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This photo was created by Uwe Aranas . It is protected by law and is not in the Public Domain . However, it can be used free of charge by everyone under the terms of the license stated below.
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- The image is credited with "Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas / CC-BY-SA-3.0" or alternatively with "© CEphoto, Uwe Aranas / CC-BY-SA-3.0" . If this is not possible due to shortage of space, please contact me first .
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帰属: Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas or alternatively © CEphoto, Uwe Aranas
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日付と時刻 サムネイル 寸法 利用者 コメント
現在の版 2012年10月14日 (日) 10:47 1,800 × 1,200 (1.69メガバイト) Cccefalon =={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |description={{en|1=Tawau, Sabah: View of Town from 5th floor of LA Hotel}} |date=2012-07-27 |source={{own}} |author=CEphoto, Uwe Aranas |permission= |other_versions= |other_fields={{User:Cccefalon/...
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