This media is a faithful reproduction of a portion of the Instituto Moreira Salles collection not yet under public domain. It was uploaded as a result of a GLAM partnership between Instituto Moreira Salles and Wiki Movimento Brasil. The Instituto Moreira Salles (in English: Moreira Salles Institute) is a non-profit cultural institution founded by the diplomat and banker Walter Moreira Salles in 1992. IMS currently has headquarters in Poços de Caldas, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. The intitute actively acts on dissemination and research of its important photography, music, literature and iconography collections.
Attribution in English: Artists or photographer's names / Instituto Moreira Salles Attribution in Portuguese: Nomes dos artistas e/ou fotógrafos / Instituto Moreira Salles
Uploaded a work by Bisilliat, Maureen from {{Derived from|Clarice Lispector por Maureen Bisilliat em agosto de 1969. Acervo IMS.jpg|display=50}} with UploadWizard