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エンタープライズアーキテクチャフレームワーク(英: enterprise architecture framework)、EAフレームワーク(英: EA framework)はエンタープライズアーキテクチャに対応する、構造とビューモデルをどのように組織化するかを定義するエンタープライズアーキテクチャのためのフレームワークである。
- ビュー : 仕組(アーキテクチャ)に重要な関係性についての情報をコミュニケートするのためメカニズムを提供する。
- 手法 : 整合性、正確性及び完全性の確認を助ける方法で、データを集め、組織化し、そしてビューを構築する規律を提供する。
- 訓練/経験:手法の応用とツールの利用を支援する。
エンタープライズアーキテクチャは、1987年にZachmanフレームワークで始められた。もう一つの早期のエンタープライズアーキテクチャフレームワークの実装は、『TAFIM』であった。TAFIMの最初の原案は、TAFIM 技術参照モデル (TAFIM TRA)で1991年にかんせいした。この技術参照モデルは、アメリカ国防総省ワイドのアプリケーションを開発するため、民間市場で入手可能なオープンシステムと新技術を使うことを臨んだ[3]。TOGAFTRMは、IEEE モデル1003.0から派生して出来た、TAFIMから[4]、または、『消費者、システム・インテグレータ、アプリケーション開発者、システム・プロバイダー、及び調達機関を含む、情報処理システムを構築する』標準である、POSIXオープンシステム環境から派生した[5]。
[編集]Persons who have ever remodeled their home, know how important building codes, blueprints, and city or county inspections are to successfully complete the project. The architect operates within a "framework" of building codes, preparing blueprints for each phase of the project, from the structural changes to the size and layout of the rooms. Detailed drawings specify plumbing, electrical, and building construction information for the entire structure. Enterprise Architecture works in a similar manner.[6]
An architecture framework for Information Technology (IT) affects every aspect of the enterprise. An Enterprise Architecture framework is similar to building codes that ensure the building is soundly constructed. The IT governance bodies and procedures serve as the city and county inspectors for building improvement projects. Frameworks contain models and standards that will be used to develop IT architecture descriptions. The architecture description is the blueprint.[6]
In the context of the creation of enterprise architecture it is common, according to Péter Bernus (2005),[8] to recognise three or four types of architecture, each corresponding to its particular architecture domain. Examples of such domains are:
- ビジネスアーキテクチャ ([Business architecture])
- 情報システムアーキテクチャ (Information systems architecture)、しばしば以下にサブ分割される
- データアーキテクチャ ([Data architecture])
- アプリケーションアーキテクチャ ([Application architecture])
- テクニカルアーキテクチャ ([Technical architecture])
Architectural domains are a structuring criterion for a collection of architecture products. They should not be confused with the application domain of the framework as such.[8]
Contemporary federal guidance suggests thinking about “layers” of the enterprise architecture:[9]
- 事業プロセスとアクティビティ (Business processes and activities)
- カスタムあるいは市販ソフトウエア・ツールのようなアプリケーション
- 集められ、組織化され、保護され、そして分配されるなければならないデータ
- コンピュータシステムや電話ネットワークのような技術
The Architecture Domains follow a pattern of decomposition as one goes from top to the bottom of the framework. The ownership can be divided into 4 broad categories: planner's view, owner's view, designer's view and developer's view in this order. All the views are mostly hierarchical in nature. For business view the planner and owner's level is typically called the value chains (which are descriptive by nature). The designer's view of business is also known as the analytical view and there are various standards for modeling this view. One mostly commonly used modeling standard is the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). The designer's view typically represents the execution level which uses standards like Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).
[編集]The Application and Technology Domains (which are not to be confused with business domains) are characterized by domain capabilities and domain services. The capabilities are supported by the services. The application services are also referred in Service-oriented architecture (SOA). The technical services are typically supported by software products.
The data view starts with the data classes which can be decomposed into data subjects which can be further decomposed into data entities. The basic data model type which is most commonly used is called ERD (Entity Relationship Diagrams, see Entity-relationship model). The Class, subject and entity forms a hierarchical view of data. Enterprises do have millions of instances of data entities.
The Enterprise Architecture Reference Traditional Model offers clear distinction between the Architecture Domains (Business, Information/Data, Application/Integration and Technical/Infrastructure). These domains can be further divided into Sub domain disciplines. An Example of the EA Domain and Sub Domains is in the image on the right.
Many Enterprise Architecture Teams consist of Individuals with skills aligned with the Enterprise Architecture Domains and Sub Domain Disciplines. For Example : Enterprise Business Architect, Enterprise Information Architect, Enterprise Application Architect, Enterprise Infrastructure Architect, etc.
An Example of the List of Reference Architecture Architecture Patterns in the Application and Information Architecture Domains are available at Architectural pattern (computer science)
[編集]A view model is a framework, which defines the set of views or approaches to be used in systems analysis or systems design or the construction of an enterprise architecture.
Since the early 1990s there have been a number of efforts to define standard approaches for describing and analyzing system architectures. Many of the recent Enterprise Architecture frameworks have some kind of set of views defined, but these sets are not always called "view models".
[編集]- EABOK (The Guide to the Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge) - a U.S. Federal-funded guide to EA in the context of legislative and strategic business requirements.
- Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology (GERAM)
- IDEAS Group - a four-nation effort to develop a common ontology for architecture interoperability
- RM-ODP - the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (ITU-T Rec. X.901-X.904 | ISO/IEC 10746) defines an enterprise architecture framework for structuring the specifications of open distributed systems.
- The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) - the Open Group Architecture Framework - a widely used framework including an Architectural Development Method and standards for describing various types of architecture.
- Good enough architecture methodology - a methodology based on experiences, results and best-practices gathered through real-life implementations of various building blocks that altogether provide a realizable architecture and working solutions.
- ARCON - A Reference Architecture for Collaborative Networks - not focused on a single enterprise but rather on networks of enterprises[10][11]
[編集]- TRAK - a general systems-oriented framework based on MODAF 1.2 and released under GPL/GFDL.
- MEGAF is an infrastructure for realizing architecture frameworks that conform to the definition of architecture framework provided in the ISO/IEC 42010 standard.
- Praxeme, an open enterprise methodology, contains an enterprise architecture framework called the Enterprise System Topology (EST)
- SABSA is an open framework and methodology for Enterprise Security Architecture and Service Management, that is risk based and focuses on integrating security into business and IT management.
[編集]- Solution Architecting Mechanism (SAM) - A coherent architecture framework consisting of a set of integral modules.[12]
- Integrated Architecture Framework (IAF) - from Capgemini company in 1993
- CLEAR Framework for Enterprise Architecture - Atos Origin's Enterprise Architecture Framework
- OBASHI - the OBASHI Business & IT methodology and framework
- Information FrameWork (IFW) - conceived by Roger Evernden in 1996
- Zachman Framework - an architecture framework, based on the work of John Zachman at IBM in the 1980s
- The Enterprise Framework - an architecture framework, developed by Sam Holcman at the Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence ([1])
- Pragmatic Enterprise Architecture Framework (PEAF) - provides a comprehensive set of Products and Processes of everything required to kick start or re-start an EA initiative ([2])
[編集]- DoDAF (DoDAF) - 米国国防省の仕組フレームワーク
- MODAF (MODAF) - 英国防衛省の仕組フレームワーク
- NAF - NATO仕組フレームワーク
- AGATE - フランスDGA 仕組フレームワーク
- DNDAF - DND/CF 仕組フレームワーク (CAN)
[編集]- Government Enterprise Architecture (GEA) - a common framework legislated for use by departments of the Queensland Government
- FDIC Enterprise Architecture Framework
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) - a framework produced in 1999 by the US Federal CIO Council for use within the U.S. Government, not to be confused with the 2002 Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) guidance on categorizing and grouping IT investments, issued by the US Federal Office of Management and Budget
- NIST Enterprise Architecture Model
- Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework (TEAF) - a framework for treasury, published by the US Department of the Treasury in July 2000.[13]
- Nederlandse Overheid Referentie Architectuur (NORA) - a reference framework from the Dutch Government E-overheid NORA
[編集]- ^ The Chief Information Officers Council (1999). Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework Version 1.1. September 1999.
- ^ a b Stephen Marley (2003). Architectural Framework. NASA /SCI. Retrieved 10 Dec 2008.
- ^ Patricia A. Oberndorf and Anthony Earl (1998). Department of Veterans Affairs Reference Models. SEI Carnegie Mellon University.
- ^ Van Haren (2007) TOGAF 2007 Edition. The Open Group. p.142.
- ^ Guide to the POSIX Open System Environment (OSE). General info. Accessed 12 Dec 2008.
- ^ a b c Rob Thomas and Phil Cullen (2001). "Building an Enterprise Architecture framework". In: US Customs Today April 2001.
- ^ FEA Consolidated Reference Model Document. whitehouse.gov May 2005.
- ^ a b Péter Bernus (2005). Knowledge Sharing in the Integrated Enterprise. p.133-139.
- ^ a b Niles E Hewlett (2006) , The USDA Enterprise Architecture Program. PMP CEA, Enterprise Architecture Team, USDA-OCIO. January 25, 2006.
- ^ L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, Collaborative Networks: Reference Modeling, Springer, 2008.
- ^ L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, On reference models for collaborative networked organizations, International Journal Production Research, Vol 46, Nº 9, May 2008, pp 2453–2469.
- ^ Tony Shan and Winnie Hua (2006). Solution Architecting Mechanism. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International EDOC Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC 2006), October 2006, p23-32.
- ^ US Department of the Treasury Chief Information Officer Council (2000). Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework. Version 1, July 2000.