
- A Sailors Adventure
- Woodpeckers Parade
- Shufflin' Canon
- Rhapsodie Provencale
- Five Continents
- Silver Creek Valley
- Winterland - Ouverture
- Square Dance
- 7つの海の神 Lord of seven Seas
- Os Pàssaros do Brasil
- Pássaros Coloridos
- Pomba Triste
- Os Pássaros no Carneval
- Caffee Variations
- Intro
- Thema
- Irish Coffee
- Rüdesheimer Bohnenkaffee
- Cappuccino
- Café Pushkin
- Schweizer Alpenmokka
- Wiener Mélange
- French Coffee
- Pause Canon
- ロシアン・ダンス組曲 Russian Dance Suite
- イスラエルの挨拶 Israel Shalom
- パリへの夜間飛行 Nightflight to Paris