
ファイル:J. Bruce Ismay being questioned by Senate Investigating Committee.jpg


元のファイル (3,296 × 2,128 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 2.02メガバイト、MIME タイプ: image/jpeg)


English: J. Bruce Ismay (hand to his face) being questioned by Senate Investigating Committee

Identifier: wrecksinkingofti00ever (find matches)
Title: Wreck and sinking of the Titanic : the ocean's greatest disaster : a graphic and thrilling account of the sinking of the greatest floating palace ever built, carrying down to watery graves more than 1,500 souls : giving exciting excape from death and acts of heroism not equalled in ancient or modern times, told by the survivors ; edited by Marshall Everett
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Everett, Marshall
Subjects: Titanic (Steamship) Shipwrecks
Publisher: (S.l. : L.H. Walter)
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University

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Text Appearing Before Image:
one thing was death. Prison could notstop his career, the anger of royalty could not checkhim, the deafening roar of a nations displeasure causedhim only to smile grimly and still keep on at what he hadchosen to do. He was born into the home of a Congregationalminister on July 5, 1849, at Embleton, Northumber-land, England. The father was a poor man. He had alarge family. The boys lot was a hard one. His childlife was prosaic—and yet in everything, to him, therewas a bit of a finer appeal, a wonderful yearning to findout the why of things, to know the reason for thebeing of this world, to remedy that which seemed wrong. At 14 entered poverty, stalking, ghastly poverty. Aposition was open as errand boy in a merchants office.The salary was 4 shillings a week. All except 3 pence,,or 6 cents a week, went toward the support of thefamily. The rest he could spend as he wished—6 cents t Instead William T. Stead hoarded it, with a pur-pose, a goal that comes only from ambition. There were
Text Appearing After Image:
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


作者 Internet Archive Book Images
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Flickr tags
  • bookid:wrecksinkingofti00ever
  • bookyear:1912
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Everett__Marshall
  • booksubject:Titanic__Steamship_
  • booksubject:Shipwrecks
  • bookpublisher:_S_l____L_H__Walter_
  • bookcontributor:Harold_B__Lee_Library
  • booksponsor:Brigham_Young_University
  • bookleafnumber:152
  • bookcollection:americana
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