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新制度派経済学(しんせいどはけいざいがく、英: New institutional economics)とは、不確実な環境のもとでの合理的な個人の行動を理論化することを通じて、人々の経済活動を支える社会的規範や法的規則などの制度的側面を解明すべく、経済学の対象と方法を拡張しようとする現代経済学の潮流である。
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- Coase,R.H.(1988),The Firm, The Market,and The Law,Illinois:The University of Chicago.
- 宮沢健一・後藤 晃・藤垣芳文訳『企業・市場・法』東洋経済新報社 1992年
- Douma,S. and Schreuder,H.(1991), Economic Approaches to Organizations,UK:Prentice Hall International Ltd.
- 岡田和秀・渡部直樹・丹沢安治・菊沢研宗訳『組織の経済学入門』文眞堂 1994年
- D.Besanko,D.Dranove,M.Shanley(1996), Economics of Strategy,New York : John Wiley.
- 奥村・大林 他訳『戦略の経済学』ダイヤモンド社 2002年
- Eggertsson,T.(1990), Economic Behavior and Institutions,New York:Cambridge University Press.
- 竹下公視訳『制度の経済学(上・下)』晃洋書房 1996年
- North,C.N.(1990),Institutions,Institutional Change and Economic Performance.New York:Cambridge University Press.
- 竹下公視訳『制度・制度変化・経済成果』晃洋書房 1994年
- Milgrom,P. and Roberts,J.(1992),Economics, Organization, and Management,New Jersey:Prentice Hall.
- 奥野・伊藤他訳『組織の経済学』NTT出版 1997年
- Picot,A.,Dietl,H.and E.Frank (1997), Organization,Stuttgart:Schaffer-Poeschel Verlag.
- 丹沢安治・榊原研互・田川克生・小山明宏・渡辺敏雄・宮城徹訳『新制度派経済学による組織入門』白桃書房 1999年
- Williamson,O.E.(1975),Markets and Hierarchies:Analysis and Antitrust Implica-tions,New York:The Free Press.
- 浅沼萬里・岩崎晃訳『市場と企業組織』日本評論社 1980年
- 柳川 範之(2000)『契約と組織の経済学』東洋経済新報社
- 菊澤 研宗 (2006)『組織の経済学入門—新制度派経済学アプローチ』有斐閣
- 菊澤 研宗編(2006)『業界分析 組織の経済学ー新制度派経済学の応用』中央経済社
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- Oliver E. Williamson (September, 2000). "The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead" Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 38, pp. 595-613.
- North, Douglass C. (1993 working paper). "New Institutional Economics and Development".
- North, Douglass C. (1997). "Understanding Economic Change", in Transforming Post-Communist Political Economies, Joan M. Nelson, Charles Tilly and Lee Walker, eds., Washington D. C.: National Academy Press. pp. 13-18.
- Eggertsson, T. (2005). "Imperfect Institutions. Opportunities and Limits of Reform". University of Michigan Press.
- Menard, Cl. (Ed.) (2004), "The International Library of the New Institutional Economics" (7 vols.). Edwar Elgar, Cheltenham.
- Menard C. and Shirley, M. (eds.) (2005). "Handbook of New Institutional Economics". Edwar Elgar, Cheltenham.
- North, D.C. (2005). "Understanding the Process of Institutional Change". Princeton University Press.
- Toboso, F. (2001). "Institutional Individualism and Institutional Change: the Search For a Middle Way Mode of Explanation", Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 25, n.6, November, pp. 765-784.
- Toboso, F. and Arias, X.C. (eds.) (2006). "Organizing Governments and Markets. Some Case Studies from a NIE Perpective". PUV-Universitat de València, (Edited jointly with the Universidad de Vigo). (In Spanish)
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- Introduction to new institutional economics
- ISNIE - International Society for New Institutional Economics.
- ESNIE - European School on New Institutional Economics.
- Introductory Reading List in New Institutional Economics - The Ronald Coase Institute
- IRIS Center - Founded by Mancur Olson, University of Maryland.
- Contracting and Organizations Research CenterUniversity of Missouri
- Economics and Institutions WEBSITE - by prof. F. Toboso, University of Valencia, Spain.