


DART-impact-SAAO-Lesedi-Mookodi.gif (234 × 234 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 2.85メガバイト、MIME タイプ: image/gif、ループします、46 フレーム、9.2秒)


English: Although not as finely detailed, a similar view from the South African Astronomical Observatory’s Lesedi telescope provides long parallax and thus an opportunity for astronomers to study the evolution of the plume in stereo.

NASA’s DART spacecraft sped toward its inevitable demise against the blocky surface of Dimorphos, most space fans’ eyes were on the NASA Television feed of DART spacecraft photos, streamed to Earth at a rate of one per second. Dimorphos and its larger companion Didymos resolved into worlds with fascinating surfaces covered with gullies and angular blocks. Then, this morning, the Italian Space Agency shared the first photos from DART’s companion LICIAcube minisatellite: before-and-after images of the impact crash.

But DART and LICIAcube weren’t the only cameras watching the impact. Around the world, astronomers pointed telescopes at the pinpoint of light from the Didymos system, hoping to catch an impact flash. “What we should see with telescopes on the ground is a dot in the sky that should, suddenly, increase in brightness,” the European Space Agency (ESA) predicted in a pre-impact press release about the ground-based observing campaign. Their hopes were rewarded — and then some.

I, Chinakpradhan (トーク) mailed SAAO and they replied, "We are happy to send the files for being uploaded, as long as there is credit: Dr Nicolas Erasmus (SAAO) and Amanda Sickafoose (Planetary Science Institute) using the Mookodi instrument on the SAAO's 1-m Lesedi telescope.

Regards SAAO Science Engagement Team"

(the files were sent as attachment)
作者 Dr Nicolas Erasmus (SAAO) and Amanda Sickafoose (Planetary Science Institute) using the Mookodi instrument on the (South African Astronomical Observatory) SAAO's 1-m Lesedi telescope.


今日のメディア このファイルは、2022年12月02日の今日のメディアに選ばれました。その際の説明文は以下の通りでした。
English: The impact of Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft's intentional collision with asteroid Dimorphos and its corresponding plumule as seen by using the Mookodi instrument on the SAAO's 1-m Lesedi telescope. NASA's first flight mission for planetary defense, DART seeks to test and validate a method to protect Earth in case of an asteroid impact threat.
Other languages
Čeština: Dopad sondy DART - úmyslné srážky kosmické lodi s asteroidem Dimorphos pozorovaný 1-m teleskopem Mookodi na observatoři SAAO. První plánovaná mise agentury NASA s cílem otestovat a ověřit metodu ochrany Země v případě hrozby dopadu asteroidu.
English: The impact of Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft's intentional collision with asteroid Dimorphos and its corresponding plumule as seen by using the Mookodi instrument on the SAAO's 1-m Lesedi telescope. NASA's first flight mission for planetary defense, DART seeks to test and validate a method to protect Earth in case of an asteroid impact threat.
Эрзянь: Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) космосонь венченть Dimorphos астероидэнть марто вачкодемазо. DART — те NASA-нь ливтнема миссиясь, кона вансты минек Моданть астероидтнэнь эйстэ.
Slovenščina: Učinek namernega trka sonde DART z asteroidom Dimorfos in posledična pumula, kot ju je pisnel instrument Mookodi na 1-metrskem teleskopu Lesedi Južnoafriškega astronomskega observatorija. Kot Nasina prva poletna misija obrambe planeta je sonda DART poskušala potrditi in preveriti način za zaščito Zemlje pred morebitno grožnjo trka asteroida.
Українська: Вплив навмисного зіткнення космічного корабля з астероїдом Діморф та його відповідним шлейфом під час тестування подвійного перенаправлення астероїдів (DART), як видно за допомогою інструменту Mookodi на 1-му телескопі «Lesedi» обсерваторії SAAO. Перша польотна місія НАСА для планетарного захисту, DART, спрямована на випробування та перевірку методу захисту Землі у разі загрози зіткнення з астероїдом.


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現在の版2022年11月22日 (火) 07:252022年11月22日 (火) 07:25時点における版のサムネイル234 × 234 (2.85メガバイト)ChinakpradhanUploaded a work by Dr Nicolas Erasmus (SAAO) and Amanda Sickafoose (Planetary Science Institute) using the Mookodi instrument on the SAAO's 1-m Lesedi telescope. from I, Chinakpradhan (<span class="signature-talk">{{int:Talkpagelinktext}}</span>) mailed SAAO and they replied, "''We are happy to send the files for eing uploaded, as long as there is credit: Dr Nicolas Erasmus (SAAO) and Amanda Sickafoose (Planetary Science Institute) using...



