

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
William Stacy
生誕 (1734-02-15) 1734年2月15日
所属組織アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
親族サラ・デイ 1754年-1790年
ハンナ・シェフィールド 1790年-1802年

ウィリアム・ステイシー: William Stacy、1734年2月15日 - 1802年8月)は、アメリカ合衆国マサチューセッツ州出身で、アメリカ独立戦争の時には大陸軍の士官、戦後はオハイオ領土のパイオニアだった。歴史書に拠ると、戦中にステイシーが関わった様々な出来事が記されている。例えば、マサチューセッツのビレッジ・コモンで民兵隊を招集したこと、ボストン包囲戦に参加したこと、チェリーバレー虐殺の時にロイヤリストインディアンの捕虜になり、火あぶりになるところを辛うじて免れたこと、ジョージ・ワシントン将軍の努力で捕虜から解放されたこと、終戦のときにワシントンから金の嗅ぎ煙草入れを贈られたことなどである。

独立戦争が終わった後の時代、ステイシーはパイオニアとなり、新生アメリカ合衆国の北西部領土ではアメリカ人による最初の恒久的な開拓地、現在のオハイオ州マリエッタの設立に貢献した。マリエッタのパイオニア社会で活動し、北西部領土で最初の大陪審では陪審員長を務め、領土内の法の支配を確立した。56歳の時に、スケートを履いて凍った川を30マイル (50 km) 登り、息子の2人にインディアンから攻撃の可能性があることを伝えた。実際にその数日後にビッグボトム虐殺が起こり、北西インディアン戦争が始まることになった。

ステイシーの姓の綴りは、"Stacey"、 "Stacia"、"Stacie" と様々にあるが、正しくは "Stacy" である。最後の階級である中佐 (: lieutenant colonel) を省略して、カーネル・ステイシー (: Colonel Stacy) と呼ばれることも多い。




















1778年11月11日、ロイヤリストとイギリス正規軍の兵士、モホーク族とセネカ族インディアンの混成部隊が、ウェルター・バトラーの全体指揮でチェリーバレーを下った[24][25]。オールデン大佐が敵軍接近の警告を受けたが、その警告を無視してしまった。オールデンと、ステイシーを含むその参謀は、砦から400ヤード (370 m) ほど離れた一軒家に駐屯していた[26]。マッケンドリーはその日誌でこの攻撃のことを、「直ぐにバトラー大佐とブラント大尉の指揮下に、イロコイ連邦5部族からインディアン442名と、ロイヤリスト200名が来て、本部を攻撃し、オールデン大佐を殺し、ステイシー中佐を捕虜にし、オールデン砦を攻撃したが、3時間後になっても砦を落とせず、撤退した」と記していた[27][28]。マッケンドリーはこの虐殺での犠牲者を、オールデン大佐、他に13名の兵士、30名の文民と同定していた。この事件はチェリーバレー虐殺と呼ばれるようになり、独立戦争の中でも最大級に恐ろしいフロンティアでの虐殺と言われるようになった[29]。マッケンドリーはその3か月後、1779年2月12日の記述で、あるインディアンから捕虜になっているウィリアム・ステイシーに関する報告を受け取ったと記している。ステイシーは明らかに仲間の軍人を安心させようと気を配っており、「ステイシー中佐について知り得たことはうまくやっているということであり、精神状態も良好だということだった。これは戦争の運に過ぎないので気にしないようにと彼に伝えた」ということだった[30]








オハイオ領土の開拓の時に、ステイシーの息子たちの中から2人がパイオニアの小さな集団に加わり、マスキンガム川のマリエッタより上流、ビッグボトムと呼ばれる良い農地となりそうな土地に開拓地の設立を試みた。1790年12月下旬、ステイシーはスケートを履いて凍った川を30マイル (50 km) 登り、息子の2人にインディアンから攻撃の可能性があることを伝えた。その心配は、数日後の1791年1月2日に起きたビッグボトム虐殺で現実のものになった。これが北西インディアン戦争の始まりを告げた。この虐殺事件で12人が殺され、その中にはステイシーの息子であるジョンも入っていた。もう一人の息子であるフィルモンが捕虜に取られ、その後に死亡した[52][53][54][55][56]




  1. ^ Lemonds, Col. William Stacy, 13, 15, 61.
  2. ^ Lemonds, Col. William Stacy, 61. (The William Stacy plaque in New Salem shows dates of 1733-1804, and the William Stacy marker in Marietta shows 1730-1802.)
  3. ^ Lemonds, Col. William Stacy, 15-16.
  4. ^ a b c Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, Vol 14, 796, 804-5.
  5. ^ a b Barber, Historical Collections...of Every Town in Massachusetts, 264–65.
  6. ^ a b Smithsonian American Art Museum, New Salem Lt. Col. William Stacy Monument, Smithsonian link at Stacy Monument.
  7. ^ a b Hunting, "Plaque Honoring William Stacy", Enterprise and Journal newspaper, October 4, 1956.
  8. ^ Hunting, "Donor Attends Unveiling of Stacy Plaque", Enterprise and Journal newspaper, October 11, 1956.
  9. ^ Blake, Anecdotes of the American Revolution, 200–02
  10. ^ a b New Salem Sesqui-Centennial and History of the Town, 21.
  11. ^ Lemonds, Col. William Stacy, 99-100.
  12. ^ a b Frothingham, History of the Siege of Boston, 136, 183.
  13. ^ Frothingham, Battle-Field of Bunker Hill, 38–9.
  14. ^ Ketchum, Decisive Day, 146.
  15. ^ Ketchum, Decisive Day, 163.
  16. ^ Ketchum, Decisive Day, 172–74.
  17. ^ Frothingham, History of the Siege of Boston, 183.
  18. ^ Dean, New England Historical & Genealogical Register, 1895,Vol XLIX, 203-04.
  19. ^ New Salem Sesqui-Centennial and History of the Town, 49.
  20. ^ Heitman, Officers of the Continental Army, 38.
  21. ^ Stone, Life of Joseph Brant, 372, 374, 386–87.
  22. ^ Heitman, Officers of the Continental Army, 37, 513.
  23. ^ Young, Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. II – Second Series, 1855–1886, 449.
  24. ^ Graymont, The Iroquois in the American Revolution, 184.
  25. ^ Kelsay, Joseph Brant, 229.
  26. ^ Barr, Unconquered: The Iroquois League at War in Colonial America, 153.
  27. ^ Young, Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. II – Second Series, 1855–1886, 449-50.
  28. ^ Ketchum, History of Buffalo, 322. McKendry incorrectly placed John Butler and Joseph Brant in command of the force.
  29. ^ Murray, Smithsonian Q & A: The American Revolution, 64.
  30. ^ Young, Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. II – Second Series, 1855–1886, 452.
  31. ^ Barker, Recollections of the First Settlement of Ohio, 35.
  32. ^ Beardsley, Reminiscences, 463.
  33. ^ Hildreth, Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio, 405-6.
  34. ^ Moore, Masonic Review, Vol XI, 306-07.
  35. ^ Drake, Memorials of the Society of Cincinnati, 465–67.
  36. ^ Zimmer, "Colonel Stacy defies odds", Marietta Times newspaper, March 21, 1994.
  37. ^ a b Campbell, Annals of Tryon County; or, the Border Warfare of New-York during the Revolution, 110–11, 181-82.
  38. ^ a b McHenry, Rebel Prisoners at Quebec 1778-1783, 10, 34.
  39. ^ Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Seventh Series, Vol. V., 60, 324.
  40. ^ Sparks, Writings of George Washington, Vol VII, 211.
  41. ^ Acts and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1890 edition), 789.
  42. ^ Lemonds, Col. William Stacy, p. 27.
  43. ^ History of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, Vol. II, 668.
  44. ^ Stacy, Memoirs of the Life of Nathaniel Stacy, 24, 34.
  45. ^ Hildreth, Pioneer History, 226.
  46. ^ Edes and Darlington, Journal and Letters of Col. John May, 70–1.
  47. ^ Zimmer, True Stories of Pioneer Times, 18.
  48. ^ Hulbert, Proceedings of the Ohio Company, Volume I, xliv, cxxxi, 117, 131.
  49. ^ Hulbert, Proceedings of the Ohio Company, Volume II, 2, 50, 56, 147, 202, 241.
  50. ^ Cutler, Life and Times of Ephraim Cutler, 202–03.
  51. ^ Sparks, Writings of George Washington, Vol IX, 385.
  52. ^ Zimmer, More True Stories from Pioneer Valley, 92–101.
  53. ^ Lane, Ode to the Big Bottom Massacre.
  54. ^ Lemonds, Col. William Stacy, 47.
  55. ^ Pritchard, "Area man discovers long roots", Marietta A.M. newspaper, July 24, 1994.
  56. ^ Hildreth, Pioneer History, 434.
  57. ^ Hildreth, Pioneer History, 326.
  58. ^ Lemonds, Col. William Stacy, 37.
  59. ^ Hildreth, Pioneer History, 273, 334.
  60. ^ Summers, History of Marietta, 81.
  61. ^ Summers, History of Marietta, 294–95.
  62. ^ Lemonds, Col. William Stacy, pp. 57–8.
  63. ^ Beach, A Pioneer College, 12.
  64. ^ Hildreth, Pioneer History, 233.
  65. ^ Andrews, History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio, 879-80.
  66. ^ DAR, American Monthly, Vol. 16 (Jan-Jun 1900), 329.


  • Acts and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1890 edition, Wright and Potter Printing Company, Boston (1890) p. 789.
  • Andrews, Martin R.: History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois (1902) pp. 879–80.
  • Barber, John Warner: Historical Collections, being a General Collection of Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to the History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts, with Geographical Descriptions, Dorr, Howland, & Co., Worcester, Massachusetts (1841) chapter on Franklin County, section on New Salem, pp. 264–65. The 1844 edition of this historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Historical Collections of Massachusetts.
  • Barber, John Warner: Historical Collections of the State of New York, containing a General Collection of the Most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities, with Geographical Descriptions of Every Township in the State, S. Tuttle, New York (1842) pp. 442–43. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Historical Collections of New York.
  • Barker, Joseph: Recollections of the First Settlement of Ohio, Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio (1958) p. 35; original manuscript written late in Joseph Barker's life, prior to his death in 1843.
  • Barr, Daniel (2006). Unconquered: the Iroquois League at War in Colonial America. Westport, CT: Praeger. ISBN 978-0-275-98466-3. OCLC 260132653 
  • Beach, Arthur: A Pioneer College: The Story of Marietta, John F. Cuneo Co., Marietta, Ohio (1935) p. 12.
  • Beardsley, Levi: Reminiscences; Personal and Other Incidents; Early Settlement of Otsego County, Charles Vinten, New York (1852) p. 463. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Early Settlement of Otsego County.
  • Blake, John Lauris: Anecdotes of the American Revolution, Alexander V. Blake, New York (1845) pp. 200–02.
  • Bradford, Alden: History of Massachusetts, From 1764, to July, 1775: When General Washington took Command of the American Army, Richardson and Lord, Boston (1822) Chapter XVI (including the Bunker Hill Battle), pp. 382–83. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at History of Massachusetts.
  • Campbell, William W.: Annals of Tryon County; or, the Border Warfare of New-York during the Revolution, J. & J. Harper, New York (1831) pp. 110–11, 182. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Annals of Tryon County.
  • Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Seventh Series, Vol. V., Boston (1905) pp. 60, 324. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
  • Cruikshank, Ernest: Butler's Rangers and the Settlement of Niagara, Tribune Printing House, Welland, Ontario, Canada (1893) p. 58. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Butler’s Rangers.
  • Cutler, Julia Perkins: Life and Times of Ephraim Cutler, Robert Clarke and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio (1890) pp. 23–4, 202–03. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Life and Times of Ephraim Cutler.
  • Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR): American Monthly, Vol. 16, Jan-Jun 1900, R. R. Bowker Co., New York (1900) p. 329 (re/Mound Cemetery).
  • Dean, John Ward (Editor): The New England Historical & Genealogical Register, 1895,Vol XLIX, Boston (1895) in the section entitled 'Captain William Meacham at Bunker Hill,' p. 203-04.
  • Drake, Francis S.: Memorials of the Society of Cincinnati of Massachusetts, Boston (1873) pp. 465–67. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Memorials of the Society of Cincinnati.
  • Edes, Richard S. and Darlington, William M.: Journal and Letters of Col. John May, Robert Clarke and Co, Cincinnati, Ohio (1873), pp. 70–1. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Journal and Letters of Col. John May.
  • Frothingham, Jr., Richard: History of the Siege of Boston and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, Second Edition, published by Charles C. Little and James Brown, Boston (1851) Chapters V and VII, regarding the Bunker Hill Battle, p. 136 (re/Woodbridge's regiment) and p. 183 (re/Stacy). This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Siege of Boston.
  • Frothingham, Jr., Richard: The Battle-Field of Bunker Hill, a paper communicated to the Massachusetts Historical Society, June 10, 1875, Boston (1876) in a section regarding 'Extracts from an Orderly Book,' pp. 38–9. This historical paper is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Battle Field of Bunker Hill.
  • Graymont, Barbara (1972). The Iroquois in the American Revolution. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. ISBN 0-8156-0083-6 
  • Harvey, Arthur: Transactions of the Canadian Institute, Vol. IV 1892–93, Copp, Clark Company, Toronto (1895) pp. 288, 291. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Transactions of the Canadian Institute.
  • Hawley, Owen: Mound Cemetery, Marietta, Ohio, Washington County Historical Society, Marietta, Ohio (1996).
  • Heitman, Francis B.: Officers of the Continental Army during the War of the Revolution, Rare Book Shop Publishing Co., Washington, D.C. (1914) pp. 36–38, 514. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Officers of the Continental Army.
  • Hildreth, S. P.: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio, H. W. Derby and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio (1852) pp. 401–7.
  • Hildreth, S. P.: Pioneer History: Being an Account of the First Examinations of the Ohio Valley, and the Early Settlement of the Northwest Territory, H. W. Derby and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio (1848) pp. 226, 233, 273, 326–27, 333–34, 432–34, 439. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Early Settlement of the Northwest Territory.
  • History of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, Vol. II, Louis H. Everts, Philadelphia (1879) chapter on New Salem, section on Revolutionary Reminiscences, p. 668. (This book erroneously reports that Col. Stacy was killed by Indians near Marietta, Ohio; it was actually Col. Stacy's son John who was killed by Indians at Big Bottom near Marietta.)
  • Holland, Josiah Gilbert: History of Western Massachusetts, the Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire, Vol. I-Parts I and II, Samuel Bowles and Company, Springfield, Massachusetts (1855) Chapter XV, p. 214. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at History of Western Massachusetts.
  • Hulbert, Archer Butler: The Records of the Original Proceedings of the Ohio Company, Volume I, Marietta Historical Commission, Marietta, Ohio (1917) pp. xliv, cxxxi, 117, 131. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Ohio Company, Volume I.
  • Hulbert, Archer Butler: The Records of the Original Proceedings of the Ohio Company, Volume II, Marietta Historical Commission, Marietta, Ohio (1917) pp. 2, 50, 56, 147, 202, 241. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Ohio Company, Volume II.
  • Hunting, Beatrice Fay: "Plaque Honoring William Stacy to be Uncovered Tomorrow at New Salem", Enterprise and Journal newspaper, Orange, Massachusetts (October 4, 1956).
  • Hunting, Beatrice Fay: "Donor Attends Unveiling of Stacy Plaque at New Salem", Enterprise and Journal newspaper, Orange, Massachusetts (October 11, 1956).
  • Kelsay, Isabel Thompson (1986). Joseph Brant, 1743–1807, Man of Two Worlds. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. ISBN 978-0-8156-0208-8. OCLC 13823422 
  • Ketchum, Richard M.: Decisive Day, the Battle for Bunker Hill, Henry Holt and Company, Owl Books Edition, New York (1999). ISBN 0-8050-6099-5
  • Ketchum, William: An Authentic and Comprehensive History of Buffalo, with some account of Its Early Inhabitants both Savage and Civilized, Rockwell, Baker, and Hill, Buffalo, New York (1864) p. 322. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at History of Buffalo.
  • Lane, Eula Rogers: Ode to the Big Bottom Massacre, Richardson Printing, Marietta, Ohio (1975).
  • Lemonds, Leo L.: Col. William Stacy – Revolutionary War Hero, Cornhusker Press, Hastings, Nebraska (1993). ISBN 0-933909-09-8
  • Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, Vol 14, online database, The Generations Network Inc., Provo, Utah (1998); original data from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, Vol. 14, Wright and Potter Printing Co., Boston (1896), pp. 796 (William Stacey), 804-5 (William Stacy).
  • McHenry, Chris: Rebel Prisoners at Quebec 1778-1783, Being a List of American Prisoners Held by the British during the Revolutionary War, Lawrenceburg, Indiana (1981).
  • Moore, C.: The Masonic Review, Volume XI, C. Moore, Cincinnati, Ohio (1854) pp. 306–07.
  • Moore, Frank: Diary of the American Revolution from Newspapers and Original Documents, Vol II, Charles Scribner, New York (1860), pp. 104–05. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at American Revolution from Original Documents.
  • Murray, Stuart A. P.: Smithsonian Q & A: The American Revolution, HarperCollins Publishers by Hydra Publishing, New York (2006) p. 64.
  • New Salem Sesqui-Centennial and History of the Town 1903, Athol, Massachusetts (1904) pp. 21, 49. (This book erroneously reports that Col. Stacy was killed by Indians near Marietta, Ohio; it was actually Col. Stacy's son John who was killed by Indians at Big Bottom near Marietta.) This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at New Salem Sesquicentennial.
  • Pritchard, Joan: "Area man discovers long roots", Marietta A.M. newspaper, Parkersburg, West Virginia (July 24, 1994) p. 1., including article text, photo, and photo caption.
  • Public Papers of George Clinton, First Governor of New York, Vol. IV, James B. Lyon, Albany, New York (1900) pp. 286, 292–93. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Public Papers of George Clinton.
  • Sparks, Jared: The Writings of George Washington, Vol. VII, Harper and Brothers, New York (1847) p. 211. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at George Washington Vol VII.
  • Sparks, Jared: The Writings of George Washington, Vol. IX, Harper and Brothers, New York (1847) p. 385. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at George Washington Vol. IX.
  • Stacy, Nathaniel: Memoirs of the Life of Nathaniel Stacy, Abner Vedder, Columbus, Pennsylvania (1850) pp. 24, 34.
  • Stone, William L.: Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) including the Border Wars of the American Revolution, J. Munsell, Albany, New York (1865) pp. 372, 374, 386–87. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea).
  • Summers, Thomas J.: History of Marietta, The Leader Publishing Co., Marietta, Ohio (1903) pp. 81, 100–02, 294–95. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at History of Marietta.
  • Swett, S.: History of Bunker Hill Battle, With a Plan, Second Edition, Munroe and Francis, Boston (1826) 'Preliminary Chapter' p. 5 (re/Stacy), and chapter 'The Battle' p. 30 (re/Woodbridge's regiment). This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at History of Bunker Hill Battle.
  • Young, Edward J.: Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. II – Second Series, 1855–1886, University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1886) section entitled Journal of William McKendry, pp. 436–78. This historical book is available online via the Google Books Library Project at Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
  • Zimmer, Louise: "Colonel Stacy defies odds of survival", Marietta Times newspaper, Marietta, Ohio (March 21, 1994) p. B5.
  • Zimmer, Louise: More True Stories from Pioneer Valley, published by Sugden Book Store, Marietta, Ohio (1993) chapter 10 entitled Massacre at Big Bottom, pp. 92–101.
  • Zimmer, Louise: True Stories of Pioneer Times, published by Broughton Foods company, Marietta, Ohio (1987) chapter 4 entitled The First Families p. 18.

