解説DruceIllustrationsAfricanLycaenidaePlate3.jpg |
English: Druce, H. H. 1910 Illustrations of African Lycaenidae : being photographic representations of type
specimens contained in the Imperial Zooloical Museum at Berlin. London, H.H. Druce.
- Fig 1, 1a Liptena margarita Suffert. Iris xvii, p. 51, 1904. Lolodorf. An example of the well-known L. libyssa Hew. Exot. Butt. Pentila and Liptena, t. 1, f. 5. 6 (1866), and must be sunk as a synonym.[=Falcuna margarita (Suffert, 1904) Poritiinae]
- Fig. 2, 2a.Liptena augusta Suffert. Iris xvii, p. 50, 1904. Cameroons.Described and well figured In- M. Mabille, Anns. Ent. Soc. Fr. ser. 6,v. 10, p. 23, pi. 2, f. 2 (1890) under the name alluaudi, which name of course takes precedence.[= Liptena augusta Suffert, 1904 Poritiinae]
- Fig. 3, 3a Epitola mus Suffert. Iris xvii, p. 50, 1904. Suffert his xvii, p. 53. Cameroons [= Epitola catuna Kirby, 1890 Cephetola catuna (Kirby, 1890) Poritiinae]
- Fig. 4, 4a. Epitola mercedes Suffert. Iris xvii, p. 53, 1904. Cameroons.= [Cephetola mercedes (Suffert, 1904) Poritiinae]
- Fig. 5, 5a Epitola concepcion Suffert. Iris xvii, p. 54, 1904. Cameroons.[= Geritola concepcion (Suffert, 1904) Poritiinae]
- Fig. 6, 6a Cupido soalalicus Karsch. Ent. Nachr, xxvi, 1900, p. 369. West Madagascar.Appears to be closely allied to Azantis jesous Guer, as stated by Dr. Karsch. [= Azanus soalalicus Karsch,1900 Polyommatinae]
- Fig. 7, 7a Lachnocnema brimo Karsch. B.E.Z. 38, p. 217 (1893). Bismarkburg.[Lachnocnema brimomKarsch, 1893 Miletinae]
- Fig. 8, 8a Cupido kontu Karsch. B.E.Z. 38, p. 227 (1893). Bismarkburg.Treated by Professor Aurivilius as a variety of C. (Castalius) carana Hew.Exot Butt,, Lyc. t. if 6 (1876) [=Tuxentius carana kontu Polyommatinae] (Karsch, 1893)