ガブリエル・コルコ(Gabriel Kolko、1932年8月17日 - 2014年5月19日)は、アメリカ合衆国の歴史学者。専門は、アメリカ外交史。
[編集]- Wealth and Power in America: An Analysis of Social Class and Income Distribution, (Praeger, 1962).
- The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900-1916, (Free Press, 1963).
- Railroads and Regulation, 1877-1916, (Princeton University Press, 1965).
- The Politics of War: Allied Diplomacy and the World Crisis of 1943-1945, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968).
- The Roots of American Foreign Policy: An Analysis of Power and Purpose, (Beacon Press, 1969).
- Main Currents in Modern American History, (Harper & Row, 1976).
- Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, the United States, and the Modern Historical Experience, (Pantheon Books, 1985).
- 陸井三郎監訳『ベトナム戦争全史――歴史的戦争の解剖』(社会思想社, 2001年)ISBN 978-4-390-50197-2
- Vietnam: Anatomy of a War, 1940-1975, (Allen & Unwin, 1986).
- Confronting the Third World: United States Foreign Policy, 1945-1980, (Pantheon Books, 1988).
- 岡崎維徳訳『第三世界との対決――アメリカ対外戦略の論理と行動』(筑摩書房, 1992年)ISBN 978-4-480-85606-7
- Century of War: Politics, Conflict, and Society since 1914, (New Press, 1994).
- Another Century of War?, (New Press, 2002).
- After Socialism: Reconstructing Critical Social Thought, (Routledge, 2006).
- The Age of War: the United States Confronts the World, (Lynne Rienner, 2006).
[編集]- The Limits of Power: the World and United States Foreign Policy, 1945-1954, with Joyce Kolko, (Harper & Row, 1972).
[編集]- Crimes of War: A Legal, Political-documentary, and Psychological Inquiry into the Responsibility of Leaders, Citizens, and Soldiers for Criminal Acts in Wars, co-edited with Richard A. Falk and Robert Jay Lifton, (Random House, 1971).